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Community Manager


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Interested in joining the team? Be sure to read this first. Below we go into detail about this specific position. 

Community Manager

As a community manager, you are responsible with aiding the communication to and from the community. You will work closely with the Project Coordinator to communicate staff and project decisions to the community through, for example, the Community Updates and self-written announcements. Furthermore, you will act as a contact person for the community to share project feedback and suggestions and are expected to keep the staff informed and be up-to-date with the state of the community.

 Be in touch with the community, both ingame and on our discord.
 Stay up-to-date about current tasks and upcoming content and what has been shared with the community already.
 Write a Community Update every month (with help from the Project Coordinator).
 Work together with the Marketeer to interact with our community on social media. 

Desired traits
 Good written communication skills in English.
• Demonstrable involvement as a prominent figure in a (game) community.
• Trustworthy, open-minded, a teamplayer and caring for the community and project health.
Knowledge about BattleForge/Skylords Reborn.
 Involvement with the Skylords Reborn project (f.e. through a community effort or another staff role).  

Bonus traits
 Good verbal communication skills in English.

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