@Torban Thanks for the help!
I will definitely drop Ice Guardians. The Range just feels way too low to make it work properly.
I quite like Lyrish Knight, although I didn't play a map with Defenders yet so maybe the Knights aren't as useful anymore.
After playing around with Northern Keep & Defense Tower in the Forge, the latter just feels worse, especially in combination with Defenders. Why do you prefer it?
Mountaineer is a weird one for me. Sometimes it carries the entire map for me (both Campaign & rPvE), and other times it's just worthless. But I really like the fact that with correct micro, it will never die due to how the Frost Shield refreshes.
You said I should drop Shatter Ice for Ice Tornado, but Shatter Ice wasn't in my deck before to begin with. Did you Mean Maelstrom?
As for Pure Frost, I will most likely stick with T4 Nature for more versatility and saving BFP on Dreadnought. I have ~2k left and still need a few cards.
How do you feel about this: http://www.bafocards.eu/shared/?497fa7c8ff2fbeb6ee075357c0deada7
I don't know about the last three cards; Maelstrom, Glyph of Frost and Gemeye.
Maelstrom was in my deck because I didn't know what else to put there, Glyph of Frost was always very helpful on T1 and T2 pushes but maybe Defenders will carry here.
Gemeye was a suggestion from another player, but I haven't tested it yet. Maybe this is a good spot to fit in Winter Witch, but having Regrowth is probably enough to keep units healthy.
How do you feel about Core Dredge? Maybe Red over Blue if I end up dropping Mountaineer, although Blue is quite nice with multiple freeze Cards. Also Avatar and Northland Drake are already strong, but maybe a 3rd T3 Unit would be useful.
I guess that's true. When playing with Mountaineers as my main T2 I sometimes had trouble saving enough power for anything else.
Okay weird, maybe it's a Skylords Reborn thing. The wiki even states that it shouldn't work. Thanks for clarifying tho!