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Posts posted by Loptous

  1.  Mana Wing... I rarely used it. I believe the only time I used it was to solo The Dwarven Riddle and Raven's End. Best feature about it is that it's a flying unit at T1, which can come real handy.

    I think PVP players will beg to differ.

    Well I did say it had low health and I didn't play PVP with nature so, I was trying to figure out all the archers and stuff, but then again I was also thinking of this card as a scouting type of card, not really used for combat. Then again what do I know...

  2. Mana-Wing.thumb.jpg.251cb0fdd219bbaf71d4 :kappa:

    Here's a good looking card! So I would be quick to assume that not only does it look good, but plays out very nicely. Being pretty much one of the only flying t1 cards, gives it some nice mobility. Although I am bothered by it's low base hp stat line, but can be probably fixed with some upgrades. Also the damage is pretty nice on it, and the power cost is very flexible, overall nice card, definitely something you should chose for a PVP deck 

  3. Unity_nature.thumb.jpg.0cbf835ec2b93a7a6Unity_frost.thumb.jpg.0e8f4dc24b70016c50

    I remember getting tons of these and never using them. Anyways it kind of reminds me of the Infernal Chains card, except being used by all friendly units. It seems pretty good for PVE inside great amounts of what I like to call war moments, when there are a lot of units fighting one another. Especially in very difficult PVE campaigne runs or just Battlegrounds PVE on a high difficulty as well. Overall pretty good I can say the least!

  4. 566ac98af252d_Warriors-Death_frost.thumb566ac98c2860c_Warriors-Death_fire.thumb.

    Hey look what I found guys! jk

    This card seems alright (ALRIGHT) mind you, it is far from being good I think, because of it's cost and during that time with 2 orbs, you would rather summon a unit. If there was a unit you used this spell on during T2, it wouldn't be much of a good investment, I would personally use this on Soulhunter during T3 if I was running a bandit deck. The cost is just too high to work with I'd rather just stick to normal fire or shadow spells before going for the bandit spells.

    Overall I don't like this card

  5. In pve sure in PvP totally useless 

    I wouldn't think it would entirely useless, except maybe the shadow one, but if someone happens to be running an entire affinity driven deck, it would work out okish?

  6. Abyssal-Warder_frost.thumb.jpg.a51b90836Abyssal-Warder_fire.thumb.jpg.a92c2d6a62

    My apologies for the recent delays in the topic's posts, real life stuff been bothering me, but anyways here's the new one!

    I really like the design of this card, something I would of came up with eventually myself. Very good stat line both affinities are pretty good, I just prefer the blue over red imo though. Anyways i am not sure about PVP but in PVE this would be great having 2 or 3 even of these on the field can really help out. 

    A shoutout to SilenceKiller99, Dallarian, Ulrakool, and Hiroo for helping out this discussion during my time of negligence.

  7. trurkor is orcish and means traitor.

    Almost sounds like Turkish lol


    Anyways mine is from the final boss in Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War. Being stuffed in a magical tome is not as easy as it looks... 

  8. Core-Dredge_frost.thumb.jpg.4b73dd578292Core-Dredge_fire.thumb.jpg.5ec8f6ad7e196

    Right before we get to Knight of Chaos, which will be tomorrow's post, I want to talk about Core Dredge.

    I mean, I cannot see myself taking this card when there are such cards like: Avatar of Frost or even Northland Drake. I suppose it is like Deepcoil Worm for frost, but without the tunnel system thingy. Also it could be hard to get from a pack, and if you really wanted to save up for a good frost card, you would go for Avatar of Frost imo.

  9. Executor.thumb.jpg.81ffa809fa28249e35927

    K I mean idk what to say about this card. Sooo, I mean I guess it is okish?? Maybe decent or something along that line, I just do not see why you wouldn't play forsaken, skeleton warriors, nightguard, nox trooper, or dreadcharger. I just don't know....

  10. Treefiend_shadow.thumb.jpg.2c280b2c84e23Treefiend_nature.thumb.jpg.93939f200cc20

    This card is very good I would think in some situations. Having them in groups is an absolute great defense. In PVP this card would be good, but I could not justify taking it over tree spirit, because it is pretty pricey and requires at least two of them to get the linked fire working faster. PVE this card is good, not great, but good. Nice for defending keypoints, you just set up two or three of them. Let me know what you guys think, I didn't play Twilight that much, so right now I am just going off of what the descriptions are, I have no clue how it would really pan out.

  11. Lost-Vigil_shadow.thumb.jpg.172d233aa5eaLost-Vigil_nature.thumb.jpg.8552547c2770

    To be honest I have always seen this card, and have previously owned it, but never used it. 

    The stat line seems weak for something t3 especially when going frost/shadow, with the lost grigori and stuff, hell you could probably put harvester over this. It seems to want to have synergy with structures.

    The green affinity - "Unit considerably gains in strength when positioned within a 20m radius around a friendly structure. It then has a long range of 50m and every blast deals 180 damage to enemies in a 15m radius around the target, up to 270 in total. Additionally, the unit will regenerate 25 life points every second."

    The purple affinity - "Unit considerably gains in strength when positioned within a 20m radius around a friendly structure. It then has a long range of 50m and every blast deals 180 damage to enemies in a 15m radius around the target, up to 270 in total. Additionally, 25% of damage dealt by the unit will be added to its life points."

    I just do not see the value in this card, in all scenarios. It can easily be squashed or blown up.

  12. Soulshatter.thumb.jpg.89b161c538a8495c9d

    Here's one I used on PVE quite a lot. Even though it could kill you units I found it very helpful in some AOE clear. Very good card for PVE I hope you guys can give a better description for this card, because I just like the fact it does damage :D 

  13. A 1650 damage shield for 8 seconds, which refreshes ever 7 seconds up to 3 times... sounds pretty OP for only 50 power. Not on units is kinda lame tho, and it's a 3 orb card. But otherwise it would be way to strong too.

    Imagine putting it on Avatar of Frost man, that thing would never die...

  14. Shield-Building.thumb.jpg.62bd9722aa1292

    If I remember correctly, you start out with this card. The shield is amazing, but only one flaw I see is that it cannot be used on units which is kind of bummer. But for protecting wells and orbs, this is one of the cards to do it. You could also use this in a Lost Souls deck or Stonekin which adds more to it's usability. Overall pretty good card

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