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  1. So I made a little adjustments and I will clarify: I aggree with the battleship, as far as I love the design of this card if it would play in rpve I must put shield on it to make it fly faster so I`ve put second ironclad About T3 I also agree. Avatar of frost is tanky but core dredge can be very powerfull even with T4 units as it will survive longer (because of ranged attacks) I`m not quite sure about putting construct to this deck. As far as I think it is very powerful card (and I also like it`s design) I`m affraid it is too slow for RPVE. It is great with nether warp spell as it is pushing it forwards and construct spam can easily wipe entire camp without a sweat (laughing at flying enemies in the camp :D) but this slow movement speed hurts a lot. So why I took Amii ritual? Just because I am not sure what usefull card I could take and I often have situation that there is attack and there are no units nearby so I can shield monuments and wells for me and for allies. Ofcourse this attack can be easily destroyed by summoning units in there but sometimes there are just no charges for them. The alternative I see is a retreating circle but it is a bit random and it can teleport you to the monument that is not under attack. Good thinking, or not really? 🙂
  2. Hi Guys, I`m planning to create pure (ish) frost deck for my RPVE 9 matches and this is what I`ve created: The only downside that I can see is that it will requires tons of energy (as for amii monument plus lots of spells) so it will be kinda slow. I am thinking if amii monument and overgrowth is necesary (as for lots of shields in this deck) but I like have healing spells in rpve... so what do you think? Any suggestions about this deck? And this is my second thought. Ice age can act as a healing spell and shrine of the martyr will help generate more power:
  3. U should get Nobel price guys! :D:D:D
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