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  1. I don't understand why you decided to lower the ammount of BFP when rerolling daily quests. It makes one very reluctant to use that feature and does create those "feels bad" moments while the actual difference of 5 bfp is honestly neglegable outside of that. I know many online CCGs that do have daily quests systems like skylords, all of which do allow you to reroll a quest, but none of them lower the reward as a result. Please either give your reasoning as to why you do it this way, and reconsidder if it wouldn't be better to just keep the reward at 75 BFP.
  2. Pythe

    Some ideas

    I would actually prefer if there where less quests every day and each of them had better rewards. Currently if you don't log in every day and spend at least half an hour ingame you loose out on a lot. Also the 75 bfp you get for them feels insignificant to the daily booster reward.
  3. Nightguard starts with her ability on cooldown and has poor attack. She counters expensive units in general, usally in tier 2 but is poor against a sunderer getting spawned right net to your well.
  4. Maybe make it an L counter that passivly deals 50% more damage to units below 50% health? Gives shadow some options against Fire tier 1 rushing with a dazed sunderer.
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