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Did not receive Daily Reward - Introduction Map


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DESCRIPTION: I just played the Introduction map for completeness and my daily boost got drained without me receiving any of it.
LOG: Exceeds maximum size
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I have been afk in a previous run of the map for more than 5 minutes and have left the match via "esc" -> "leave match". Unfortunately I didn't check my daily reward afterwards.

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For me it says I've used up the entire 550 BFP from the daily boost but I'm somewhat sure all the BFP I actually have received are from quests and the reserve. Eventhough I'm not entirely sure if I get some of the daily boosts BFP I very certainly get way less than 550.

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You receive 250BFP daily and not 550. You can carry over some BFP from one day to the next one for a maximum of 550BFP. I urge you to read the in-game explanation (especially when you hover with your mouse over the two question marks in the daily rewards window).

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