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Posts posted by Shotty

  1. 15 minutes ago, GadaiGER said:

    ah im currently running 50% of the time in a full party with a culler and buffer

    While that might be the case, I doubt that saying that you are looking for those kinda things is kinda missplaced in this thread considering that most people started out recently.

  2. 23 minutes ago, GadaiGER said:

    Im looking for aurabots that tag along in end tier maps and/or IIQ chars

    So a support or a Culler. I doubt that you´ll find any of that in here. Considering most players just started out.

  3. 24 minutes ago, Lukaznid said:

    So do I, everyone is a ranger ;D

    Duelist and Scion can also run some pretty solid bow builds.
    Ranger is still the best tho, , so close to so many good Evasion clusters, it´s so awsome <3 +Herbalism and Mana Leach cluster to the right. <3

  4. I don´t know what to think of this card, it seems way better in PvE than in PvP, but I never used this.

    I´ll stick to the trend EonBen set, and suggest Girl Power, the most competetive card ever :kappa:

  5. I can see why this would be useful. BUT as of right now, I won´t be reading this. Why?`Because it´s a wall of Text. I´d rather be reading the Wikipedia entry about Albert Einstein. Add some pictures or smthg, like put some Master Archers next to Frost T1 to display their importance. It´d make the guide look soooo mch better in my opinion ;D (Yes, I can see why that would cause alot of work for ya, but writing this entire thing should have been way harder ;D)

  6. 29 minutes ago, Einarson said:

     sorry the guilds name is Metalcocks

    What did I just read? I mean, you can´t be serious. You gotta be jokeing.

    BTT; I looked at the game, and I´m just gonna stick to other games like D3 or PoE

  7. 16 minutes ago, wyrmy92 said:

    i tried using,but to be honest couple of time that innoying t1-t2 shadow-fire-lost souls push didn't allow to get to that point.-.-

    I´ve never seen T4 in PVP. Because ppl don´t ever get to that point.

  8. So. Meme´s have become a popular thing on the Internet. From the infamous "Doge" to "dat boi" . What´s your opinion on Meme´s?
    If you like Meme´s, which meme is your favourite?
    If you could create a Meme, what would it it  be like?


    First of all I gotta say, I am not the biggest friend of meme´s in general. They often just get used for way to long to remain funny. That doesn´t mean I dlslike meme´s in general tho!

    My favourite "meme" so to say would probably have to be the good old e31.jpg

    If I could create a meme, it´d probably be smthg based on Youtube recommendations. Why? Because I wonder wtf I clicked to get Ant Videos recommended to me.

  9. Just now, EonBen said:

    thanks for the advice on how to build up a collection man, I will definitely use it ;]

    Well, that´s what worked for me anyways. First I wanted to build Greninja after pulling a break Greninja in my first pack. BUT I did not because I got insulted and had many ppl rage quitting on me because of it. Seriously I got many wins early on by having enemies quit on me after they saw a Froakie.

  10. 1 minute ago, EonBen said:

    you were able to build this up in only 10 days O___o quite impressive, I must say xD and yeah, shaymin is extremely expensive and with good reason since it's a really good card. Anywy, that deck is looking pretty good ^-^

    and yeah, I might jus have to make me a new acc to start playing again, my old account only has outdated cards so I think it's better if I just restart XD (they're all back from BW) XD I'll let you know when I do here so you can add me to the list.


    Well, I also own many more EX´s , mention worhty would be 4 Rayquaza EX ( 2 from ladder, 1 tradelocked from pack , 1 tradeable)

    You get many packs from the trainer challenge(1 per enemy and 1 per theme deck you buy("killing" 11 differnt trainers will give you a pack, this only counts for basic yellow and theme decks you buy)) , from login rewards (after 3 days straight you get 5 packs to start you off) , one from the tutorial and from Quests, those can either reward Tokens or Packs.

    I also won 1 Expanded tournament which gave me 8 packs, using a version of the deck with just 2 Gardevoirs and 1 Mega (MVP vs all 3 Mewtwo players). And multiple theme deck tournaments, for those Basic blue is your best bet. Get Articuno out early if possible and just keep searching your deck, once you get the hang of it, you are pretty unlikely to loose.

    If you wanna play in Expanded every card from BW is playable there, and you get the new Free decks anyways. Btw, I think on the 22nd this month new Starter decks will exist. You should really try and unlock basic blue and basic green for play in the queue before that (just get 7 wins vs differnt trainers in the trainer challenge). Basic red is not as importatnt as basic blue  is the most popular, and you get all the cards the second you create your account.

     But you should really get that basic blue for Theme deck tournaments, it´s the second best theme deck there is. The best one (dark hammer) is unaviable to buy in the shop.

    The only "luck" I had with this entire thing was me drawing the 3 Mega Gardevoirs I own from packs. But afterall, that was the reason why I wanted to build Gardevoir anyways (and because it is my favourite pokemon)

  11. Soooooo, It´s been a while since I last posted on this. And considering @EonBen maybe is gonna join aswell, I thought I´d post my most recent decklist. Which is supposed to show how fair this game is to free players. This deck can compete wiht the Meta and just destroys Mewtwo-EX. Well then, here is the list!


    ##Pokémon - 11

    * 4 Gardevoir-EX STS 78
    * 1 M Gardevoir-EX PRC 106
    * 4 Xerneas STS 81
    * 2 M Gardevoir-EX STS 79

    ##Trainer Cards - 37

    * 1 Energy Retrieval PLB 80
    * 1 Professor Sycamore STS 114
    * 1 Pokémon Fan Club FAC 107
    * 2 Skyla BCR 134
    * 4 Trainers' Mail ROS 92
    * 2 Professor's Letter XY 123
    * 4 Gardevoir Spirit Link STS 101
    * 3 Ultra Ball DEX 102
    * 1 Lysandre FLF 90
    * 4 N DEX 96
    * 3 Fairy Garden FAC 100
    * 3 Professor Sycamore BKP 107
    * 1 Escape Rope PLS 120
    * 1 Fisherman BKT 136
    * 1 Pokémon Ranger STS 104
    * 1 Switch BCR 135
    * 2 Professor Birch's Observations PRC 134
    * 1 Town Map BCR 136
    * 1 VS Seeker PHF 109

    ##Energy - 12

    * 12 Fairy Energy Energy 9

    Total Cards - 60


    I still need to get 2-3 VS seekers a Lysandre to get this deck kinda "finished". Why only kinda? Well, this deck would really appreciate a Shaymin-EX but those are just unbeliveably expensive atm. (25+ packs)

    Considering I have only played for 10~ days this seems quite a good result for me!


  12. Mutating Maniac was always one of my favourite units designwise, since I don´t always care for effectivity, I played alot with this card. I remember it kinda being useful on the Nightmareshard. And the poison cloud was just fun to use.

  13. For anyone having trouble with deckbuilding, this guide is insane. I run a deck build using it and it can compete with very good decks like Mega Mewtwo Ex.


    replace the Super Rod with Energy Retrival if you don´t have the rod.

    Since I don´t have a second Lysander I also run a secong Energy Retrival.


    My decklist would be:

    ****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******

    ##Pokémon - 16

    * 2 Miltank FLF 83
    * 4 Snivy BCR 11
    * 1 Servine FAC 6
    * 3 Servine BCR 12
    * 1 Serperior LTR 118
    * 3 Serperior BCR 13
    * 2 Tropius ROS 12

    ##Trainer Cards - 34

    * 1 Professor Sycamore STS 114
    * 1 Skyla BCR 134
    * 2 Trainers' Mail ROS 92
    * 2 Professor's Letter XY 123
    * 1 Wally ROS 94
    * 1 Lysandre FLF 90
    * 3 N DEX 96
    * 3 Professor Sycamore BKP 107
    * 3 Shauna PHF 104
    * 1 Pokémon Fan Club FLF 94
    * 1 Escape Rope PLS 120
    * 1 Forest of Giant Plants AOR 74
    * 2 Professor Birch's Observations PRC 134
    * 2 Muscle Band XY 121
    * 4 Level Ball NXD 89
    * 3 Exp. Share NXD 87
    * 1 Switch BLW 104
    * 2 Energy Retrieval BLW 92

    ##Energy - 10

    * 4 Double Colorless Energy NXD 92
    * 6 Grass Energy Energy 1

    Total Cards - 60

    ****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******

  14. 3 minutes ago, Maze said:

    What do you mean by: "create a pretty good mix with those 2 decks" ?

    Do you mean the basic Blue XY deck, where you get new cards if you defete the NPCs?

    Yes. That together with the Theme deck is pretty strong. I have about a 70% winrate atm. It´d be higher if my one Break Greninja wouldn´t always be a price.

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