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  1. This so much. Playing micro intensive decks is already annoying enough with shift-queue being very much useless, but if you put in a few buildings that require constant attention, it quickly gets overwhelming. Maybe do a post in the suggestions section on the forums if there isn't already one (tho I don't remember seeing one), I'm sure this will get some traction.
  2. I wasn't aware there were daily quests that require you to play x map on expert. I've always only seen advanced. Is this unlocked after completing the expert map achievement? If so, I guess I got lucky so far. Nonetheless, I agree that you should be able to reroll a quest again the next day. I quickly learned to never reroll quests after getting hit with Nightmare Shard & Nightmare's End a few days in a row.
  3. Hey. I bought a lot of daily boosters for the past month or two but never felt like selling cards until now, and naturally I accumulated a lot of duplicates, so I thought of the following: My suggestion would be some QoL changes to the Inventory - new filters to show: duplicate cards (include/exclude the ones you are currently using for charge upgrades) cards with missing charge upgrades upgraded/unupgraded cards unowned cards (maybe with the ability to test them in the forge, similar to how you can test cards on the Market) two-coloured cards (e.g. if you want to look through your bandit cards but don't want to see pure fire & pure shadow cards) legendary cards (currently, you don't see any neutral/legendary cards when removing all 4 colours in your Inventory)
  4. @Torban Thanks for the help! I will definitely drop Ice Guardians. The Range just feels way too low to make it work properly. I quite like Lyrish Knight, although I didn't play a map with Defenders yet so maybe the Knights aren't as useful anymore. After playing around with Northern Keep & Defense Tower in the Forge, the latter just feels worse, especially in combination with Defenders. Why do you prefer it? Mountaineer is a weird one for me. Sometimes it carries the entire map for me (both Campaign & rPvE), and other times it's just worthless. But I really like the fact that with correct micro, it will never die due to how the Frost Shield refreshes. You said I should drop Shatter Ice for Ice Tornado, but Shatter Ice wasn't in my deck before to begin with. Did you Mean Maelstrom? As for Pure Frost, I will most likely stick with T4 Nature for more versatility and saving BFP on Dreadnought. I have ~2k left and still need a few cards. How do you feel about this: http://www.bafocards.eu/shared/?497fa7c8ff2fbeb6ee075357c0deada7 I don't know about the last three cards; Maelstrom, Glyph of Frost and Gemeye. Maelstrom was in my deck because I didn't know what else to put there, Glyph of Frost was always very helpful on T1 and T2 pushes but maybe Defenders will carry here. Gemeye was a suggestion from another player, but I haven't tested it yet. Maybe this is a good spot to fit in Winter Witch, but having Regrowth is probably enough to keep units healthy. How do you feel about Core Dredge? Maybe Red over Blue if I end up dropping Mountaineer, although Blue is quite nice with multiple freeze Cards. Also Avatar and Northland Drake are already strong, but maybe a 3rd T3 Unit would be useful. I guess that's true. When playing with Mountaineers as my main T2 I sometimes had trouble saving enough power for anything else. Okay weird, maybe it's a Skylords Reborn thing. The wiki even states that it shouldn't work. Thanks for clarifying tho!
  5. Thanks for the answers so far! Will surely help me on the long run on deciding what my final deck will look like Thats great to hear! I will definitely give it a shot then once my deck is finalized, and my plan was a Frost Start anyway. Kind of what I thought before, but no harm in asking I guess. Will save me a good amount of currency on Dreadnought aswell. This sounds very nice, especially since I struggled a bit on T2. How strong would this be on offense though? I imagine with moving a lot, the 25power cost on Stand Ground would quickly become expensive. This is how my games went so far. I pulled a few Northland Drakes (Blue) from boosters, and Frost Avatar is the unit I wanted in my deck 100%, so I already bought it a few days ago. There are a few Santa cards on the auction house, but his tooltip says "As soon as Christmas Time is over, his special abilities will no longer be available." so I don't think he's an option I should consider. Do you still have the card, and if so, do his abilities still work? Thanks again for your time and suggestions. After reading everything, this is what I came up with so far, as a base for maps that don't require a strong defense. http://www.bafocards.eu/shared/?0b02f779f5f5d381960b9b32d404a180 I am unsure about Stormsinger vs Gravity Surge. So far I played Gravity Surge, and it helped me out a lot on T2 because I wasn't running any T2 Unit that could attack flying units. I definitely want to have one of the two in my deck. @TorbanI will read and respond to you later, I have to leave for now.
  6. Hey, returning player from 2012 here. I started playing this week and am jaded a bit with my Frost Deck after playing a day with a basic Nature Deck (pulled Shaman in first few packs so I just started farming with that. Windweaver / Shaman start feels like a slap in the face), especially the transition between T2 to T3 or if the enemy already has a strong T1 defense (looking at you, bandits). This is my current build: I went through a couple of the easier advanced & expert maps with this, both singleplayer and 2/4man. Went okay I guess, but like I said, it feels lackluster. So I'd like to try and make Home Soil work, because I think the concept is unique and interesting enough to make a fun deck. This is what I came up with so far: Pure Frost 3 Frost 1 Nature So a couple of questions for people who may have some experience with the following: I am missing some pretty pricey cards like Home Soil, Area Ice Shield & Dredger (plus Dreadnought and Battleship if I end up going pure Frost), so I'd like to know it'll even be worth pursuing this deck idea. Ice Guardian Yay or Nay? I played with it a bit and the range on being "near" buildings feels incredibly low compared to Lyrish Knight. Is Dreadnought strong enough to justify its BFP cost and going Pure Frost, or should I stay with T4 Nature Orb? Buildings? I have Worldbreaker Gun and might get Construction Hut & Stronghold for specific maps, but so far I only felt the strength of Worldbreaker Gun on very few maps where your late game Defense matters (Guns of Lyr) or you can set up close to the enemy (Sunbridge). Just in general things I should drop completely or just swap for a similar card (e.g. Maelstrom for Ice Tornado) Bonus question for PvP players: I played only very little pvp back in 2010-2012, but I'd like to dip my toes in. Is Home Soil / Ice Barrier a viable option? Not the entire deck obviously, but the idea behind it. I greatly appreciate any help on this, thanks for reading and stay safe.
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