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Posts posted by Asraiel

  1. @SilenceKiller99

    On 28.3.2017 at 0:13 AM, SilenceKiller99 said:

    If you say it like that, it definitely sounds better than infinitely throwing money into the game. Eventhough I dont like the whole money idea, you convinced me that his would be one of the better ways.

    did make many changes now in the topic in order to please the F2P gamers as well and in the same way than those who wanna pay a bit for server and invironment upkeep


  2. This is the contertopic to what does you Love. so you may answer the question:

    What does you Hate or Fear?

    If its only a single thing or many doesnt matter its you peronal thing.

    To all posters if you want to respond to something that someone Hates or Fears stay in the positive section, we dont wanna se any negative respons or laughing on someones Hates or Fears for example:

    someone does Fear spiders

    so you may resond that you to fear them to

    but we dont want to see respons like: haha your a pussy or are you stupid or so. that has nothing to do with the topic at all.


    hope for many shares and maybe you find someone with the same Hate or Fear


    so i begin again: 

    I fear to walk close to a unprotected cliff. i fear of falling down by making a wrong step.

    i hate being treated as a child (only in bad meanings)

  3. Simple Topic just answer the Question:

    What do you Love?


    If its only a single thing or many doesnt matter its you peronal thing.

    To all posters if you want to respond to something that someone love stay in the positive section, we dont wanna se any negative respons on someones preferances for example:

    someone does love listening to Justin Beaver 

    so you may resond that you to love to do this 

    but we dont want to see responds like i hate him or are you stupid or so. that has nothing to do with the topic at all.


    hope for many shares and maybe you find someone with the same intrest or love 


    i make a start here:

    i Love Mars icecream and blood pumping beats

  4. @SilenceKiller99 thats perfectly fine i did post my view and for god sake theres no rule thats says everyone had to have the same

    I am 100% against some ideas that have the content in it to just buy BFP for real money. that would be for me a go back to EA. the context yeah since its only an example with no fixed numbers, its kinda funny how much people does fokus on the numbers. but the idea behind it was more that you may get additional BFP but you can not spend 1000€ at ionce to buy BFP and as well you have to log in and do every 365 days as you mentioned it the daylie quest or so in order to get this daylie reward so if u let days out u dont get anyfing 2x0=0

  5. from what ive seen in the last stream from nightrein 26.03.2017 i saw that a single boosterpack cost 50 BFP

    for my personal opinion i would prefer to get at least those 50 BFP a day or if the price changes at least as much to buy 1 booster a day only from that look out there are 540 cards and each booster has 8 so it takes 67.5 days to get 540 cards togheter aldo noone will have 1 of each card by then espacaly not rare or ultrarare because teh have only 1 spot in those 8 cards.

    personal i would even go a step further and what follows now does go into another topic:

    i would add a premium membership for (depending on how much the ifrastructure costs: server, support, ect.) 20 € for 6-12 months with the only bonus u get is 2x BFP, 2x Gold, doubble market slots, doubble mailbox size. for those who want to be faster or support the project. but as said this goes into another topic!

    would mean instead of only 1 booster a day you get 2 boosters (maybe something then for players that work and dont have so much time to play) like this post tells 2h can be a lot if you work and have rl as well

    On 7.2.2017 at 6:36 PM, Kispilka89 said:

    What do you think about this?

    You get 1 bfp for log in/day.

    +2 bfp at 30 min.

    +3 bfp for an hour.

    +4, 1:30

    +5, 2:00

    +5, 2:30

    +6, 3:00 and that would be tha cap. No more bpf for time on this day.

    So the cap is 26 bfp per day.

    This System would make the multiaccounting less potential in my opinion.Who has more then 3 hour freetime/day. + Dosen't worth to log in into another account like for 3 hour.

    Just an idea...Sorry for my poor english^^

    Weekends maybe +6 for 4:00,,+6 for 5:00? ^^ Weekend cap 38.

    and to the poster this does nothing on multis they may stay just logged in with the account and get the reward. it must be more like reward after finishing a game or mission and then as well taken away to run more accounts/games at the same time on the same computer

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