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Everything posted by boohaa

  1. I Used Mana wing in PvE, 5 of them could get you T2. They were very useful against a particular type of enemy in PvE(cant remember which). A shaman backing them up from behind worked a treat!. Great card!
  2. Yes your very right I do miss my old promos and am eager to start collecting again:) We did all get a brannoc for playing BF before a certain date right? I wasn't expecting a promo Jugger, something small like a Santa. Maybe it could be redeemed a month or two after release when players have their decks established. My first thoughts when I found about BFR were of my old cards and how I could get them back, I lost a list of promos and ultras, as im sure we all did when BF closed. I greatly appreciate what the team here is trying to accomplish and I understand that the only way to get my decks back will be through months of hard work. Please forgive this old dog for chasing a bone.
  3. G'day! Boohaa from down-under here. I remember when I started with a nature deck, saved for a shaman then played the market for a deepcoil worm... such good times! There is soo much I miss about this game, and soo much to look forward to with the release of BattleForge Reborn! Cant wait to play with you all again!
  4. Will the forum members who are so patiently waiting for the release of BFR Be awarded a promo? It would be nice to get a little something.
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