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Posts posted by macabi
Every day that I play there is an issue with some PvP games (Ranked and Unranked) that I play that don't count towards the "Play any Game Mode" Quest.
Today for example, both Ranked PvP games that I played didn't count towards this quest.
I lost both games after 7-8 minutes each.
Attached are the logs.
1 minute ago, Kubik said:
numbers in DB says: 19,620509831289177426671978709049% is actual state (from 1 121 979 opened boosters)
Thank you for the info.
There is no need to wait that long when the difference is almost 3 times.
12 hours ago, Magnamuz said:
Something similar here.
So far I got close to 30 boosters.
Yet, I only earned two ultra rare cards.
That is around 7%-8%, NOT 19.5%.
Perhaps the developers can look into that?
Very often upon completion of PvE campaign game, when I go to the PvP area for Ranked PvP game, both 1v1 and 2v2 option are NOT selectable, making it impossible to play PvP game.
The same is true for Unranked games where the "create game" button is gray (not selectable).
At that point I have to log out and log back in to be able to play PvP.
It already happened to me a few times today.
While upgrading my cards the game crashes to desktop,
Attached is the latest log for such crash.
On 2/3/2020 at 12:24 AM, Kubik said:
if you will give me reprodiction steps that have some realistic chance (at least 1 of 10) I will give you 1`000`000 gold
I was able to reproduce the zero gold bug.
This was Unranked 2v2 PvP where I was the first player to call it quit and get out of the game.
That is exactly what happen the last time I played two Unranked 2v2 PvP games where I was the first player to quit.
All other combinations (win, or quit second) gave me gold.
So please try this scenario (1 million gold will help reduce my repeated losses
Log attached.
I logged off the game immediately after I saw the zero gold.
I have been trying to play 2v2 Unranked games every day but I cannot find any players who want to join.
I managed to play only one 2v2 Unranked game since February 3rd, where I lost the game but I was the second player to quit the game after my team player.
I got the gold in that game.
So I will keep trying to play 2v2 unranked PvP games in order to re-produce the "no gold" bug.
In the meantime, please try to promote the game so we can have more PvP players.
Right now the PvP arena is empty most of the time.
13 hours ago, Kubik said:
It's very possible that players who are ranked higher have easier time to find a ranked PvP game because of his high rank (since higher rank players play more often).
However, I rank low so for me it's almost impossible.
Also, it's very possible that this player have a few friends who he is coordinating the time to play.
I don't have a friend I can coordinate with.
If you want more PvP feedback then PvP games should be going on all the time.
LagOps likes this -
Every day I try to play 1v1 ranked PvP games at different hours and no one joins.
I even wait for 5 minutes, and still no one joins.
Unranked games are the same story most of the time.
I normally see 30-40 players online at peek hours, that's it.
So I wanted to bring this issue to the developers attention.
Please, we need more players.
With more players you would get more feedback for PvP games.
Thank you,
15 hours ago, Kubik said:
if you will give me reprodiction steps that have some realistic chance (at least 1 of 10) I will give you 1`000`000 gold
Very generous of you :).
I played 2 unranked 1v1 PvP games today and lost them both, and still got the gold when I quit.
As far as I remember the games where I got no gold were 2v2 PvP unranked games where I was the first player to quit the game.
Next time I play 2v2 games I will try to quit first and see if that reproduces the bug.
11 minutes ago, Kubik said:
this is interesting, up untill now no one was able to tell what was special about the match when they did not get gold.
Can you please retest it and confirm if you can reproduce it.
And lose more gold? lol
Sure, why not.
In any case, it doesn't happen every single time.
I am not sure I understand the meaning of "Multiplayer PvE Maps"
Which maps qualify for this category?
No, I think it was the game before the last one.
I then played another game and then got the quest reward.
By the way, I noticed that when it looks like I am losing Unranked PvP game, and I concede the game by exiting it back to the forge, then I don't get any gold.
However, if I delete all my remaining orbs and wells to force a loss then I do get the gold.
That is NOT how it is supposed to work, right?
Quitting the game should still give some gold.
Disconnected while being in the Forge
One of my PvP games didn't count towards the daily quests
Also didn't get gold from 1 unranked PvP game.
The same game wasn't counted towards fulfilling a quest.
That day I believe I played 5 PvP games (ranked and unranked) but I received gold only from 3 out of 5 games.
2 PvP games gave me zero gold.
5 hours ago, fiki574 said:
No advertisements or moves until we hit Open Beta.
Do you have a rough idea/estimate when the Open Beta may start?
I am sure you don't want to commit so I wonder if it is going to happen this year or next year?
10 hours ago, Kubik said:
In your documents folder is folder Battleforge, and inside that is folder Diag with logs.
Well actively searching for players is double edge weapon, because 60% players experience crashes, based on recent questionnaire. So if new player join and will not be able to finish single game because of crashes he might leave and never come back, and even create negative advertisement for us because of that. And many people do not care if the game is in alpha, beta, or release stage the bad reviews will stay forever.
And if 60% have crashes and 2% send at least some logs...
I get your point.
However, I am still convinced we need more players since it's very hard to find PvP or PvE games.
90% of the time I wait for 5+ minutes for ranked PvP game and nobody shows up.
Unranked PvP is also empty most of the time.
Back in the Battleforge days I enjoyed PvP the most and 3v3 were a blast.
So NOT being able to play PvP is a discouragement.
Therefore, I hope the development team advertised the game a little more so we can add a few more players to the beta phase.
6 hours ago, Kubik said:
Well I actually speak with few and they said they do not want to publish it until there will be final release date.
I did not even ask them to, it was one of first things they tell me.
Is there any reason I am not avare of why should we get more players before release?
to who did you send logs for those disconnects?
You are more lucky than you know if you really have only few disconnects.
Currently it's very hard to find players to join a co-up PvE campaign or random PvE.
It's also hard to find players to join PvP games.
So if the developers want more problem logs to be sent to them than we need more players.
I have been playing couple of hours every day for the past two weeks and I have experience only one disconnect during a game when I had to step out for a few minutes, that's it.
Where do I find the log with information about disconnects?
I am a big RTS fan since 2003 and I have played all the major RTS games since then.
I played Battlforge since day one when it was released in 2009 and continued to play it daily until closure in 2013.
I always read news about upcoming RTS games and I am subscribed to PC Gamer magazine.
I always watch YouTube to find out information about upcoming RTS games.
Yet, I found out about Skylords only two weeks ago.
It was mentioned briefly for about 3 seconds at the end of a 25 minute long Youtube video about upcoming RTS games.
So I have no doubt we can have many more players joining Skylords if players only knew about it.
I would highly recommend to the developers to send some press information about the game to PC Gamer magazine as well as other magazines in Europe.
They have special section after the reviews about mods and old games.
Such publicity can bring in many new gamers.
Regarding the game being in Beta, I have encounters no issues with the game other then a few Internet disconnects that kicked me out of the game.
I had similar experience with this issue when Battleforge was alive.
So in my opinion Skylords is stable enough to accept new players in great numbers (assuming the server can support that).
Emmaerzeh likes this -
I must be unlucky then - 15 boosters so far and not even one single ultra rare card.
Cannot Play PvP after PvE Game
in Resolved
This happen when I was not belong to any group.
I played PvE campaign by myself and then switched to play PvP.