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Game Crashing during RPVE and my antivirus seeing Skylords Reborn as a virus "Trojan.Gen.MBT."

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NAME: Game Crashing during RPVE and my antivirus seeing Skylords Reborn as a threat "Trojan.Gen.MBT."
DESCRIPTION: Over the last few days my games during RPVE have crashed (games freezes then crashes and kicks me out, and I have to log back in) and also my anti-virus (Norton) has been seeing the game as a threat called "Trojan.Gen.MBT." and prevents me from logging into the game.  I have to go into my antivirus multiple times and make an exception so I can log in.  I am not sure if the crashes and virus issue are related or not, but I can create separate threads if needed. 
REPRODUCIBILITY: Crashing has happened twice in the last two days.  Virus issue keeps popping every time I logon.
SCREENSHOT: image.png.963695fe98c609b518e79cfd9f23e130.png
LOG: log.txt
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Both issues have started happening around the same time.

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