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Posts posted by Loptous

  1. Void-Maw.jpg.7d5683202ae44aca6c22eb8dd73

    Being my lazy self, I didn't feel like picking a card with an affinity, so here we are today!

    So right now I am trying to think what is the advantage of taking this over Lost Horror, because to be frank, this card as far as orb costs go is horrible.

    Although... The Void Shear is something to definitely to be aware of. Having a 200 base power cost, and while the upgrades lower it down to 150, that instantly kills ANYTHING!?

    Now I am not sure if this is an AOE explosion or what not, but if it is, you can have a fun time with this card.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Mental Omega said:

    A card that should have never been released...

    It's the ultimate cheese card that allows to break the design of the game and brings more advantages than actual disadvantages compared to a normal T4 orb (that is of course, unless somebody managed to build one before you could but that is another design flaw on its own).

    Some might argue that this card, while bad, is "necessary" for occasions like "difficult rpve 10 maps". However, that only shows that particular scenarios are simply broken and I would much more like to see those issues being fixed. Of coursed, sometimes maps are just obliged to be difficult and there should not be a way to cheat your way around this. Because honestly, it's nothing more than that.

    So yeah, while it could potentially be used legitimately, most the time it is just used to skip T3 for whatever reason. Laaame, why would you not have such a card when you are doing speed runs?

    In a perfect world, nobody would want or need this card and I just don't like it.

    Another questionable design decisions... sometimes (or actually, regularly) I wonder what Phenomic was thinking when they were designing cards.

    I was wondering the same when they made Oracle mask and such

  3. Amoo-Monument.jpg.5e6c1785b9253d0e8e085c

    So this card, very situational in some respects.

    I remember a lot of people wanting this card and for a good reason. Another guaranteed orb/5 orbs in PVE.

    Someone could possibly make a deck that could work around multiple faction cards, especially: Bandit, Twilight, Lost Souls, etc.

    How that could be pulled off, I have no idea because I never used this card. 

  4. Deepcoil-Worm.jpg.843e8960f0192f24b0268b

    I for one love this card! Every time I got one, I would not hesitate to keep it and not even think of selling one.

    For one the art design is very cool and attractive. Being pretty much a great counter for flying units and having great mobility, this card is definitely one to pick up.

    The Siege ability makes it great for those pesky walls and buildings, while the Drill Tunnel provides a tunnel effect if you have two deepcoils at the same time.

    This card is just really good that's all can say

  5. 1 hour ago, Treim said:

    I won't really participate in those PVP discussions as i have way to less inside into that.

    For rPVE there actually is a valid t2 strategy that is based around Rioter's Retreat, Commandos and Bandit Sorcerers. It is a pretty safe strategy as you are getting tons of damage reduction, making the life steal even more effective. It is quite power consuming and you might struggle with reaching the Spawn Building sometimes( if the placement is kinda unlucky), but you can pretty much tank up anything. It is especially good with Mines as support, as it is not the highest amount of damage you will be able to put out. For the Spawn building Issue you can add in Eruptions, which i would recommend in almost any Fire T1 rPVE deck anyways.

    I was thinking the same thing about the Rioter's Retreat, Commandos, and Bandit Sorceress being some janky combo that could prove some usefulness  

  6. Bandit-Sorceress_fire.jpg.f9a839e878ed9dBandit-Sorceress_frost.jpg.ea1d7711c3f7c

    So bandit Sorceress, a weird card especially with the ability of Installation which I find confusing at times.

    But what I get from it, is that this card is not made to fight outside of buildings rather inside?

    I mean nice attack buffs a good combo with Makeshift tower or Church of Negation. It's kind of hard to tell what affinity is better on this card, I guess it just comes down to personal preference whether you want more damage or less damage taken.

    So weird card like I said, I just don't know how to feel about it yet, since I cannot test it out myself...

  7. Enforcer.jpg.8d287e19c080b762da8669c15ba

    Sorry guys pretty late to day, a lot going on.

    Anways let's talk about the most essential card in any pure fire deck.

    I won't be able to talk much today because of real-life stuff, but tomorrow I should

  8. Infused_Wintertide-0.jpg.a64164246cb8498

    @LadadoosWell today, the card may look different because, when I accessed the google drive that contained all the cards, nothing was there so I am going off the Wiki for cards. Fix pls. Here's the link

    Back to the discussion, I don't know how to feel for this card just despite of it's awkwardness. It looks ok on paper?

    Have no idea how this card would work in any situation, but I believe it could work it someone was to be really desperate.  

    So the red affinity: Every friendly ground unit within a 20m radius will be frozen to the ground. They will then be immobile but may still attack and use special abilities. Affected targets take 20% less damage, cannot be knocked and deal 250 damage to attacker when being trampled. Last for 10 seconds. Reusable every 20 seconds.

    The blue affinity: Every friendly ground unit within a 20m radius will be frozen to the ground. They will then be immobile but may still attack and use special abilities. Affected targets take 30% less damage and cannot be knocked. Last for 10 seconds. Reusable every 20 seconds.

    With this being said, the Red affinity is much more better than the blue one because of the damaging trampling units thingy. Of course I believe this card is made to be a defense mechanism, to protect orbs, power wells, etc. 

    I am not sure about you guys, but I always hated this splash art, it is just disgusting to me.


  9. Twilight-Curse_shadow.jpg.6953252231b312Twilight-Curse_fire.jpg.33b44eb58f284967

    It has been some time since we've talked about a Twilight Card, so here's one.

    So from a standpoint in PVP, this would be used mainly on Harvesters but I think the purple one would be a little better to use on the Harvester.

    The upgrades for this card make it a little more usable, the only problem I see with this card is the orb cost. During that stage of the game, T3 creatures would most likely be played Dark Cultist, Deepcoil, etc. The problem I see with this card is that it can only affect T2 units in a post T2 situation, if you make it that far.

    Of course it can remove pesky fire dancers and such but after that, what is the use? I also believe, Dryad could be a counter for this card in terms of removing debuffs?

    Anyways, on the splash art for the card, is that Rogan Kayle or some other random dude? Because, I always thought it looks a lot like Rogan Kayle...

  10. 22 hours ago, Treim said:

    That was pretty much on point.

    I'd suggest to pick a card that has some more talk potential for tomorrow. I don't really care what just something that is a valuable card or at least was.


    Your wish is my command!

    The damage is alright for the basic attack and can hit multiple targets, if I read correctly but, the hit points are so freaking low. 

    Obviously the main function of this unit is to steal an opponent's creature or whatever. It counters a decent amount of creatures as well ranging from Mountaineer, and some T2, creatures with a 150 power cost or less. Very unfortunate this card can not take over Harvester, because that would be pretty cool imo.

    Now counters for this card, hmm... where do I begin, oh yes pretty much everything like manawing except, in the stage in the game this is played, there would be more counters such as Shadow mage and makeshift towers.

    But I am not sure if it would work, but if there is one unit left of this squad, could it still mind control? Also this card could have some use, but it would have to be played the second you can before any real counters start going up.

    Also Stormsinger says hi to this card!

  11. Lost-Priest_shadow.jpg.778771e070659db6eLost-Priest_fire.jpg.3af0a12b57aae2cf1b1

    Ok, I do not know so much about this one, so I will let you guys talk about it in great detail. Anyways I will just go by what I see on this one.

    First off, I remember buying all of the Lost Priests from the AH and forcing people to buy them for ridiculous prices. So the stat line is very low, but since it has a low stat line, I would expect some good support buffs or something.... right?

    So short story, the Red one makes enemies take 30% more damage and the purple one makes them deal 25% less damage, I mean it's an ok buff don't get me wrong, but it's just not that useful, unless it can stack of course.

    One thing I liked about this card was it's attack animation was pretty cool and I guess somewhere down the line you could use this for a lost souls deck, where you need one more unit, but in most situations, this would probably not be it... unfortunately. 

  12. Thunder-Wagon_shadow.jpg.de1c5bb605ca9b9Thunder-Wagon_fire.jpg.5314c4e6678235147

    As far as the affinity goes for this card, it is totally up to player preference. This card was soooo good on PVE for the amazing DPS and especially RAMPAGE ability. Having these paired with like Mo, Fireworm, etc, could provide excellent results.

    I remember the cost being extremely high price like around 2500-4000 depending on the affinity and for a very good reason, it provided Fire users an option for a tankier more overloaded T4 unit that could bring some massive value.

  13. Searmen.jpg.8e41447368cb0acc5625debb4469

    First let me say this, the card on the Google Drive folder is called Searmen not Spearmen just fyi.

    This card also has pretty decent stats that could probably transfer well into the mid-game with a lot of M units being thrown around

    Anyways, this could be a great counter for early game nonsense such as Nox Trooper, Ice Guardian, etc. Also the upgrades for this card are pretty nice, with more damage comes greater value from this card. 

    I used this card a lot on PVE missions coupled with Windweavers and Shaman, is such a nasty combo for a high price, but was totally worth it.

    The only thing that I can see that would pose a problem for this card is: Frostmage. This card could seem to have a great advantage over higher cost units especially; KoC or Enforcer.

    Overall, this card is pretty good and has it's use: 8.7/10 Great card.

  14. Razorshard_fire.jpg.762f74faf9398a7a4b00Razorshard_nature.jpg.6de05a8ed59624fef9

    So, I can already tell this card is good, but what affinity is the best?

    The Red Affinity knocks up Small and Medium creatures while the Green Affinity Regenerates lifepoints when near the Razorshard's gifted bombing raid.

    The only problem I see with this card, is that it is a slightly another version of Fire-stalker although without the siege part. 

    I would most likely take the red affinity in both PVP and PVE, because I think that knocking up units is a better choice than a hp regen buff that is like 20 or something.

    Anyways, I don't know what to rate this card, but I think it could have some practical use. But then again, it's artwork...could use some work....

  15. Skydefender_shadow.jpg.1028bba42f7a77086Skydefender_nature.jpg.e4cec0232764a9e1a

    Not much I can say here, this card just isn't so good. Only air defense, when there are plenty of towers that can be both air and ground. So I do not know the true value of this card, please enlighten me about it more.

    Until then 3.1/10 only good for air

  16. Phalanx.jpg.76de460e9d724f040e2e4ff84c9c

    May I be the first to say, this card seems overloaded in abilities, but for a good reason.

    I find this an upgraded version of Imperials, which is a good card. This card is pretty good as well, especially with all of the horsemen and stuff around. It could even go up against a Harvester with about maybe two or more of them to compete. An addition to the high health, this card can gain a great amount of attack buffs from being upgraded and also from being switched into defensive formation.

    I like this card, not sure about you guys though, but I give a 8.3/10 great.

  17. I guess you mean this discussion.


    Pretty sure this one was pretty irrelevant for PVE, can not really judge that well about it as i never played Pure Fire a whole bunch and actually saw almost noone using it for at least some years. Probably someone else has some more insight about that. It was at least not a 'must-have' for rPVE. At least i had no problem not using it.

    It probably could have some general use, Campaign PVE but that's all I can think of 

  18. Firedancer.thumb.jpg.c6bb687222db193ded6

    This card is something pretty much every fire PVP deck looks forward to playing on a regular basis. The range is insane coupled with the siege makes it very annoying to play against. 

    I mean there's only so much I can talk about on this card, but if I did I would keep repeating myself...

  19. I like them and they are useable, however there are better swift units for Nature T1 (Swiftclaw and Amazon) I do remember that there was a pure nature player (forgot his name) who loved using Werebeasts in PvP but that's all I ever saw of it. in PvE it is useable though, definitely while in the beginning. I give it a 6/10.

    There is Forest Elder which is basically a giant Wolf so there's that XD 


    It looks to be more on the Feline side more than the Canine side

  20. Werebeasts.thumb.jpg.9298c06e7b8c7d0d2b4

    When I made nature decks, I would often go with these because I could not afford the price of Swiftclaw back then. Although I must say this card is pretty nice and possibly has a potential with Amazon if given the power. 

    The stats are decent and the regeneration is nice, everything you should expect from a starter card. Being the cost is 75, 5 less than Swift claw, although being Small creatures allows this card to easily fall to Dreadcharger, Frost Mage, etc. Unlike swiftclaw, which is a medium card and cannot be affected as much from those, I think this card could make a worthy entry into a deck that cannot afford swiftclaw for the time being. Or this card could be useful for PVE, where the regeneration could make it a little more tankish when capturing points and survivability.

    Overall 7.9/10 Great but not the best

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