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Beta Tester
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Posts posted by Fauchderial

  1. OK... here we go. I'm a Centrist, but sometime i'm going to the capitalism.... SOMETIMES OK ! ;P

    Don't think i'm like Donald Trump, i'm not Donald Trump.  Anyway, I'm not in fact the person you will force Mexican to pay...

    I'm generous in some point that I can pay for Mexico to stop Donald J. Trump to harass them with the "Build a wall !".

  2. The game will start with a picture. When I will post it, You must find another picture that have not already been used before.

    after the second picture you have again to do the same thing. 


    In conclusion, I post a picture, someone post another one similar and the next person will post another picture similar with it and vis versa.


    Don't forget the forum rules !


    Here we go...


  3. I've changed many skills, make sure to update your character's sheet.


    Another change can come if abilities are unbalanced or whatever.

    Update 1: Added 100 more points.

    Update 2: Added Constitution.

  4. 37 minutes ago, anonyme0273 said:

    how will the gameplay look like? The character creation is nice, but messy and it's hard to tell which attribute serves what purpose.

    First, You will have a character. Example my character is a dragon, so he will have a HP bar (RED), Stamina (GREEN) and Mana bar (BLUE).


    Secondly, Your abilities will be used to know if your action will be a success or not. Example:

    Under number 4 on the dice = critical success (Your actions will be more effective than the normal.)

    Above number 97 on the dice = critical failure (You will have a really bad surprise of what will happen...)


    I have there 30 in toughness, so I will add 100 (starting life) + 30.

    For Stamina, if you have 30, you will have 30. (same thing for Mana.)


    37 minutes ago, anonyme0273 said:

    is there a game master or is it just ffa (free for all) where stories go on by everyone and they either connect or not?

    I will be the game master :).


    37 minutes ago, anonyme0273 said:

    when do you plan on starting?

    When I will finish the first chapter.


    38 minutes ago, anonyme0273 said:

    do you plan to work alongside @MrXLink and the others who played the last RP, or start brand new?

    I don't know...

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