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Right lets play a little game, thought about this a while ago but only boredom and time could actually make me write this so here it goes. All you have to do in this game is use our imagination and think of a power, anything and everything however here is the catch; People will need to reply to your post and give you a limit for your power for example If you say ''I want to have the power of telepathy'' a limit for it can be You can never turn it off etc. As for my power I would like to possess the power of Spacial Render, controlling space itself gives me abilities with magnetic and quantum poles
Noticed some people with anime avatars and some people with just battle-forge monsters. So i was interested to ask 'what do you think about anime?, have you ever seen it?, If not would you watch it?, if yes why do you watch it?' Whats your favourite
Hey guys. Since most of us startet to enjoy other games once Baofo was shut down im certainly sure many of us started with the blizazrd game hearthstone. My idea is to start some kind of hearthstone tournament exclusivly for our awesome battleforge Community. Im not sure yet if it would be like once a week, monthly or a one time event. To spice it a bit up i will do some kind of price pool for the winner (currently im thinking of 10- 15 hs-packs) The idea is to check if there are enough ppl to participate, finding a date where most of us can affort the time (or maybe some kind of slower tournament where every round takes ~ 1 day and the players meeting in that round can schedule their match by themself) First of all there are a few questions to check: 1. Is there Intrest in a event like that 2. Wich server should we play on (personly i would prefer EU...) 3. Any Format ideas (Bo3/ Bo5 Bans/no bans , Picking class for opponent, etc) 4. Any other ideas to add?
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I'm curious about what nationalities form our community. Where are you from? I'm from the Netherlands. Results: Total amount of players in the results: 590 Different nationalities: 66 To check if someone is in this list or to easily see the results from a specific country, click Ctrl + F and write the word(s) in the window that pops up (top right corner). The scrollbar will have yellow stripes if it detects what you wrote. Germany: 157 ( @Groping , @Aryze , @CyberReXxX , @Treim , @Kamina , @Waldmonk , @manafarbe , @Keksbendiger , @TheReborn , @dog0815 , @wa2magge , @WotdeFack , @BoltMague , @xHighTech , @Mithrandir , @HeroPat , @Upcrafter , @Cyruel , @Focus Me I'm Famous , @Japanda , @Marco3104 , @Taker , @Perendi , @ImperatorSK , @TulDuru , @cean , @lFrostAvatar , @GreenSapphire , @susG , @Adita , @BroSam96 , @Chibiterasu , @Shock_Viper , @Rondine , @Urgonar , @Sungar , @Estaor , @KlingiPvp , @Mechcash , @Kiliangg , @rafide , @Hirath , @Dex2 , @LetsEinfallslos002 , @Amergo , @Gimel , @Carcosa , @Tiberium , @EraizeR , @RadicalX , @Nachtalb , @Alphatoast , @ZexionVII , @XxAndroidx , @Anonymos , @derzarbor , @Jolares , @HolyFreak , @Pennywise , @twofist , @Twinson , @Cryoclasm , @timotamun , @Takumi , @Lohle , @Trico , @Wortex1998 , @Relakor212 , @GadaiGER , @ElementG , @Hollwie , @Inpulse , @Sanctum , @Drezrak , @Hirath, @icebear1 , @Jumpman , @Phoenix , @kainor83 , @Micro , @Hamatori-chan , @RenNagasaki, @Lindor, @kingade, @Maximen111, @Delok , @ManGa , @Yinpoukeen , @Yoshii92 , @PhaloX , @KoboldK , @Tytraso , @KonaiLP , @Riviute , @Fyrez , @Complex , @Lumix , @Wolfsreiter , @RealDekka , @Maze , @Wondestarc , @Shotty , @cuteLordCat , @chargeR , @Fifaman1001 , @Seemkill , @Einarson , @Darkblaster , @Disapatcher, @Phoenix313 , @Kosmodan , @Blackbreeze , @Kaliber84 , @Twinson , @Swordsworn , @Coristo, @Freystep , @DukeEvil , @Funnymaker , @Keskonrix , @Volin , @Headbanger , @ZombieSchnitzel , @Howdini , @HiyaMC , @Astamith , @Portanova , @Palmolive , @Kraenk , @BloodyHell , @darkwolf147, @Dyona , @Doom-Lord, @Quatzel, @Gornjak , @Lexxx , @Deesce , @Tortawrer , @Tjey , @Salyra , @Indifer , @Alucard , @Nachtalb, @Bogenmnnchen , @Froehli , @Nizaro , @saltona , @Sydria , @AppletotheD , @FoxGold , @Protan , @DOoFiT , @Eierschneider , @Terrorwave12@Virus, @AtzenEngel, @Doggymon, @Eyvn) The Netherlands: 43 ( @Ladadoos , @MarbSlonk , @MrXLink , @Tommy , @martijndrenth , @Blank , @ikke2902 , @Gijs , @Battleforge , @Xitech , @Dhrkaas , @MephistoRoss , @henkiediedeloe , @dreadcore , @SweetPotato , @Eddio , @Lord NullPointer , @FaKamis , @Thug Life , @wobbieo , @Chimerae , @DarkWarriorNL , @Naradien , @MrOwnz12 , @GroenKapje , @MrBoa , @shadowxxs77 , @TheDare , @japoo , @SilenceKiller99 , @ThaaLegend , @Kessler , @mafiofreak , @Denhaag , @Marcio785 , @Wesownzz , @Foksnor , @Mitch , @Sp0re_FreAk , @MR_CHAOS , @Opa , @Emile , @Banaan2001) Poland: 34 ( @Coach , @Aazrl , @Dreadcharger, @SpookiNate , @Florek , @olekkrol, @Kamporx , @Alcatrass , @Raishinshi, @Circadia , @wojter322 , @DreamsXX2PL , @ampreos , @krysstekPL , @NorQuel , @olekkrol , @Smok , @LunoroPL , @GarettZriwin , @Dallarian , @Kahetabi , @koleczki123 , @Endrahill , @Sensei , @LeJa , @Woody , @Murhaaja, @malekitr , @Souzest , @Czizii , @gniewny , @Rastaman0101 , @Elixia , @Badacz95) France: 23 ( @Alendorf, @InsaneHawk , @roy_raider , @MasterGear , @FRMIMo , @Dylanbou28 , @deadsoul68 , @Stromgald , @GiveItNow , @SkyOx , @phosphorbeta444 , @alex33399 , @Batdouls , @Pandeell , @sylvix95, @Sabre , @HypeNoiZ , @Hutgin , @Rezendark , @Nywa , @Malorkem , @Akira21 , @Kinri) Belgium: 21 ( @TheGodKiller , @TheSInEater, @ibotje , @bramkriek , @BheadR , @stefai , @LordRaptoros , @RJay , @Dodotron , @FooFaFie , @Thornadus , @Reinard , @LeetPawner , @MetalForgeLord , @Defqon , @Instigator, @EonBen , @bramkriek , @Eowyn Cloud , @Neox , @valdese) United States: 22 ( @KyleSull , @Eirias , @FarRock , @ndclub , @PhoebusRevenio , @samsin99 , @Zenofton , @XxHARVESTERxX , @forger , @Dralic , @Darian DelFord , @shademan , @Loptous , @forger2 , @Haruka , @Itennu , @Draknoron , @YourGrandad , @Sglaz , @gameorckiller , @Tinery, @BashDaInsane) England: 18 ( @Destoyerfros , @Kiwi , @MarcoReus11 , @SZTB , @Zer0duck30 , @ashros , @Ilsyde, @Frosty2011 , @ChakaHYPE , @Theprior , @TomyWomy , @sherunfree , @TheBaggyMan1878 , @ThomasMann , @MeatyChi , @Scourge , @Phoenix1664 , @Xeapor) Czech Republic: 17 ( @WatcherOfSky , @Oops , @Czechmate23 , @anonyme0273 , @Dawn , @Lokačik , @emil0 , @TheImplicator , @Vincenzoo , @pajasin , @Juicex , @Dzodin , @jaktichu , @PooRJoghurT , @Wormas , @MuckCZE , @Largos) Canada: 15 ( @Tamashii , @Pigslord , @Dexirian , @moustikus75 , @Sykole , @Grifenix , @Aragorn , @HomieGoHome, @DawsonTheFish , @Schwarzkyr , @Ezmoneysniper , @Harvester Life , @Wigglezz , @CapnCrunch , @Un1cornPower) Austria: 16 ( @DeChris , @Fimion , @Mental Omega , @Darkroy , @Kevinator , @Selensija , @Docendo_Discimus , @Helix , @Valaraukar , @PrivateHorny , @bergerb , @MeisterRihno , @Stroyer , @Shadow-Lord , @NedDeppat, @naomiku) Portugal: 15 ( @JoseAlmeida , @Shadows , @Anzu , @Obento, @fodasseman , @FreeMind , @Brane , @Dmytros, @Zizico2 , @Dazkarieh , @ChakaHYPE , @Puto Estupido , @nandym , @Tofu , @luisvaladas134) Switzerland: 14 ( @Abaddon , @Kekomi , @StarDucksCoffee aka PKcool , @Failspawn , @Machutan , @Necro Harvester , @Tisont , @Asraiel , @DerNewYork , @silvden , @Daaron , @ryolo4ever , @Aegis1020 , @steezy) Russia: 14 ( @Fatalis , @Mefesto , @Megusful , @NoTaSound , @Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) , @5MERTN1K , @BooBZ , @Esspartacus , @mcreadyfly , @Pupsik , @HellBeatMan, @Mefesto , @Masche00 , @Kligan) Sweden: 13 ( @veryhasted , @xsimon113 , @VoidTiger , @Seimpai , @blue , @Divine_Urf , @soulhealz , @Egard3 , @Emilio , @Zeentch , @Hallon83 , @pontasu , @MammasSkatt) Lithuania: 13 ( @Aironas , @Lukas , @TavoRechtsanwalt , @CerealLord , @kestas3 , @TomSz91 , @Nox , @G4M3R1S , @Strek0za , @donciusb1 , @Akylov , @lost thing5) Denmark: 11 ( @DragonOfTime , @Cetex , @beijingguy , @PlainVenom , @Hjoartendk , @Archmystic, @gizzmo , @Danito , @Yah-Kob , @GoBBLeS , @Noxgene) Croatia: 12 ( @fiki574 , @Crosego , @Mathow , @Risk , @salomex , @Xilian , @sven , @Strider , @FartBox , @Ficohaker , @Medo , @yoki21) Brazil: 12 ( @TrutaDruida , @Renanpulga , @Corinthians , @Roguzf , @fShark , @Lider , @Firown , @TheNilonGG , @alexandre9874 , @guicamarotto , @7ick , @lucas1995) Israel: 9 ( @DieToPlay , @Kroos, @talamiri , @EranShoval , @Luxiory , @GolDy , @Yotamic , @soulgain, @Fleischerrr ) Spain: 8 ( @shademan , @kestas3 , @element , @Akula , @Shalade , @Gheist , @MrSugus , @lhardy) Ukraine: 7 ( @OverlorD , @Nick , @Vladik0007 , @BigStripedCat , @Orkz , @Vovano , @mostlybad ) Greece: 7 ( @DragonCat , @TheGeekProject , @Boorinio , @RayG , @Simigr , @BionicReaper , @BFlove123) Hungary: 7 ( @Demiron , @dealen, @Azta , @P3tfacepol , @Bkingn , @wyrmy92 , @Beni123) Norway: 7 ( @damos1212 , @Fire Worm , @Bermo , @Luidimax , @Karl Jakobis , @KeyB, @Natiac) Iran: 6 ( @S4 N , @Greymane , @Khodas , @Arathorn , @sadegh , @Arsham) Australia: 5 ( @CrypticWizrd , @SparksOfFire , @Azzarocks , @Demonic55331 , @youto000 ) Italy: 5 ( @IceKin , @Magicrikus , @Veleno , @ferevus , @BloodArden) Serbia: 5 ( @tomasin , @Sylar , @Andrievski , @Aleksay , @Piromanijak) Romania: 4 ( @Machiavelli , @razvan , @Mitrix , @toncy ) Estonia: 4 ( @Nighthawk , @tsoods , @Taavi85 , @mudavunts) Slovenia: 4 ( @Donkey , @xXMPGodXx , @Lukaznid , @FreakGlista) Slovakia: 4 ( @Snowy273 , @kenny852 , @Lolovcek , @DarkSidersI) Finland: 3 ( @Deadlypain96 , @Lidde , @Loppastoffa) Luxembourg: 3 ( @Timotheus , @valarium , @Acedrink) Vietnam: 2 ( @Ultrakool , @MrNguyen ) Moldova: 2 ( @PaqpuK , @aodpi ) China: 2 ( @FromAfar , @Menchrese ) Japan: 2 ( @kojiji , @Akiyamachandesu ) Argentina: 2 ( @Francolocarp , @Totylcf ) Bulgaria: 2 ( @Fotti , @imanewb13) Latvia: 2 ( @Timatijs , @Skecets ) Philippines: 2 ( @Jeikob , @FeaR) Georgia: 1 ( @UBiLAVA) Albania: 1 ( @Nightguard ) Macedonia: 1 ( @NeutralJM ) Bahrain: 1 ( @Devilo ) Wales: 1 ( @Stevenl150298 ) India: 1 ( @arun792 ) Malaysia: 1 ( @Royaliate ) Somalia: 1 ( @PandaZabujca ) South Africa: 1 ( @Coldking ) Perú: 1 ( @Valriel ) Chile: 1 ( @Vixelius ) Thailand: 1 ( @KhongtheFork ) Kosova: 1 ( @Lionheart ) Iraq: 1 ( @FlyingSheep ) Egypt: 1 ( @himasami ) United Arab Emirates: 1 ( @ZoroSpy ) Republic of Korea: 1 ( @scanTpede ) Ireland: 1 ( @Kraenk) Mexico: 1 ( @adesate ) Turkey: 1 ( @IntegraWZ ) Costa Rica: 1 ( @CosmosRaven ) Palestine: 1 ( @HISSI) Saudi Arabia: 1 ( @Badr ) Sultanate of Oman: 1 ( @blackboy77 ) Bosnia: 1 ( @Babonja ) Check HighTech's What did you play ? thread.
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