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Everything posted by WatcherOfSky

  1. 11, because that is the amount of babies I had for breakfast.
  2. Please tell me some people know this one. <3
  3. I actually was supposed to be called GladHeAteHer on forums. Then I went and forgot my password of that account so I used the name from my smurf account, WatcherOfSky. The name just kinda stuck on me since.
  4. Needs to explain why I am an avenger wannabe.
  5. Really likes to be mobbed. It's almost a fetish.
  6. Has been rightly provoked. (do I get ze bonus points?)
  7. I will say they will cost give or take 5bfp.
  8. A balance in the gameplay. I believe that some cards lack counterplay. Like sure, some thing s MAY counter a card that is proposed to be op, but not enough cards can actually do it that it, so it has a slight advantage in more matches than not. Because of this, many players tend to use these cards over other cards/strategies. Balance may also involve the pvp vs pve scene, where some cards are very strong in pve, but almost worthless in pvp, or vice versa. I want more variety in the gameplay of battleforge, and without the need of actually adding more cards, there are plenty of cards there to use, but not enough of them are deemed viable for various reasons. That is what I think.
  9. Should know that it was an obvious success after its extreme popularity in the old forums.
  10. Very good points there. Still, I'll keep the point of a community poll up, since you never know. I actually want an admin to look at this post and tell me, or this community, what they think they would want to do. This is actually my main goal with this thread.
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