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Posts posted by Ilsyde

  1. I never thought there are so many Germans out there.

    The below is from one of the unofficial FAQs created for BattleForge:

    31) What is this talk I hear about "German Primetime"?

    German prime-time is 5-10 PM CET (Central European Time). During this time you will find generally find more traffic and experienced players, since the game is most popular in Germany compared to other countries

    There are rumors on the forums that the game gives better cards from booster packs and better upgrades in loot during this time. The rational is that the game is made by Germans (Phenomic is a German branch of EA) and thus they rigged the game to favor their timezone. This is untrue, and it often said as a joke to explain it when good luck befalls others. "Well, you must have bought those packs during German prime-time when you pulled both the Avatar of Frost and Mountaineer from one tome!"


  2. The below card creator was made by Arkadij Liebau. The idea is that you can create any BattleForge card by embedding an image as the portrait, then changing and adding further characteristics like colour (orbs), abilities, card name, damage, life points and rarity etc.

    Read below for my short user guide, and/or feel free to tinker with the tool itself.


    Click here, or on the above image to go to the card creator.

    1) first, select from a building, unit or spell card template. this then changes the below options to match your choice

    2) type in the card's name

    3) enter power cost (or any text)

    4) add up to four orbs. once you click this area, a small pop-up window will allow you to select Fire, Frost, Nature, Shadow or colourless orbs.
    click on an existing orb to delete it
    this step determines the card's main colour which can't be changed otherwise

    5) click where the card illustration should be, in order to embed any portrait you'd like

    6) this is where you add the number of charges, card types and classes depend on what you chose in step 1)

    7) enter abilities and descriptins for them. you can choose between activated, passive, toggle etc, including their icons

    8)9) these two fields are for attack type, damage, unit size and health. again, options depend on card type you selected in step 1)

    10) choose the cards' rarity. only base symbols are included

    Here is an example card I made ^_^


    anonyme0273 likes this
  3. Circadia has created a fantastic guide back in 2009 encompassing basically everything that is to know about BattleForge and how to get better at the game. It was built around the concept of PvP, but all kinds of mechanics and strategies are explained within, in great detail. To prove that, here is a quote:


    I mean, c'mon! How cool is that? B)

    The actual guide is 44 pages long, and was only available in pdf format. Unfortunately, converting it to doc throws the formatting/tables and embedding 44 images isn't a healthy option either.

    You can download the original pdf file by clicking HERE.

    Here is the Table of Contents to give you guys an idea of what the guide entails:

      1.   Who this guide is intended for.................... 3

    2.   What to expect from Battleforge PvP.......... 4

    1.    MT:G meets Dawn of War................. 4

    2.    The Fog Lifts....................................... 4

    3.    Victory Objectives.............................. 5

    3.   Reading Cards............................................... 6

    1.    Unit Cards........................................... 6

    2.    Building Cards..................................... 8

    3.    Spell Cards......................................... 9

    4.    More Information................................ 10

    4.   Building a PvP Deck..................................... 11

    1.    The Four Elements............................. 11

    2.    The Tier System................................. 12

    5.   Deck Purity.................................................... 12

    1.    Deck Interface.................................... 13

    5.   The Power System........................................ 14

    6.   Why you need power.................................... 14

    1.    Mechanics of the Power System....... 14

    2.    Practical Power Usage....................... 17

    3.    Know your Income!............................ 18

    6.   The Counter System..................................... 19

    1.    What is it?........................................... 19

    2.    Attack Type and Unit Size.................. 19

    3.    Complex Counters.............................. 19

    4.    Counters and Power........................... 21

    7.   The Playing Field........................................... 23

    1.    Layout of a Map.................................. 23

    2.    Point Control....................................... 23

    3.    Playing your Cards............................. 24

    4.    Healing and Repair............................. 29

    8.   Basic Strategies............................................ 32

    1.    Rushing............................................... 32

    2.    Harassment........................................ 33

    3.    One Unit Wonders.............................. 33

    4.    Infiltration............................................ 34

    5.    Wall Offense....................................... 35

    6.    Map Domination................................. 35

    7.    Turtling................................................ 36

    9.   PvP Rewards.................................................. 37

    1.    ELO and Rank.................................... 37

    2.    Tokens and Gold................................ 38

    3.    Collection or Tome?........................... 38

    4.    Upgrade System................................. 38

    10.   Glossary of Terms........................................ 41

    11.   Acknowledgements...................................... 44


    Suffice to say, all credits go to Circadia for his time and dedication.


  4. Indeed. Unfortunately that deck builder is using the single cards found on the website then resizes them.

    The share button only copies card names. Can't see a way of sharing a full deck - unless I'm missing something blatantly obvious - without using brute force (print screen, crop, upload then link image). Would be a nice feature though. Want to put a request in?

  5. t6vKHA8.png

    I always found it strange talking to my German in-game buddies because every time one of us called out the name of a unit/building/tech, you had to do a swift translation on the fly and sometimes quickly guess what the other meant :lol:

    Come to think of it, the fact that most of the time they had trouble speaking English (but understood it almost perfectly) and I don't speak German anymore (but understand the language perfectly) resulted in odd looking conversations in clan/community channels - them talking exclusively in German, and me replying in English.

  6. I tried Dragon Unpacker, Chris Moates's Extractor (more powerful version of the former) and Watto's Game Extractor back then. None of them were able to rebuild the sound files so that Winamp could play them, and have found no tools to convert snr files.

    Any idea how to deal with those? Unless I'm missing something obvious, unit sounds are in snr.

  7. Having helped a lot of new players in this game over the years when it was active, not knowing about the forums was most definitely a hindrance to them.  Also when you have 15 to 20 guides sticked in a thread it can be a bit confusing as well.

    That has always been a problem, same with people reading stickies - they won't, if there are too many of them or contain generic information. More than half a dozen guides in each area (e.g. PvE and PvP) will scare away the vast majority.

    Mentoring works, because of the familiar environment. If you want to learn about advanced tactics and mechanics, it's better to see or experience them ingame. The only problem is, you have to do it separately for each individual.
    Hence guides on youtube are preferred to newbies, as long as the contents are presented in an interesting way without unnecessary filler. You can squeeze so much in a 15-20 minute video, and people can relate to what they see since everything is explained and shown during gameplay. Reading takes more effort, and the willingness to do it. And that is what most newcomers lack. If the game is not accessible enough, the tutorial is disjointed and there isn't a video around to pique their interest then they'll give up and leave.

  8. Below is the recreation of my old guide on cards, drafted and finalised during the official beta phase. I filled in the blanks, rephrased and extended each paragraph.

    It contains plenty of basic, useful and important information for both beginners and more experiences players.


    The four main factions belong to the following elements:

    FIRE is all about offense, with its aggressive and damaging spells. Their units tend to have more damage and less health in general.

    FROST is the direct opposite to Fire with its defensive structures and high health, relatively low damage units. Their spells slow down or freeze groups of units.

    NATURE focuses on crowd control to dominate the battlefield. Their units excel at laying siege to enemy ranks and bases, supported by healing and neutralising spells.

    SHADOW favours corruption and sacrificing their own to gain the upper hand. Their units boast a wide range of powerful but counter-intuitive abilities that swiftly lay waste to enemies in skilled hands.

    card attributes

    Main attributes shown on each card:

    Cost: this is the number at the top right corner. Power Wells built on designated spots on the map provide power, which is then used to pay for the card’s cost. Furthermore, destroyed units and buildings – as well as spells cast – return 90% of their mana cost to the Void which acts a secondary income by essentially recycling power.

    Orbs: found at the top right corner and depicted by either filled-in or empty circles. Monuments built on designated spots on the map provide elemental orbs, which are then used to fulfil the orb requirement for each card. Filled-in orbs always refer to the element of their colour, while empty circles (neutral orbs) don’t require a specific element.

    Tier: is calculated by counting the number of orbs required for a particular card. Higher tiers become available as more Monuments are built and are generally more powerful.

    Charges: the first number below the card’s illustration. You may cast a card this many times, before it becomes dormant and enters a cooldown period. This recharge time is half the power cost of each creature, but otherwise may vary.

    Rarity: these are the various shapes at the bottom right corner, representing the likelihood of acquiring a card from booster packs, and their general in-game and trade value. Common cards have dark brown symbols, uncommons are grey, rares are orange and ultra-rares are turquoise.

    Edition: the shape of the rarity icon refers to the expansion corresponding cards have first appeared in.

    card types

    The three main types (or classes) of cards are units, buildings and spells. Each of these are then broken down into subclasses to further help in identifying a card’s role and purpose.

    This is a Tier 1 Sunstriders common UNIT Fire card that costs 50 power, requiring 1 fire orb to cast and has 5 charges before entering cooldown. The creature itself spawns in groups of 6, is considered small and has 360 health. It deals 450 ranged damage but receives a 50% bonus if attacking medium units.


    Attack type: melee units have a sword icon, ranged units a bow and creatures using special attacks have a star.

    Damage: done over 20 seconds. Units that are summoned away from a Power Well or Monument are dazed for 15 seconds and deal 50% less damage.

    Bonus damage: depicted by letters corresponding to seizes S, M, L, and XL. Units deal 50% additional damage to other creatures that match the attacking unit’s preference. However, units using special attacks don’t deal bonus damage.

    Creature size: small and medium units are sometimes summoned in groups of 4 to 6, shown by the second number below the portrait. If a member of the group dies, he or she can be revived but the squad’s total health and damage is temporarily reduced until then. Small and medium units are affected by knockback effects from large and extra-large units.

    Health: damaged units may be healed by some other creatures or spells. Alternatively, injured units can be returned to friendly buildings for healing. Units that are summoned away from a Power Well or Monument are dazed for 15 seconds and have 50% less health.

    Abilities: either active (must be triggered manually) or passive. Some cards have two versions (affinities) which manifests in different abilities but have otherwise the exact same attributes. Dazed units can’t use their special abilities for 15 seconds.


    This is a Tier 3 Armored Tower uncommon BUILDING Frost card that costs 80 power, requiring 1 frost orb in addition to two of any other colour to cast and has 3 charges before entering cooldown. Once built, it’ll have 2590 health and deal 1420 damage to enemies.

    Damage: while under construction, buildings take double damage from all sources, are unable to attack or use abilities. Constructing a building takes twice as long when not in the vicinity of a Power Well or Monument.

    Health: damaged buildings can be repaired using the hammer tool (found on the main interface to the right and above selected buildings) when out of combat or with spells. Buildings are also capable of healing nearby injured units.


    This is a Tier 3 Revenge rare SPELL Nature card that costs 100 power, 1 nature orb in addition to two of any other colour to cast and has 3 charges before entering cooldown.

    This is a Tier 4 Shadow Worm ultra-rare unit card that costs 250 power, requiring 4 shadow orbs to cast and only has 1 charge before entering cooldown. The creature is considered extra-large, has 3000 health and deals 4000 ranged damage but recieves a 50% bonus if attacking large units.

    Ic3killer likes this
  9. Thanks guys. I made a guide almost identical to this in a similar fashion and with annotations at the start of the beta which everyone loved. It then got deleted when the subforum ceased to exist.
    Gone through a few gaming forums I was proactive on back then and found several documents containing useful info, all defunct - including my loot list which was hosted here. All gone... However I did manage to save shards of another of my guides perhaps worth re-assembling.

    @Treim good point, thank you. Added to the paragraph.

  10. Credit goes to Michal "aRusher" Urbanek for creating this guide at gamepressure.com.
    After going over it a couple of times, I decided to fix mistakes and extend some paragraphs to provide even more information by including snippets from his Battleforge dictionary and tips section.

    I believe the below compilation should have a place on the BFR forums as a compendium of how mechanics and the main interface works. Also, to provide an easy to read but useful guide to newcomers, and as a general refresher course for when the game finally re-launches.


    Battle interface

    The framed parts are described below - Interface - Battle interface - Interface - BattleForge - Game Guide and Walkthrough

    The framed parts are described below:

    This panel allows us to group units - Interface - Battle interface - Interface - BattleForge - Game Guide and Walkthrough

    This panel allows us to group units. We can give orders to particular groups.

    1 - selects all the units on the battlefield. You should be careful with this tool because if you order your troops to move, all of them will do so, including those left to guard some place;

    2 - a click on a number selects a corresponding group;

    - a click on a plus symbol creates a new group or joins already existing groups.

    1 - Description of current mission objectives (in PvE) - Interface - Battle interface - Interface - BattleForge - Game Guide and Walkthrough

    1 - Description of current mission objectives (in PvE). In PvP skirmishes the time remaining until the end of the match is displayed here;

    2 - the number of unit points you have used (one unit is not equal to one point, the number of points depends on the unit's size) - when you reach the limit of 120 points, you can't summon any more troops, unless you kill some you already own;

    3 - Power pool. The number shows how much Power you have which is needed to summon units, create buildings, cast spells or activate abilities.
    Power Wells supply you with Power but guard them well, because you don't get Power back when your adversary destroys them;

    4 - The Void, where 90% of the cost of each card's usage is transferred, when a unit/building/spell is killed/destroyed/cast. From there, gradually, the Power spills to your pool. The number inside the skull indicates the amount of Power in the Void, and the arrow shows how much Power you receive every two seconds;

    5 - the number inside the Power Well image tells you how much Power your Power Wells can produce, before they run dry. The arrow shows how much Power the Wells give you every two seconds (one such structure equals one point per two seconds);

    6 - the mini-map with marked scenario objectives;

    7 - the amount and kind of owned Orbs - in this case the player has two Fire Orbs. Every card requires a specified amount of Orbs of some color.
    Monuments give you one Orb of a chosen color and can only be built in designated spots on a map. Y
    ou don't get Power back when your adversary destroys them;

    8 - click on this button and on a building to begin its repair. It doesn't require any kind of "builder", but you have to have a unit near the structure to initiate its repair. The same can be achieved by clicking on a building and then on the appearing hammer icon;

    9 - messages for other player. After clicking you can choose one of the messages ("Beware!", "Defend this place", "Attack here" etc.), than, you have to click on a place you want to indicate;

    10 - takes you to a place indicate in the last message (see above);

    11 - double-clicking it kills your selected units;

    12 - a picture or portrait of a selected unit with the current attack value and number of hit points (considering all the auras). If the creature is under the effect of spells then it is indicated in the bottom - left corner above the attack value. After a unit is summoned it becomes dazed for 15 seconds: the unit has half of its life points, can't use its special abilities and deals 50% less damage. This only occurs when the unit is summoned far away from an Orb/Power Well.

    In the bottom left corner of every card or portrait, next to a sword or a bow you will find a letter, which tells the size of an enemy that will be hit for 150% of the base damage. S is for small, M medium, L large, a XL extra large. Also check the size of your own unit (the letter to the left of the Card Life) and try not to send it against enemies with such weapons. If the letter is replaced by a star, the unit doesn't receive a bonus to attack on any kind of unit. Some creatures are able to change their weapon type;

    13 - stops the unit;

    14 - orders the unit to remain in place (it doesn't attack an enemy if not ordered to);

    15 - after clicking on this button and on an enemy you initiate attack. You can achieve the same by right-clicking on an enemy unit.

    1 - a card you can play (all the requirements are fulfilled) - Interface - Battle interface - Interface - BattleForge - Game Guide and Walkthrough

    1 - a card you can play (all the requirements are fulfilled). Numbers in the bottom left corner are the Charges, telling you how many times you can use the card before it becomes unavailable and enters cooldown (the time it takes to charge up again);

    2 - a card you can't play because you don't have enough Orbs;

    All cards, except spells, can have these four symbols in their descriptions:

    • 1 - General tips - BattleForge - Game Guide and Walkthrough is a ranged attack, the unit can attack from a distance;
    • 2 - General tips - BattleForge - Game Guide and Walkthrough means a clickable ability that you have to trigger on an ability symbol, which, most of the times, appears above the unit ;
    • 3 - General tips - BattleForge - Game Guide and Walkthrough allows to change the card's mode. After the change, depending on the card, it can deal extra damage at the cost of speed, attack only ground/air targets and much more;
    • 4 - General tips - BattleForge - Game Guide and Walkthrough tells us that the given ability is passive which means that it's active all the time. Some passive abilities work only in an appropriate card mode (look above)
    theorangeguy and Cyclobasti like this
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