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Everything posted by Kubik

  1. do you have .net 4.5 installed? https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=30653
  2. then I have no idea, @Aviat0r said next version of updater will have logs, but this one does not so if you are sure it is not blocked by your antivirus. what OS do you have?
  3. what does not open? the game when you click play in the updater, or the updater itself?
  4. there is already community map for that, but I think it is only 1p, but not sure you need to find it, or make it
  5. I mean any kind of "temporary deck" random or not are bad idea in BF, maybe tomes was one of reasons EA shut it down
  6. I believe so, but not sure if there is UI for it. Did you know some maps have also extra hard difficulty? (not yet tested, no UI for it right now) really? I think it would be more frustrating, because "he get better cards" and random decks in Battleforge are just a bad idea.
  7. bug that will be fixed accepted, details being discussed in the team right now accepted - implementation status not started there are forum posts for that, we know we can easily change some things, and the rest will be harder to implement for the PvP unfortunately many people said they will not collect their PvP deck twice, so they will not play until release
  8. BadHarvest, TheGunsOfLyr, PassageToDarkness, TheInsaneGod, Convoy, TheDwarvenRiddle, TheSoultree, SlaveMaster, NightmareShard can you list so called exploits on these maps? I just want to know what you count as "exploit"
  9. oh I see we removed 3. and 6. from your old list but why you can not repeat 8. and 9. from your old list? Why completing map objectives as fast as possible is exploit in your opinion?
  10. lol story maps are most profitable in terms of gold right now (for some players), if you win expert map in ~3 minutes and get upgrades you already have that will be converted to gold you will be able to buy all other upgrades soon. it is just much more profitable than rPvE 9
  11. I am really interested what others say to that Many think it is too slow, and many think it is too fast. Maybe you should add vote pool
  12. there is no way to know if people not report it I was never able to reproduce it it never happen when I was in game (GM bug imunity?) I know ~3 people complain about losing connection over and over again on discord they always say that they lost connection and need to log in again, but you said that you was able to see chat, which is very weird, because that would mean you was still connected to forge server, and lose connection only to game server. But if everyone noticed servers get worse ~2 weeks ago, why you are the first one to report it?
  13. it is MrXlink want it that way, I ask him multiple times if I can change it.
  14. you need to tell that to @MrXLink he thinks it is OK that way
  15. @Ladadoos @John did you do any update lately? (just to have answer written in this topic) Because I am not aware of anything that could affect Nether Warp. @Flrbb did anyone else experience this issue?
  16. do you have updater from here?
  17. sounds like you are using windows DPI scaling on application that do not support it. If this is the case, you can just turn it off for this game.
  18. not tried, but looks very interesting
  19. it is simple we need Launcher to run as administrator to work and do its job (redirect BF to our servers, instead of dead EA's servers), but Microsoft offers no way to to start child process with lover rights For OBS to work in game mode (or how exactly it is called) it need at least same privilege level as the app you want it to stream (or record). Is that explanation enough, or you need more details?
  20. "friends are 2km ahead" should I understand it as you and your friends are using hacks to increase map sizes?
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