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Posts posted by macabi
On 9/15/2020 at 1:44 PM, Ladadoos said:
We will likely incrementally make some changes to alleviate (but likely not completely get rid) of market manipulators. A likely first step will be to add information about the prices of cards ingame, so people can decide whether or not to buy the card.
You can introduce a new quest that offers 75 BFP for selling 25 cards in the AH.
This will encourage many more players to put their cards for sale, as well as try selling their cards at a reasonable price.
Very good changes, thank you.
Please consider carrying over unused booster discounts to the next day so we don't lose it as well as accumulating booster discounts for those of us who don't like to gamble our precious 350 BFP on buying a booster that may turn out to be a flop.
See suggestion:
5 hours ago, VolvoxGlobator said:
Personally, I find PvP much more interesting than PvE (which i still like anyway). I understand your sentiment, but you have to also considered, that there are currently much more PvE quests than PvP. And you fulfill multiple of those simultanously - e.g. PvE match & gold loot & multiple players - all go together
How many PvP quests there are? 1?
Of course, duble reward might give exactly the impression you are describing. Easy solution - more PvP quests.
Very good point.
In fact, you can fulfill 4 PvE quests simultaneously - PvE match & gold loot & multiple players, and play any game mode.
With PvP, you can fulfill only PvP + play any game mode with one huge restriction - "play any game mode" has to last 10 minutes or it won't be counted.
Unfortunately, most PvP games last less than 10 minutes (including 2v2).
So technically it's 4 PvE quests simultaneously vs only 1 for PvP.
No wonder players choose to play mostly PvE.
So the solution is - either come up with more PvP quests that can be fulfilled simultaneously, or double the reward for PvP quest.
On 9/3/2020 at 5:54 AM, VolvoxGlobator said:
But it is the fact that you have no chance with lets say 10 lvl deck vs something like 60 or even 120 you can see sometimes. Prebuild decks will solve that. They will also ruin the market for those cards included in them but whatever.
Deck level is definitely a huge advantage for expert players.
But there is also the skill element.
Put a noob (who had 20 hours of PvP game time) with deck level 120 vs an expert player with hundreds of hours and the noob will lose within 2 minutes in 1v1 PvP.
I am sure that many noobs would love to play PvP but they don't because they can only find expert players to play against.
So it is a shame that pvp is technically not available to noobs
So once again, higher BFP reward would bring in more noobs which will help them to find a game against another noob.
Another option is to allow players to start Unranked PvP game where they can specify limitations such as number of PvP games played so far as well as pvp rank.
Example - up to 30 pvp games and up to 5 pvp rank.
The combination of these two factors would be the best indicator to differentiate between noobs and expert players.
12 hours ago, Zyna said:
With what kind of quest does this happen? We are quite sure we fixed it with the patch on the 09.08. Please note that some quests have some conditions which are not explicitly mentioned in the quest description.
This problem didn't happen to me in the last few months, so it's very possible it was resolved.
I can see now that in the first 2 screen shots my gold balance is 3864, and then when I took the 3rd screen shot my gold balance went up to 8064.
So that looks like a lag in giving the gold reward.
My second screen shot was taken at 7:40 PM and my 3rd screen shot (where the gold reward was given) was taken at 7:43 PM.
So it took the server a few minutes to give the reward.
I suspect that if I had stayed on the post game screen for a few more minutes, then it would have changed to show the gold reward.
I have seen that before.
At some points the numbers change if I wait long enough on the post game screen.
NAME: Didn't get Gold/XP Reward for Completing rPvE 9 Game
DESCRIPTION: This was 4 player rPvE game level 9. At the end I got gold only for gold crates, but not the 4200 gold for completing the mission and no XP reward (see screen shot).
REPRODUCIBILITY: Not sure. This is the first time I didn't get the gold reward for rPvE.
SCREENSHOT/VIDEO: Attached are screen shots and recorded game. The third screen shot shows that I got 3 quest rewards for completing the rPvE game.
LOG: Logs are attached.
28 minutes ago, Ladadoos said:
Thanks for the reports, I merged them considering they are very likely the same. That being said, please follow the bug template next time you write a bug report @RD125632 and @macabi. Especially macabi, since this is not the first time I ask you to do this (but you still seem to not follow this rule).
It can be found here:What information am I missing?
I couldn't provide a screen shot since it was a crash.
I also cannot really tell what led to the crash.
We were playing and then all of a sudden a crash.
I cannot really provide much description.
I provided all the logs which include the map name.
What else? the format itself?
5 hours ago, Mynoduesp said:
It does matter. Do you remember old BF with preorder promos? Do you rememver how fucked the market back then was?
Yes, I remember.
Promos were very expensive costing thousands and even 10,000+.
More or less like today, but today they are cheaper because you can get them in boosters.
Other than that, I didn't see any issues with the market.
7 hours ago, Zyna said:
In the upcoming weeks and months we will be adding more PvP specific quests. There will also be an option to choose whether you want to get PvP or PvE quests. Imo one of the biggest issues of PvP is that most players often don't have a competitive PvP deck. This could be due to lack of knowledge of what a good PvP deck looks like, or due to the fact that you need a fully upgraded and charged deck in order to be competitive. In order to combat this, we will be adding an option to choose from a couple of pre-made level 120 decks for PvP, which players can use in their PvP games.
Pre-made level 120 decks for PvP is a good idea.
But that won't solve the problem entirely.
The issue is that PvP is dominated by experts players.
Therefore, noobs don't want to play against experts because they lose miserably.
The solution is to encourage many noobs to play PvP where they can play against other noobs.
For that to happen - the reward for Pvp will have to be increased.
I have been playing the game since January and I always have hard time starting a PvP game.
Often it takes 10-15 minutes of wait time around 4 PM (New York time) to start 2v2 Unranked game.
These games normally last 5-15 minutes.
On the other hand it takes only 1 minute to start rPvE 9 game (that lasts 20 minutes) or 2-3 minutes to start multiplayer campaign game that lasts 15-30 minutes.
The bottom line is - it is frustrating to wait so long for PvP games which are also the shortest games.
I assume most players don't like PvP because it's too challenging.
Therefore, I would like to suggest doubling the reward for the 4 PvP games quest to 150 BFP to encourage more players to play PvP.
You can add a restriction where a PvP game has to last at least 5 minutes to qualify for the quest.
This is very important.
PvE loses its appeal over time.
PvP on the other hand can appeal forever.
So please, please, do something about this issue.
On 8/31/2020 at 3:19 PM, Zyna said:
Didn't Ladadoos already tell you in the other post that boosters are currently actually worth a little bit less than 450 BFP? If people are not buying enough boosters we will take appropriate measures, but allowing players to purchase boosters for 150 BFP is not the way to go.
In the period from the 11.08 to the 25.08 players earned a total of 5,187,924 BFP and spent a total of 4,261,750 BFP on boosters. So unlike you suggest, people do actually buy these boosters. Surprisingly a majority of the booster purchases were even made without the discount.
I still believe boosters are worth less than 450 BFP because you take the average price which also includes cards that are sold above the fair market value.
This would happen often when no one else is offering that card.
So you would have cases where a common card worth of 3 BFP will be sold for 20 BFP because only one person is selling it and therefore exploiting its price.
Regardless, please consider my suggestion above regarding booster discount carry over and accumulation.
8 hours ago, letsplaytrib00n said:
if they do
if they do, i hope the card isnt tradeable!
Waiting for the release, lets go
Why not?
It shouldn't matter if it is tradable.
11 minutes ago, Zyna said:
I'll be moving this to resolved then, if anything similar does occur again, feel free to make another bug report.
Suggestion: Create a new daily quest - "Sell 20 cards in the AH".
Such quest will insure that all cards are available at the AH at all times.
20 hours ago, Ladadoos said:
What is the state on this bug report? @macabi
So far I didn't encounter this problem.
But it's too early to say because this bug is very rare.
I will post here if I encounter it again.
1 hour ago, Mynoduesp said:
There is something fundamental you seem to not understand (no offense). The expected value you get out of the booster will always be slightly below its value. In other words: all card prices weighted by their respective chance to get them **will** add up to slightly less than the average booster price.
When supply rises, prices drop and the other way, same goes for boosters themself. When supply of cards is low, buying power of bfp is low and booster value rises. The system balances itself pretty well (until we go into long time economy, where pretty much every card is either dirtcheap or expensive as hell. This discrepancy is currently beeing adjusted with specific booster packs to lower its effect).
I understand everything you said very well.
But there are other elements you are missing.
First there is the gambling element, where even when players know the value of boosters is lower they still want to gamble for the chance of getting a promo or high value UR card.
Usually the value of cards in a booster is low, and then these cards will be sold in the AH at a much lower value than 450 BFP.
Second, most players don't know the real average value of a booster.
So they will buy boosters even when the actual value is lower than 450 BFP.
If there was a posting of the actual value of a booster for the last 30 days and all players had access to it then that would have balanced the market better as you already described.
There is another issue with the calculated average booster value.
I would argue that your calculation is inflated because of lack of cards being sold in the AH.
When there are enough cards sold for each individual card, the sale price for that card will be at fair value.
However, often certain cards are not available in the AH and then some players take advantage of that and post that card at inflated price.
I know, because I have done it myself and often it works because the buyer doesn't know the real value of that card.
For example, are all common cards sold at 3 BFP?
I bet not, but that would be the fair value of most of them.
Therefore, all common cards in your spreadsheet have inflated price.
Suggestion: Create a new daily quest - "Sell 20 cards in the AH".
Such quest will insure that all common cards are available at the AH at all times.
I would like to suggest carrying over unused booster discounts to the next day so we don't lose it.
Further more, please allow us to get a second and third 100 BFP discount for every 45 minutes of game time (up to 3 discount).
So, for example, if a player played 45 minutes on day one, and 45 minutes on day two, he would then have 200 BFP discount (if he didn't use the discount on day one).
Many of us don't believe that boosters worth 450 BFP or even 350 BFP, so some players don't take advantage of the discount.
Allowing us to accumulate the 100 BFP discount up to 300 BFP discount (over 3 days) will allow all players to enjoy the booster discount feature.
5 hours ago, Ladadoos said:
There is not.
The average value is 446.85BFP if we really want to be specific (which is, like you said, slightly lower than the booster price).
In order to calculate the average value per booster you would need to know the average price for each card in the AH.
Do you mind posting that?
Regarding the added value of promos - it's very minimal.
Assuming average promo price of 5000 BFP divided by 200 (1:200 chance) gives us only 25 BFP added value per booster.
2 hours ago, Ladadoos said:
Which is what I already did. And using the data from the whole player base I have calculated and concluded that a 450BFP booster gives on average 450BFP worth in cards.
Is there a way for me to see that data?
From my own experience the return per booster is much lower.
In any case, if a player doesn't want to use his 100 BFP discount, that discount should be carried over for the next time allowing him to get double discount if he didn't use it the first time around.
I think that would be a reasonable request.
5 minutes ago, Ladadoos said:
Not sure what booster you are talking about, but even for the normal booster this is far from the truth. Based on the value of the cards sold on the marketplace starting this year, the 450BFP standard booster gives you on average 450BFP worth in cards.
I am talking about the normal 450 BFP booster.
I have played Battlrforge for 4 years and then again Skylords since January almost daily.
I have been buying and selling cards on a daily basis (as well as opening boosters every day) and after some calculations I came to a conclusion that boosters are worth around 200 BFP on average.
You are welcome to calculate it yourself base on your data.
Game Crash during 2v2 Unranked Game.
See Dump and logs.
I would like to suggest carrying over the time for the next day so we can get the 100 BFP discount if we played 60 minutes over two days or more.
Further more, I would like to suggest allowing us to accumulate the 100 discount.
So if we didn't use the 100 BFP discount after 60 minutes of game play, then the next time we play another 60 minutes we will then have 200 BFP discount and so on up to 3 consecutive discounts.
The reason for that - Boosters don't worth 350 BFP.
In fact, they probably worth only around 200 BFP.
Players who figured that out don't buy boosters and don't even take advantage of the 100 BFP discount.
So, Conservative discounts will allow us to buy boosters for reasonable and fair amount.
Didn't get Gold/XP Reward for Completing rPvE 9 Game
in Resolved
Very good.