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Lord NullPointer

Developer (Retired)
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Posts posted by Lord NullPointer

  1. 47 minutes ago, Trihl said:

    I opened about 10 boosters and had two broken images. If these would be promos I'd be insanely lucky haha.

    Btw: Why are there sometimes two rare cards per pack or 1 UR + 1 R? Is this a bug or intended. If I recall corectly, there was originally just 1 rare card per pack.

    This uses the ratios WE use for the boosters in the game. We changed the composition of boosters to be more random, where the

    First card has 20% chance of being UR otherwise R (And 0.5% of being promo, not implemented on simulator yet)
    Second card has 20% chance of being R otherwise U
    Third card has 25% chance of being U otherwise C
    Fourth card is U.

    And yes, promos are currently given as their normal rarity, so Santa for example = common.

  2. 5 hours ago, SilenceKiller99 said:

    I got a card that did not display right. It gave that strange symbol like in one of the first screenshots in this thread.

    I know you won't fix it right now, but I just wanted to let you know that when I right clicked it and selected to copy the link code or something, it said this:


    So now you know that this card (protectors seal twilight) is not showing, and the other protectors seal probably has the same problem.

    Already aware of some cards not formatting correctly.

  3. 2 hours ago, youto000 said:

    it just gives it more character because just the bland flipping animation used previously was kind of lack luster.  opening a pack should be fun not depressing. and as i said it is just and idea they don't have to do it

    They = Me

  4. 1 hour ago, youto000 said:

    i have an idea with opening the packs in the game: maybe have special visual effects when you get them, like sparkles on the rares picgifs-stars-6888943.gif and a rainbow and sparkles for ultra rare like this sparkles-7.gif . but not continues but only when u first flip the card. i think that would make my day if i saw that from a pack

    This ain't no Hearthstone.

  5. 47 minutes ago, Ultrakool said:

    Hey, Im sure people would love this. One question/bug report though: Some cards dont display properly and only displays this: Screenshot attached. Nothing gamebreaking but might be an easy fix. 



    43 minutes ago, Ladadoos said:

    I just had that happen to easter egg and lord cyrian. Also, sometimes when you open a booster, 1 card starts in the wrong face (already flipped) but turns itself automatically right after. It's the same card once you flip it.


    I'm aware of this problem. It has to do with promos. Some image url formatting going wrong. I'm not giving it priority atm. Will fix in next update if there is one.

  6. Updated info From Ultrakool:New booster simulator from our NEW official cardbase made by @gnomgrol https://allcards.skylords.eu/booster.html

    Outdated info:

    Hey people,

    To keep up the hype, I put something together quick for your amusement.
    Fun previously only enjoyed by alpha testers, I bring you a booster simulator~

    On that site you can open boosters in ur browser, cuz apparently you guys like that kind of thing.

    This booster simulator uses the same chance ratios as the current game. (Except for promos, still got to add that .5%)


  7. At some point I changed my games name to NullReferenceException, saying that the name is not defined. It got lots of commentary from non-C# programmers (That apparently hate the language cuz Micro$oft). So to get less hate-related complaints I changed it to NullPointerException.

    After that there was some medieval game that added the "Lord" prefix. Because of a name width limit it read "Lord NullPointer", and I was like "Oh my, that must be my new name".

    NullPointer has a comedic reference back to my real name, Kelvin, which everyone (hopefully) knows is a different temperature scale that starts counting from the "coldest" (I think disproven) point possible at which no molecules move. It is the ultimate zero-point of temperate, the null point. 

  8. On ‎2016‎-‎02‎-‎06 at 6:31 PM, Valaraukar said:

    Not 1% changed in a month, just 18 more years till we can finally play bf again ;)

    Ugh.. People. The progress bars are no good real-time indication of progress. This is more meant for new people.
    For updates you look at the dashboard. These are not percentages, cuz that's impossible.

    If we suddenly make a lot of progress on games as example, we will probably update the progress indicator.

    Also, don't complain about progress in general. We are all people that have work & studies, besides that we don't get paid for this.

    Its our free time.


  9. Good effort, but - out of curiosity - is there a reason why this couldn't be merged with the homepage by positioning those two links at the top? Would make information less fragmented and more accessible.


    Well, the page runs on a completely different framework. We can still add those links though.

    Also note that the progress and announcement dashboard is just an addition to the webapp.
    We will also select members that will have access to development features when logged in later.

  10. Hello there people,

    This week Blank told me he wanted to involve the community more with development, without them necessarily being part of the development team. And asked me if I could make a simple site that would host files so that people can help with solving problems regarding those files.

    In the end I felt like we could do more while we were at it. So I created a completely new web app which will contain the following things:

    • A public dashboard where everyone can see announcements regarding development. (Kind of what the shout box thread was doing)
    • A public list of all parts of the development (What the Actual Progress thread was doing)
    • A closed environment where selected members can get access to data and comment to this data to help us with development
    • And maybe more in the future if I or others get creative

    The selected members will be able to give input on the given data.

    The site will NOT:

    • Have the source code of the server
    • Give you access to the game
    • Give you access to Alpha or future CBT, since that's not linked
    • Allow you to construct additional pylons

    So don't be jealous if you don't get access to the closed environment. Its only for people with technical knowledge.

    The new site will be located at: https://dev.skylords.eu

    This perfect little snowflake been written by a single programmer and never been touched by another, or had to answer to a sales team.
    So if there are any problems regarding this site, give a message to the community people. They can relay it to me (since I'm not as active on the forum).
    I hope this website will at least give a clear view on the progress we make, and allow the community to help with development.

    Regards Lord NullPointer


    EDIT: Note that the site may still have some issues and sometimes it will be offline.



  11. i know how hard it is to programm this and thats the hole game depend on the free time of 3 devs. that are study or working in rl and do this in their free time aldo rl, family and work goes before. so i did ask myself would it not be helpfull to search for more progammers/ devs so that the game does evolve faster. 

    i mean at the start there where only 2 devs with the 3. dev on board the speed of devlopping increaced by maybe 50% so wy not search for others maybe a 4. - 6. dev could increase the progress aldo i have to say the more peoples work on the project the higher the chance of failures. but you can then simply put the existing 2-3 devs in a higher position (senior dev or superior dev) so they can check the work befor implemnting. 

    in my opinion new devs (max 3 new) could increase the devlopping progress between 20% and 100% (depending on skill and failure rate) 

    maybe just reopen the topic where you searched for new devs (maybe one of the last 1500 new member is skilled enouth to do the job)


    solong keep the hype

    That would indeed be the easy solution.

    But the problem is, more devs means more minds on the code. Currently we have a team that has good knowledge of the code, and works together fine.
    Every time a dev is added, the dev team may be at risk. (Kinda over exaggerating).

    The skill level required is not average. For example, I would be against just adding a developer that is good at java (and thus thinks that's enough for C#).
    Besides that, "Programming" speed is not the issue. There is a lot more work in Reverse Engineering.

    We don't just care about getting it done, we also care about doing it well.

    But soon there might be an announcement regarding help with development.

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