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Posts posted by BionicReaper

  1. 1 hour ago, Eddio said:

    Wish granted but you still have to wait for it to come out ater that you can play it :troll:.

    I wish for a tasty none rotten watermelon for me to eat  alone without dying or getting hurt.

    Wish granted but it was so tasty that you kept tasting it for the rest of your life unable to taste anything else, or sometimes have a bad aftertaste.


    I wish my wish to play battleforge TODAY AND FOREVER AFTERWARDS was incorruptable. No one dies if he wasn't supposed to die. Or nothing extra that happens that wouldn't happen anyway.  REKT :o (Now for real I think xD)

  2. Wish granted, but its Justic Bieber singing forever. It's your worst nightmare :o


    I wish my wish to play battleforge was incorruptable. No one dies if he wasn't supposed to die. Or nothing extra that happens that wouldn't happen anyway. :o REKT

  3. Prologue, Final Part: -Asu-


    Fumetsu and Kyojin have been roaming the perimeter of the mountain Fumetsu had pointed out. It was close to sunset, when they walked up to a cave entrance. Fumetsu suggested that they stop and spoke to Kyojin:


    F: This should be it....... we searched all other places and found nothing. Now I will go inside alone...... it's not like I'm worried about you it's just I don't want anyone to interupt me and Asu.

    K: Ok.


    After this short chat Fumetsu goes into the cave and Kyojin stands guard at the entrance. As Fumetsu goes in he thinks to himself:


    F: Good thing he believed that lie... it's more likely that Asu will devastate me, and I don't want him caught up in it. He should know that we are here a long time now so he must be ready. How do explain this feeling.... whenever he is near I feel like the Earth is looking down me and my sins, waiting to bury them deep now, when the time comes. I can feel them crawling on my back....


    Fumetsu then walks deep enough that the cavern is now only lit up by some green crystals, and sees a stone-figure of a human in the center of a circular cave space.


    A(Asu): Long time no see..... Fumetsu.

    F: Hey Asu.... uh, no hard feelings right?

    A: Of course, of course..... You have only cause me trouble 156 times! And I suppose you are here for the 157th time. You better have a good reason, or this time I'm killing you for real, shadow scum! It's strange, however...... in some of you shadow creatures I can feel Void.....

    F: Well I really need your help... Me and my s----....... partner are planning on killing the Primal God.

    A: HA! Even though you were dark in your heart, I always admired your intellect and capabilities, but it seems you have gone crazy as well.

    F: I'm not crazy! I have a plan.....



    Asu's anger caused small tremors, worrying Kyojin, making him go in the cave. Meanwhile Fumetsu sees Asu's anger and decides to retreat.


    F: You don't seem to be in quite the appropriate mood for a talk... so I guess I will come another day.....

    Suddenly rocks collapse on the entrance Fumetsu came in from, blocking his only way to the surface. Also the ground under Fumetsu bursts upwards, encasing him in stone.

    A: I don't think I'm gonna let you go again... This time I'm going to cleanse the world of yet another trouble.

    F: (Guess this is the end of me, huh? Well I tried....)

    A: Hm, also you forgot that I can tell if you are lying, that kid is not your partner, he is something more, isn't he?

    F: Yeah.... he is family.

    A: You have grown soft Fumetsu, soft and weak. What's this strange feeling coming from his direction.... What element could he be..... He doesn't seem like any faction, but he isn't neutral either..................?!!!!! IT COULDN'T BE?!!?!?!?!?!?!


    The rocks that were blocking the entrance, suddenly get destroyed, and a blue figure of a human, if it could be called that, comes through and breaks the rocks surrounding Fumetsu.


    A: Nemesis, huh?...... Stage 3; Midnight Flow. So that's your so called plan? I have to admit it might work...... Alright I will help you, but when we are done with it you will help me undo the conflict between the Stonekin and Nature........ Nemesis, in case you didn't know, is an ability developed to mimic Void's power, it was a failure however....


    Stone spikes shoot out from the ground, touching Kyojin in various spots, undoing his Nemesis, then going back to the ground.


    F: H-How??? According to even the Time-Space Library this isn't undoable by will!

    A: Well of course it isn't by will, it's forceful. I have lived way longer than the Librarian, and there are some things that he doesn't know.

    F: Ok.... Now you FOOL!!!!!


    Fumetsu hits Kyojin very hard at the top of his head.


    F: I had eveyrthing UNDER CONTROL, THAT STAGE PUTS YOU UNDER EXTREME DANGER. DID YOU ALREADY FORGET THE "USE ONLY WHEN NECESSARY"? Well whatever, anyway we need to reach the Forge while the Factions are still confused. We will plan on the way, now let's head out!


    Asu creates a stone puppet and sends it to inform the others of his departure. Asu then unblocks the way to the surface and they head out.

  4. Prologue, Part 7 & 8: -Kyojin & The Time-Space Library-


    Fumetsu and Kyojin are seen sitting on the ground, around a fire, in a clearing, deep in the woods. They didn't have to worry about being spotted since the fire didn't emmit much smoke and light to be noticed from afar. These woods have such beasts inside, that no one dares to enter. That's where they had entered to escape their pursuers at sunset, which they succesfully did. It was now midnight, with a full moon. Fumetsu remembered that three days from then was Kyojin's Birthday. That though reminded him of something he should be worrying about:


    F: Kyojin.....

    K: ..................?

    F: How many times have you used your "Rage" Ability?

    K: I have used it 23 or 24 times, I think. I know it's going hard on my body, and that's it not good so I've been trying to limit the use of it, like you told me to!

    F: Yes, I know you are trying not to use it, unless necessary.


    After saying those words, he was now sure that he had to be extremely worried. Then he had to decide what to do:


    F: Kyojin........ I need to tell you something. It has to do with your family and your rage ability...

    K: ....?

    F: Your ability is not the common ability "Rage" that a lot of people have. I had to hide the true nature of your ability from you to protect you....

    K: Whaaaaat????!!!!! You better explain these things to me now then!

    F: First of all, I've got to tell you, about your parents.... They weren't from the Fire Faction. They were from a new faction. Your parents were technically Lost Souls infected with the Twilight Infection. That way, since opposites negate each other, Frost negated Fire and Fire negated Frost, leaving them with Shadow and Nature.

    K: Then, in other words......

    F: Yes..... They became Amii. The Twillight Curse was neutralized with the loss of the Fire Element. However, this is not a normal occurence. Only one in a million times will an element negate another. They were too lucky for it to happen on them both. Also since your Father and Mother also lost the aspects that kept Lost Souls nature together they were alive again, with normal flesh and bones. Closing this up..... your father and mother were Fire and Frost respectivily. So since they came back to life, this made these elements come back to them, making your Father a Fire Aimi and your Mother a Frost Amii. They both had the "Rage", no........... this ability you also have; "Nemesis". It has Five stages. On each stage it makes the user stronger. They all have their respective names, upgrades and, most importantly, drawbacks. On your parents however, this ability was unusable... On your Father it was too unstable to be able to stay in it for minutes, no matter how hard one tried, while on your Mother it was too stable to achieve high results, with a lot of strength. But this stability factor changed, when they had a child. This child, you, had taken both the Fire and Frost Elements in addition to the Nature and Shadow Elements. You were the first being to have all 4 elements. Your ability, since you have both Fire and Frost, it is neither too unstable, neither too stable. You have the power to unleash the full potentional of the ability. However this ability's stages over 2 would be sealed forever if you had used it less than 20 times before the age of 20.... But you have used it that many times. So now that you can't avoid it, you have a right to know how to use it.


    Fumetsu whispers the details of the ability.


    F: About where I found all this..... I found it in the Time-Space Library. It is a library, outside the bounds of time and space or matter. There is only one way in and out, the door. However the door is really hard to find since it changes location every minute. Only if one has the devil's luck will find it..... or if he is in grave need of it. In charge of it is the Librarian, who archives every single event in history. However one cannot seek information for their greedy ambitions. Not even the Librarian. If it's a noble cause it will be there, if it's greed you will walk endlessly through the library but never find what you seek. Yeah... back to how I got in. Well you could say I had the devil's luck. When I got in, the Time-Space Librarian told me I had one hour. There was an infinite road with bookshelves, that I didn't know where to look. However the Librarian knew what I was looking for, and took me to those books. However........ it was a scary experience.... I could feel his strength crashing me. I felt like if I draw to my sword to attack him, I would be dead. He is stronger than anything but he doesn't oppose anyone. Except..... your parents. With "Nemesis" you can kill the Librarian, if you enter the final stage. That's why he..... ordered the bandits to attack your family. He almost never leaves the library unprotected that's why he didn't come himself.

    K: Then he will come after me too???!!!

    F: No need to worry..... as I said he can't seek that info, since it's for his own greed. Also you can kill him easily so why would he come to you. Now let's go find a map, I got an idea to find Asu.


    Fumetsu and Kyojin walk for some hours hoping to find a village. At some point they reached a small cabin deep in those woods. They then approached cloaked. They saw an old man just sitting on a chair outside his door.


    F: Hello.... uhhhhhh...... we are two lost travellers, would you happen to have a map?

    ???: Fumetsu you have caused quite an uproar again..... who is that fella with you?

    Fumetsu and Kyojin surprised draw their weapons.

    ???: No need to fight. I guess I'm too old to fight you guys. Just because you would ask I'm an old Skylord. I gave up immortality.... it was boring anyway. Here is your map, I bought it 1 week ago.

    Fumetsu and Kyojin sheathed their weapons and then took the map. Fumetsu looked at it once, then gave it back to the man.

    F: Um... thank you, I guess. I apologize for drawing our weapons. We were just scared. So good-bye.

    ???: It's alright.


    Fumetsu and Kyojin then leave. Fumetsu explains to Kyojin:


    F: On the map I saw a small mountain that wasn't there before. Well you know what that means....

  5. Prologue, Part 6: Nyn's State

    Fumetsu and Kyojin jump out of a portal, but dissapointed they arrive at a random village:


    F: I was afraid this might happen......

    K: Wait..... don't tell me Gensho is a villager and a human???

    F: No, no, no..... I knew this might happen. Well, a lot of people are looking for Asu, so he probably has changed the location of his base. I was afraid of him, but my abilities are limited to what a person knows. I don't know where he is, so I can't teleport to him. After all, that's what happens if you never speak to him for some million years... There used to be a mountain here. *Fumetsu takes a trolly face*

    K: Whaaaaaaat????!!!! Seriously? What happened to it?

    F: Well Gensho has the ability to manipulate Earth. Probably he collapsed the whole thing to destroy any information about him with it. Now let's get to a bar where we can talk.


    After they get into a bar Fumetsu starts talking:


    F: We need to rethink our plans now that we are here. First off all I will explain you Nyn's current state. Here is a map I got form a shop nearby:




    F: Right now we are inbetween Nature, Frost, and Shadow territory. There will be a lot of clashing. Take this cloak and wear it. We don't want any Nature or Frost folk to regognize a Fire element creature. Same for me, I'm looking more like Shadow rather than Lost Soul, but either way they will be hostile to me, since they might recognize me as a Demon, which no one is a fan of. So we will need to maintain a low profile. Don't attract much attention. Now Asu is always in Nature territory where Stonekin and Nature clash. He wants to prevent fights so he will be near. We will gather information about Stonekin and Nature clashes and head there. Now I need to explain some things to you. If we get spotted, we run. If we fight, the enemy will call for reinforcements and we will be in trouble inside hostile territory, hunted by everyone. About the blood I need to live, I'm sorry but I will have to drink some from you. Also, don't trust anyone, apart from me. I repeat; don't trust anyone OR anything. Finally about Asu. Don't lie to him. He can sense if you are lying. Don't speak at all and maintain a rather calm attitude. He is blind, but he can see using his ability. With this he can also sense if you are nervous. If we convince him to join us, he can be trusted. Apart from that, he is far more intelligent than any of us two. Now let us seek some info.

    Random Guy: There! A Lost Soul and a Fire folk! Ring the alarms! Don't let them escape!

    F: Shit! *Fumetsu kicks/breaks the wall open (They were sitting on a table attached on a wall)* Kyojin, here! Quick! To the rooftops!

    They started jumping from roof to roof. But on the rooftops there was an enemy.

    Enemy: Got yo----

    Fumetsu stabs him and carries him along. He then drinks his blood and drops him.

    F: Finally some blood....... Watch out! Construct!

    The construct shoots the energy blast, but Fumetsu jumps in front of Kyojin and grabs it utilizing his Blood Mist, then throws it back, devastating and destroying the Construct. His arm(from the hand to the elbow) was scraped in the proccess, though, leaving it with burned and half torn fless as well as a messed up bone.

    K: Father! Your arm!

    F: Don't worry Kyojin; I'm a Demon, remember? This will heal in a few seconds.

    Fumetsu's arm started spinning round-around to put the flesh and the bone into a straight and normal position, then growing new flesh.

    F: See? Like a new! Hurry! We will lose them in the woods!


    Edit: [OOC: Btw I haven't mentioned that Kyojin, is not like a fat guy like displayed in the card. He a normal slim human at a medium size (Battleforge Size). He is white skined with black hair. His head looks almost like this: http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/avatar/images/5/51/Wan.png/revision/latest?cb=20130720233908. He has regular clothes; a gray outfit. After he achieves his complete Rage, he will be wearing a cloak, that covers his whole body from neck to feet and is wrapped all around him acting like an outfit. This cloak will not prevent movement though, like this outfit: Avatar%3A.The.Legend.of.Korra.full.13346

    with a red color but goes until the feet. Please ignore the person and the rest of the clothes and focus on the cloak. Imagine a cloak like that going until the feet and covering the front of the body as well. He is not wearing this cloak yet. I repeat he will wear it when he achieves the complete rage.]

  6. Prologue, Part 5: -Yin and Yang-

    After Fumetsu had explained, they kept waiting when suddenly Kyojin interrupted:


    K(Kyojin): Wow!.....What was that.

    F(Fumetsu): ........What?

    K: Oh..... it's nothing. I thought I saw a light passing by. But that is impossible. These gates are always surround by those dark, black storm clouds that never storm, pour down or drop thunder. It's impossible light came anywhere near here.

    F: My boy, if I have learned one thing about you, is that your eyes are always spot on;............................ Duck.

    K: ....?.......!!!!!


    They both duck just in time to dodge just in time 2 thin light rays, aiming for their heads. Those rays continued until they hit a mountain far away. The explosion could be easily seen from that height. It was not visible on the ground though, since it was covered by other mountains.


    K: Good thing we dodged!

    ???: Yeah, good thing. Those were my ultra-charged rays. Hotter than the sun. Your heads would turn from solid to gas in an instant.

    F: Long time no see.......................... Yin.

    Y(Yin): I'm not pleased with our reunion Yang. You should stop this crazy, crusade for revenge. We are dead men walking, nothing will change.

    K: Who is this? And why did he call you Yang?

    F: He is my dead brother. He is a demon as well. His purpose is to complete the last wish of our parents; To stop my rampage and need for revenge. Our nicknames when we were younger were Yin and Yang, because we were exact opposites. We call each other that since they might be our actual names and we might just remember them as nicknames.

    Y: Yeah, and also you were darker and colder, exactly the opposite than me. Father didn't keep you out of the fight because you were weak, but because you were too strong and he saw darkness in you. Yeah, don't ask what I mean. You will understand in time.

    Fumetsu then wispered to Kyojin:

    F: Now listen carefully. Yin has 2 main abilities. Once in a while he can move at light speed and partially become light; That's why you saw light. The other thing is he can manipulate and generate light but generating takes a long time. Right now we need to escape. We need Araxes for our fight against the gods and his abilities might highlight us and trigger a search. I got a plan. Yin is afraid of......... sugar.

    Kyojin just couldn't resist:


    F: Yeah, I know..... I could thing of all thing but sugar before I found out. I don't know why he is afraid of it, he is not alergic or anything so I have no idea why he fears it. So I cut some rocks into thin white pieces before we started talking. He'll think it's sugar and will pass out if we toss it on him when he doesn't expect it. But then we have to escape. After Yin moves at light speed, as I mentioned, he partially becomes light. This stays for a little even after he stops moving, but enough for him to wake up again. So we won't be able to kill him and he will alert the guards. So 3, 2....... 1.........

    *Fumetsu throws the rocks that look like sugar*

    *Yin immediately falls to the ground*

    K: Wow, are you serious? I thought you were joking... I have seen it happen, but it................ still is a harder to believe than it is to believe that a juggernaut can fly while saying "I love you".

    F: I was more surprised than you when I first saw it....

    K: So what are we gonna do without Araxes?

    F: I guess he will have to escape on his own. Now we will head to another person, or rather creature we will need.

    *Fumetsu opens a portal*

    F: Thing is I am plently afraid of him, so I can go to his lair using this portal I made. Now this guy will be seriously aggressive and if we take a single wrong step... he will try to kill me.

    *Fumetsu smiles as he says that*

    F: His name is........... Gensho/Asu/Puraimaru Suton.

  7. Prologue, Part 4: -The Sword Of Creation-

    Kyojin seems surprised after hearing about the sword and asks more about it, giving Fumetsu more time to prevent revealing the harsh truth to Kyojin:


    K(Kyojin): Could you tell me more about the sword? It sounds... destructive and dangerous.

    F(Fumetsu): Sure thing; The sword was named after the Forge, because of the similar abilities they had.

    K: What does that mean?

    F: You know, my ability and the Forge's ability are similar, like the Yin and the Yang, two opposites. The Forge can recreate the dreams/legends of mortals, while I can recreate their fears that are also legends sometimes... The Sword was a legend of the mortals inside a sword. The Mortals had made legends of me, so he recreated me, but in the form of a Sword. Therefore, because of the similarity between me and the Forge, the sword was named "The Sword Of Creation". The sword was made of the ultra rare material, Primal Stone, which can even pierce my Blood Mist effortlessly. Also the main purpose of the sword was to get rid of my main weakness. The sword is a living me in the form of a sword. When I touch it we are in connection. The sword can use all my abilities, but swords have no eyes,ears and can't feel anything touching them, therefore they can't be interrupted. So while I hold the sword in my hand I can telepathetically give it the location I want it to summon fears, thus effectively utilizing my ability without being immobile.

    K: You must be really strong with that sword.

    F: Yes I was. But I didn't know the power of the Primal God.

    K: ?

    F: No one can face the Primal God alone. We need 4 Afinities, one of each Element:  Nature, Fire, Frost and Shadow. Hybrid's, like me, highlight the afinity they lean towards. So I have a Shadow Afinity. Araxes, before he died, was a Northland Drake and he has a calm and defensive/catious character from what I can tell, so he clearly has a Frost Afinity. You being uncontrollably offensive, no offence (Haha the irony), you have a crystal clear Fire Affinity. So if we can make Araxes join us, we will only have Nature to go. And I might have someone in mind with a Nature Afinity.....

    K: Wait.... what do you mean no one can face the primal God alone?

    F: The Primal God has perfect control over all the Elements, so let's say for you he would summon Frost Creatures to defeat you easily. With one of each Afinity we will be able to defeat him. But it won't be that easy. The Primal God doesn't need any Elemental Monuments, or Power Wells to act. You know, as you surely have heard, inside the Forge of Creation Skylords can create without their use. That is because the Primal God is an Elemental Monuments and a Power Wells himself. Skylords draw power from him. He is able to summon armies unstoppably, with slight, with little, close to no cooldowns. Also I thought he would have a fear I could use against him. But, like me, he might not have a Neural Network therefore he can't fear. Well, if he is that strong he might have one, but not fear anyone or anything. Also, they can summon strong creatures like me, but one at a time. If I were to fight myself, we would probably come to a tie, to only then defeat me with weak creatures. Having 4 of us will give us enough power to defeat any one image or Skylord.

    K: So with 4 Afinities, the destruction of the Gods will turn from an inaccessible and impossible dream, to a realistic task.

    F: There is one more thing. The forge can float 3 kilometers in the skies, because it is fueled by the Primal God. If we kill him....

    K: ..... it will fall from 3 Kilometers height??????????????????!!!!!!!!

    F: Yes. And no one can survive a drop that long. We need a way to fly down after killing the god, or we will drop to the ground and break like watermelons and become flat.

    K: Well we can fly on Araxes back.

    F: NO! That..... is not possible.... he is too proud of a dragon to let us ride on his back. And also he is not a trusted ally, he might let us drop. Also he might want the Forge not as a destroyed structure. We will need to revive the old Wells and Orbs to maintain its flight. Besides, it would fall like a meteorite and would cause a lot of destruction to all 4 Elements and they will hunt us down. We need to maintain its flight, or even if we survive the drop, we won't survive... the Elements.


    [OOC: This is Fumetsu's theme]

    [OOC: Lyrics

    I can tell that you've never been true to me.                                                                                                                                                                                             I can smell that you're acting so fearfully.                                                                                                                                                                                                 I can hear what you're hoping I want to hear.                                                                                                                                                                                           I can feel the alarm bells ringing in me.

    I can touch, but I know you don't feel a thing.                                                                                                                                                                                          I can pray, but I know you commit a sin.                                                                                                                                                                                                  I can sense, now it's all become clear to see.                                                                                                                                                                                           You're no good, and you mean no good, Treacherously.


  8. Just now, Valaraukar said:

    Yeah but he gave insanity a 3.5 not your tokyo ghoul opening. It has a tokyo ghoul picture but tokyo ghoul doesn't have anything to do with that song. And watching a show won't change his music taste.

    You thnik so... I hated the song before I watched the show... suddenly I liked it afterwards.

  9. 20 hours ago, Valaraukar said:

    You forgot rating my song :P

    Btw if you haven't seen it then you're not biased and can rate it better as the song that it is and not that one animes opening.


    14 hours ago, SpiritOfTheAbyss said:

    Nightcore insanity: 3.5/10




    See??? He gave it a 3.5, thats why I said watch the anime first. And I didn't say to rate it as an anime opening. You can only understand the true meaning when you see the Season 1 Finale.

  10. Prologue, Part 3: -Emotion Severing-

    Fumetsu was caught off guard. He had to answer. He couldn't do otherwise.

    F(Fumetsu): I----

    K(Kyojin): Oh, and something more. Why did you adopt me of all children? There were a lot of others starving and with more potential.

    Fumetsu then thought:

    F: (I've got to buy myself some time before Araxes moves. I will answer him the most non vital questions. Araxes will have made his move before I will have to go there....) Ok I will speak.

    K: Ok, then you can start.

    F: Long ago when I first became a Demon.... My fear manifestation ability was unstable. The first year of being a Demon I didn't have any abilities. Then when I got my ability I couldn't control it. My fears would come out bursting at me. Harmless, but they would always surround me. If someone came near me I would bring their Nightmares in reality too.

    Suddenly Fumetsu made a quick move like he was remembering something he didn't want to and continuoued:

    F: Day by day rumours spread about my ability. I was..... still a kid with an innocent consiousness.......


    F: Two months after my ability had popped up, a group of 10 Dreadchargers and 32 Ripper Squadrons, as well as 24 Forsaken Squadrons and 78 Skeleton Warrior Squadrons leaded by a Rifle Cutlist Squadron approached me. The leader of the Rifle Cutlists, approached me. He was afraid, I could feel it, but he could hide it deep enough, that my unstable power wouldn't reach him. "We can help you" he said. They then Instantly took me to their Leader, The "Mighty" Wrathgazer. He was speaking strangely so I couldn't understand. The Rifle Cutlists then took me to a strange room. Then out of nowhere they made me pass out. When I woke up I had some injection injuries all over my body. But I didn't feel pain, and my fears were gone:

    F: What did you do to me? *Fumetsu said unexpectidly calmly, seeming to want to go mad but he couldn't*

    RCL(Rifle Cutlist Leader): We have cured you. We have killed your emotion system. You shouldn't feel anything by now. Therefore you can't feel fear anymore, you will be able to control your ability.

    F: I will make you pay. *Fumetsu said calmly again* I want my emotions back.

    RCL: I'm afraid that's not possible. Those injections were done by special blades. Not even a Blood Mist can heal those. You will now fight for us.

    We return to the present:

    F: Then I used my ability to spawn the fears of everyone in the, and temporalily blinded the Wrathgazer with it and escaped. This story is also why I adopted you.


    F: Ever since before I found you all my expressions were artificial. I would remember how I used to do them and perfom them. I knew everyone was scared of me, which made me angry and sad. That day you come at me, showing no fear at all, calling me kind. Feeling no unattraction towards my appearance. I................. felt the emotion of being happy. I gave off a real smile, not an artificial one. I tried to not smile but I couldn't hold myself. I was thankful, and you were the only one who didn't criticise me for my appearance, so I adopted you. Apart from the Gods I have sworn revenge to the Wrathgazer. I also know the current Rifle Cutlist leader is the descendant of the one that killed my emotions.

    K: So why are we first going to the forge?

    F: Once I set foot in the Forge. I had made a deal with the current Shadow Skylord to make me a sword, unlike any other. The sword had extraordinary abilities. My original plan was to get the sword and kill the oldest god. Master of all 4 elements. But I fucked the plan up, and had to flee, to fight another day. However I had to leave my sword behind. According to the Skylord it was indestructible, that not even the Primal God couldn't destroy it, so it probably is still held there. Before we can take down each enemy we must retrieve that sword.

  11. Prologue, Part 2: - Remembrances -

    They were still waiting for Araxes to make his move, when the Giant Slayer became troubled. He knew they weren't related, that he was adopted. He could remember him picking him up from the streets, to raise him. It was the happiest day of his life:


    Kyojin had a familiar feeling. Waiting like that seemed scarily familiar. A faded image of them in a rainforest hiding from something and observing it. Burried memories started coming up, on the surface of his mind.


    It was another day. The first day he didn't have food. His parents had died in a bandit raid, and now he was all alone. He was too young and had the childish innocence:


    K(Kyojin): Um, Mister. Would you be kind to give me some food? I'm starving.....


    *The same question was asked again, again, again and again. But everyone ignored him*

    After being denied so many time. He got tired of asking. He sat against a wall trying to figure out, how to find some food. Then a person was walking in front of him. He looked diffrent, he felt diffrent, he seemed diffrent. "Maybe this "diffrent" person will help me" Kyojin thought. As he approached from behind he could see him mumbling and looking around:

    F(Fumetsu): *Mumbling* Great I lost my cloak escaping Akylos, and now no one is going to come near me. Not for good at least. *Kyojin grabs his shirt and holds him a bit back*.

    Fumetsu turned around angry.

    F: WHAT DO YOU WA--......

    He stopped trying to shout when he saw a sad figure of a child.

    K: Um... Hello sir. Would you mind helping me... My parents died yesterday. No one is willing to give me any food, I'm starving... And..... And..... I'm scared alone... Would you mind if I come with you?

    Fumetsu seemed surprized as a tear run down from his eye.

    "What the----. What is this, that I am feeling. It seems familiar...." Fumetsu thought. "Why isn't he scared of my figure, my appearance??!!" [OOC: I don't remember if I said this on his appearance, but demons have scary and hideous looks. Their body is grayish black (really close to completely black but not completely, like Lost Dragon's skin which gives a brown tone, but instead with a grayish black tone) with sometimes curved symmetrical spikes (like a thin , almost 1D, rectangle that extends up to about 2-3 centimeters out of the body, and then curves inwards or outwards about 6-8 milimeters. Polish the corners of the rectangle to make it circular and neat and you are kind of done) accross their body, with red eyes. That devlish and hideous look is what gave them the name "Demons".

    F: Of course little fella. So you don't have a family anymore. My family died a long ago too. That makes two of us. So we can be a family of our own.

    K: Like adopting me?

    F: Yes just like that. *He said and smiled*


    A few weeks passed and the 2 of them are walking through a rainforest.

    Kyojin is worried about Fumetsu, seeing some strange scars like from injections.

    K: What are those scars Dad?

    F: Oh those..... Um..... They aren't scars I just..... Uh..... Rolled down a small hill and I got those injuries that's all. They will heal eventually.

    K: Oh, I'm glad you are ok.

    A few minutes later they came across some chickens.

    F: A-ha! Perfect opportunity. You know in this world we need to hunt for our food. So how about I teach you how to fight?

    K: Fight? Um..... I don't think I'm cut out for those stuff.

    F: Come on; Everyone is! Besides I'm not going to be always here to protect you.

    K: But you said you are immortal.

    F: Uh.......... Yeah..... I am. It's just Ummmm.......... I might be far away and you might need to defend yourself. So I'm going to train you. You see those chickens? Try catching them.

    Kyojin Tried but he couldn't do it because the chickens ran.

    K: It's impossible.....

    F: Well the key is patience, it always is actually. You need to approach them hiding and reveal yourself when too close. The same applies if you are being chased.

    K: Ok I'll keep trying.



    We come back to the present. Kyojin stands up. And asks:

    K: What are you hiding from me?

    F: What do you mean?

    K: Remember 14 years ago? You told me those scars would heal and that you wouldn't be dying. I couldn't see you were lying because I was still a child there. I'm not a kid anymore, so I want answers. What are those scars?! And why are you going to die since you are immortal?!



    What will be revealed to Kyojin in the next part? What is hidden in Fumetsu's secret past?

  12. Prologue, Part 1: - An old "friend" -

    There is a fiery landscape seen, probably recently burned. Suddenly a Giant Slayer is seen facing a group of 16 Alpha Juggernauts. "There are just too many of them" he said. He swiftly takes out 1. Then 2 more simultanously. Right after that he kills another one. He took those out by carefully cutting their vital organ wires. But on the 5th he missed the wires and fell on the ground. The angry juggernaut hit him with his large horn, blowing him away. As the juggernauts are about to run him over. They suddenly die; someone cut all their heads at the same time. It was Fumetsu. Then the Giant Slayer responed:

    "I'm sorry Father, I'm still too weak...."

    Fumetsu immediately said: "No you are doing just fine, 1 month ago you couldn't even kill 1 of them! I put an end to this training session. Also I'm really proud of you spotting this large horde in that volcano. Their blood is going to fuel my Blood Mist for at least 5 months! Next we are going to teach you about the weak spots of another dangerous creature, the Harvester. Man that thing is a pain in the ass."

    Then the Giant Slayer nervously interupted: "I guess we don't have enough time for you to feast on these Juggernauts. " Fumetsu looks at him puzzled. "I was trying to tell you something before you rushed me to practise. On that last village you sent me to gather supplies and water, I heard word the Skylords got exciled and the Elements are at war. This might be the perfect opportunity to get your revenge on the gods, Father."

    Fumetsu Kyofu , surpised, seemed to snap out of his inbetween moody and bright attitude and cheered up: "Yes! This is the perfect opportunity. But even us cannot bring the forge down on our own. I will need to invite some old friends perhaps....." Fumetsu said and started smiling and laughing weakly and sneakily.

    Kyojin no Kyofu (The Titan's Fear, and the Giant Slayer's Name) was seeming nervous asked for answers.

    Fumetsu said: "Once I fled into Akylos to eat some souls to fill my Blood Mist, right before I adopted you. There I had entered using a secret passage no one, but me, knew of. There I met a special lost soul.... named "Araxes...."

    KNK(Kyojin no Kyofu): "So what is so "special" about this lost soul?"

    FK(Fumetsu Kyofu, Immortal Fear/Horror): "He is like me; a rebel lost soul who isn't taken over by the dark side of the lost souls's nature. He is not aiming for Ashia, like me, but is not a demon either. We once spoke. Well he ambushed me and after fighting for a bit we became a bit like friends. He wasn't very friendly though. Well while we spoke about our previous lives, we found out that we are both aiming for the Forge, the gods.... After I found out, considering his power, I invited him to become equal partners, but he insisted on getting out only during an elemental war, for some reason. So I told him about the passage and he escorted me there. I told him, when the time was right, he could use that, but a Lost Soul attacked us. I got out, but the passage was destroyed. Well, since the war has now begun, we are now going to break him out of there."

    KNK: "But how do you know he is going to help us? He didn't say yes to your proposal!"

    FK: "He didn't say no, either. So I suggest we give it a try, we got nothing to lose. The guarding forces are going to be weaker now with the war, so we won't have much of a problem. He might be trying to break out right now so we must go and help. So.... Kyofu Junior... he he...."

    KNK: "I told you to never call me that! Just call me plain ol' Junior please..."

    FK: "Go find someone who fears going near The Gates of Akylos. I'm going to use his fear to create a portal. Since I will be immobile you push me in there. But before I do that I want you to know, Araxes doesn't go well with strangers."

    Two hours passed when Kyojin no Kyofu returned with someone. "Ok, I'm starting the proccess......" Fumetsu said. The next thing he remembers is waking up on a mountain near the gate and watching it from afar. "Give me that guy" Fumetsu said, and devoured him. "This should last my Blood Mist until we are done. I can feel his life force.... He is trying to get out. Let's go. This is your first real mission, where your life will be in danger, are you ready?". "YES!!!!!!" said Junior overwhemingly. "So let's head out!".

    KNK: "Wow I think I know what you mean with special dragon... There he is, matching your description"

    FK: "What???!!! Where?

    KNK: "Right there." said him pointing about half a kilometer away....

    FK: "Sweet God. You always had that Eagle-Eyed vision, I'll give you that. He seems to be hiding, so let's not blow his cover. If he needs help, use this artifact to launch me with your strength over there, even if it means using your 'Rage' ability. Understood?"

    KNK: "Yes, Father!"


    [OOC: @MrXLink I have made up a story between us. I made it so that nothing is taken for sure. Actually the way I made that up, the only influnce is that we met, and talked about our interests. So If you want to team up with me and the Giant Slayer, you can make a post controlling my character in any way. So you can make us come in to help, and after that you can initiate a converstation, which I will continuou in my post. If you don't wish to team up, however, I would still prefer it if you made it so that we come in to help, since we would have come anyway, and initiate a talk again. After my post you could express your ideas and preferances.]

  13. Full Name: Phobos

    Nicknamed: Fumetsu Kyofu

    Age: 15 Billion Years

    Card & Faction: Lost Warlord, Lost Souls

    Appearence & Gender: Male, a bit taller from your average person, but more like the Samurai from Sucker Punch (instead of a warlord) with the straw hat (In description please include only image link) This is how he closely looks like: Whole Body: 03.jpg

    Head/Face:                  maxresdefault.jpg

    Alignment: Works as a bounty hunter. He is neutral to most, apart from his targets. Hostile only to one; The "rule maker".


    Abilities: 1 & 2. -Fear Control and Manifestation- As his name recommends he can manifest your fears or something you didn't know about but you would fear in reality. But he can only do 1 fear at a time. Finally as his name (Fumetsu) states this ability renders him immortal. About immortal at least. When killed his energy will leave the body and flee to an unknown place. There it will gather energy from fears all across Nyn to resurrect him. This proccess takes 1 week to resurrect his physical body and 1 extra week for all his powers. While in the energy gathering form (before resurection) he is completely invulnerable to physical attacks but overvulnerable to energy destruction spells/attacks. Even the slightest damage will kill him for good. After his resurection he is at his weakest point, because he is now affected by physical attacks as well. After being resurrected (physically) he has access to the Blood Mist which has now fuel for 2 more weeks, but is significally weaker for 1 week.


    3. -Demon- He was brought back after dying because of having an extremely intense amount of hate. The amount of negativity on him made him a special species of Lost Souls; a Demon. Demons have "Blood Mist" which covers their body with an invisible shield-like energy that absorbs impacts, physical attacks, harmful spells, etc.... Demons also have enchanced senses, e.g. can hear from very long distances, and inhuman strength, speed, etc...( which all amount to about 20 times the strength of a well-built man), and regeneration being able to heal almost every part of their body in very few seconds seconds. Regeneration-wise, his every single part of his body regenerates at the same rate, so to use as a reference his whole arm would regenerate in about 5 seconds, starting from the shoulder. All Demons have a way of "ressurecting", though it varies from Demon to Demon.


    Strengths: He is an expert swordsman and martial artist. He has very unique and remarkable agility, second to none. Another strength of his is his intelligence. He posseses high enough intelligence to easily fool almost anyone and achieve his goals. His final strength is his knowledge. Having lived for so long he has traveled to every known place in Nyn and knows almost everything about it and its history.


    Weaknesses: The Blood Mist has a gap on the part that guards the Demon's nape. It very thin, but wide enough for a katana, for example, parallel to the ground to pass through. If a blade pierces the flesh there it will damage the organ that generates the Blood Mist and disable it for 24 hours. In this amount of time their one vital spot, their heart, is exposed to danger. Cut their head off, it will regrow, pierce their heart, and you will turn them to dust, rendering them inactive until they resurect or are killed before doing so. The heart does regenerate but it is not fast enough to heal wounds that would be mortal to humans (speaking about the heart, of course). If the Blood Mist is disabled the Demon can't move at max speed. As the defense that was absorbing all the air friction from the high-speed movements is gone, if they choose to move very fast, their body will be torn apart. They can still move fast, just not as fast. The Blood Mist is a very strong defensive system but it can still be broken by very strong concetrated attacks (half a construct blast) or continuous damage from any source (intense flames for about 30 seconds), but if the continuous damage stops for a second, it has to be done from the beggining as it will refresh itself immediately if it has not been broken. When the Blood Mist is broken it gets disabled for 24 hours, as if stabbed in the nape.


    Personality: Fumetsu Kyofu is a rather calm, intelligent being that thinks things through before acting. He is rather "cold" and doesn't express any sign of emotions. He is also very infamous among every being alive, or dead.


    History: Not much about Phobos is known. Not his origins, not anything. Actually, there is something known about him. His one power. F. E. A. R. They say that, when you fight him, your nightmares come to life in a world that morphs around your fears. Many have killed him. Or at least they thought so. They kill him, only to be haunted by him and killed a couple days later. He leaves no survivors. Killing is what he does best. Once he has engaged a target or a group of targets, no one survives for long. And if he leaves no survivors, how do I know? Well, I'll be dead soon.

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