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Posts posted by Aviat0r

  1. Can you try to play/test this in windowed mode? Simply remove the fullscreen option in the settings screen and check again. The game sometimes acts a bit weird in fullscreen. Especially  when ALT+Tabbing in and out while playing. This could cause the application to hang on shutdown.

    itzralfii likes this
  2. Alright then. I will forward this to the setup developer.

    Even though the setup doesn't work for you, you can still install the game manually. You probably already downloaded the Battleforge.7z archive. If not, do so please. Otherwise the installer also wouldn't have worked. Manually extract it to a directory of your liking, but exclude read-only directories (for non admin users) like "Program Files" and such. So simply use a subdirectory of your C: drive or another partition.
    Check the download thread again then. You can find a direct download of the Updater in there (don't want to share the link here to not force dead links when we change something there). Extract this Updater package into the same directory where you extracted the client.

    If you've done all these steps, execute the SkylordsRebornUpdater and you should be good to go.

  3. We decided to also add it as a button to the social media part. This wasn't possible in the past due to missing symbols which can be used up there.

  4. Check the menu at the top. This is also our platform to quickly discuss issues with a big community and almost always the first place where you receive news or quick announcements.


  5. I like that you don't give up like other people usually do. Big thumbs up for that.

    Did you make sure, that you're using the latest and compatible graphics driver after upgrading to Windows 10? Windows 10 often installs a basic display driver or an outdated version of the one for your graphics card.

  6. Can you maybe check point 2 again in our troubleshooting topic? Add an exception to your anti virus and also check the quarantine. Remove any files in there which are related to your BattleForge installation.

    Which anti virus do you use? Are there any proxies in your network or did you otherwise change your networking settings on your PC. Maybe for another game?

    I talked at least to Zyna again and no other idea came up which could help solving this. Except upgrading to Windows 10. I'd also recommend to upgrade in the near future. Windows 7 isn't supported anymore by Microsoft. So you will get way more problems in the future. Also with other applications.

  7. It shouldn't be a problem with Windows 7. Other users also play with this OS version. However, the Updater sometimes has problems starting up due to errors in .NET Framework. But you're already far beyond the point of the Updater having problems.

    @Zyna @Ladadoos Any recommendations here?

  8. I don't like to recommend that actually, but can you try to connect through a VPN and check if everything goes well? Maybe you do have problems connecting to our servers because of a bad route or something.

  9. Can you try to remove the settings file MyDocuments\BattleForge\config.json ? I have a feeling, that the settings have been detected wrong. But I can also be totally wrong. Nothing useful, at least more me, in the logs. The Patcher version is ok. That's the newest version.

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