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Posts posted by SunWu

  1. After the reaver nerf, grigori was the new definition of lame :( Also Hirooo says he likes them, but i know for a fact that he always used to suicide them.

    What do you think about lost grigori ? :)

  2. Looks like a very manly man but then again very scared. I feel like he's a frost kind of guy due to his picture therefor he'll never have a place in my deck :kappa:

    Yeah, Rogan always hung around the lyrish guys. He looked more confident on his non-promo picture:


    That haircut tho !

  3. Very nice discussion today guys.

    Anyways I just do not like the way this card is presented tbh. It seems very slow, except maybe for the well one, and PVP is generally not that slow, you need fast things to summon, not T3 over 100 power spells that are pretty much a temporal thing

    Curse well destroys an enemies well within a second, find me something faster ^^ Never tested Curse Orb tbh

  4. How to counter as Shad Nature? 

    Type ,,wp cliffnoob'' in chat and leave. But seriously, i think only aura of corruption can stop a good cliffing as shadow/nature. Not powereffective, but at least your well/orb might survive.

  5. Is it really only 150 power? I find that kinda cheap wth...

    Spending 150 power and getting nothing but a destroyed (enemy)well in return is under normal circumstances a risky move. Because now your oponent has 150 power more to spend than you (if powerlevels were even in this scenario). This can result in an overwhelming attack that will end with more than a well destroyed on your side. BUT frostplashes, especially stonekin and lost souls, but to a certain extent also pure frost, fire frost and pure shadow with frost T3 have quite strong defensive capabilities. Now if they use cursewell they can often defend succesfully even with the 150 power disadvantage and finish the scenario with a permanent power advantage (the cursed well) using a low-risk strategy that, like Hirooo said, also supports non-interactive playstile.


  6. Oh finally, my favourite card ! The game needs more cards like this. It supports lame, turtling, let's-play-30-minutes-without-action-playstyle. Great supplement for tryhard defensive frostsplashes, also really low risk. Why use units to attack the enemy, they might get countered, you might have to think and micro, who knows what will happen. Just do the *swoosh*-thing (god, i hated that sound) and - bam -well gone, that's always 150 power well spent ! Nerf it to the ground or outright ban that card. Otherwise i will make an account where i lame only this with cultist void manipulation to show everybody how stupid and succesful it can be even in the hands of a mediocre player ! 

    ,,Another thing that intrigues me is that, why does the Curse Well card have a higher power cost than Curse Orb? Sure your getting rid of a power well, but I would think an Orb is pretty vital as well... ''

    That's because curse well destroys a well permanently (and is only 150 power on U3 anyway) while curse orb cancels an orb only temporary. Also a. is freak'n OP and b. is useless. ^^

  7. To be honest i have no idea why they give Firedancer a Siege ability. She is just shooting fire balls. With this logic many other units could have Siege ability too.

    I guess it was planned as fulfilling the role of a mobile mortar in T2 (Back then mortar didn't need ground presence in the target area). Its incredible attack being balanced by low hp and being slow. I guess without the cliffing it would be a relatively balanced unit.

  8. If mortar and phasetower are OP, then wintertide is too.....

    Personally I think all the t1 is balanced with tree spirits maybe being slightly OP, but not enough to nerf. Probably on the same level as mountaineer. Shield building and timeless one are perhaps too strong, I'll agree there. And I guess bandits are UP, but that's sort of the nature of the faction....and it's quite strong in 2v2: a buff to bandits for 1v1s would make it one of the strongest 2v2 factions, I think.

    It was my perception that mortar and phasetower were slightly too strong. When i write slightly i mean that they're maybe ripe for a ~50dmg or hp nerf or maybe lenghthen phasetowers postport vulnerability slightly, Nothin major really, but something that could help certain decks in certain situations a little bit to even the chances. And nothing that would make those cards useless. Seeing it that way i don't understand this: ,,tree spirits maybe being slightly OP, but not enough to nerf'' When they're slightly OP why not a slight nerf ? The better balance gets, the tinier the needed nerfs/buffs get, i think.

    ,,And I guess bandits are UP, but that's sort of the nature of the faction....and it's quite strong in 2v2: a buff to bandits for 1v1s would make it one of the strongest 2v2 factions, I think.''

    Bandits nature is being UP ? XD I lived with the illusion that it was risk and aggression ! I think evening the chances for bandits a little wouldn't hurt 2vs2 too much, as far as i remember pure fire+pure frost and pure fire+lost were everybodies favourites.

  9. In PVP it seemed like one of those cards that can only be used if you already won the game. Imagine being pure nature, building that thing, then using the ability and waiting for the power to flow back. In the meanwhile you might have lost the game. And in late T2 it's easier to just spam DOs, burrowers or whatever. So: too expensive for early T2 and too weak for late T2.

  10. I've done a few tests and these are my conclusions:

    1. You are not able to disenchant your unit when it's being disintegrated. It says Invalid Target.
    2. Frost bite does not speed up the disintegration.
    3. The unit does not lose health after a failed disintegration.


    Thx for clearing those up. My assumption regarding 3 was that the unit (jugger for example) that survived the disintegration gets its max hp back, but i guess i confused it with wrathgazer.

  11. i also remember not being able to disenchant grigs disentegration - i would have definetly used it at 12:30 in this match: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qkdImAIsUXg , as i never played pure fire without green dis. What i remembered wrong, though, is that the unit doesn't get it's full health back after a failed disintegration, i thought they would heal up. Would be also interesting if frostbite (the 25% more damage affinity) speeds up the disintegration. Can you test that ?

  12. Hey Everybody...

    because there were no more Posts here in the last weeks, i am going to complete and sort out the list in the first posting, so we have a list of things that are worth to discuss further. But before I'll lead over to this, i want to make one more point and ask for your opinions here and maybe someone can explain to me again why this was not OP, because I alwways felt it to be imbalanced: The defensive Power of shadow-splashs through the combination of Aura and Nasty. I know, this was not realy an issue for most of the community, but at least for me it felt that those two cards made it nearly impossible to attack Shadow/Frost in T2 in combination with the frostspells .. it sometimes was kind of frustrating to have worn off an enemy attack with micro and good counterplay, then launch the counterattack and the enemy just reacts with a defensive crawlernasty or an Aura to kind of easily dodge an attack... especialy a pain in the ass if you have kinda expensive attacking units like skyfire + scythe... i know, aura is dodgeable, nasty sometimes as well.. and i don't recall exactly what was done to nasty.. i think there was made a dmg-cap for it, that adressed it being too strong in T3 ?! But do you think it was fully balanced in T2 (Reavernasty..)? Or am i just biased? It just often felt soo lame to me.. boom nasty or aura, everything save... meeh..

    I would like to hear some opinions on that to get it clear for me again, after this i will post the List of Balancing Issues found out in the discussion that are worth to discuss further.

    Cheers, Nachtalb

    AoC and nasty surprise (the nerf let to only 1000hp being effectively nastied, KoC is the perfect nasty unit now) were nicely balanced in my book.

    AoC: Like you already said there was often a chance to dodge it and then attack somewhere else or heal your units, leaving the AoC player with a temporary disadvantage. I feel that the sometimes seemingly overwhelming defense of lost decks mainly stems from kobold trick, cheap fast DA and NC damage, good anti air + coldsnap being a solid cc. T3 it get's worse with shield building. I think they can do good without AoC. However AoC is essential for Shadow/Nature and also important for pure shadow and bandits and therefor i don't like the thougt of nerfing it.

    Nasty surprise: I'm biased here, i love that card : ) I think it's last nerf was really well executed, you can't just blindly bomb XLs in T3 now. In T2 it isn't too much of a problem for nature splashes thx to roots, i don't really know how it is for you as fire/frost cause i almost never played that. I always imagined the trick is to hit the nc with your drake before it nasties and think of creative ways to split before attacking...

  13. In PVE it can be useful on defensive maps. Defense tower has better stats but i guess with clever use of ice shield tower's ability it can be more effective. I can imagine lightblade's taunt supported by shielding being good against single, strong enemies.

    In PVP it's not a must have T1 card, but a strong choice. Freemka showed how it can bring significant T1 advantages. It can be used to avoid being scavy or dreadcharger rushed on large maps and it can be an effective counter against offensive phase towers, also good to defend against T2.

  14. woooow.

    Lost Souls green Lost Spirit Ship has the best heal in the game with its ability, its easy to stack up with altar of chaos or armored tower and all the energy is easiliy regained with a bit of void manipulation. It takes some preparation time for sure, however definetly worth

    I dont think that most melee t4 units are supposed to be the damage dealers but more of a tank. I really liked to use Lost dragons + 2-3 lost spirit ships for healing + 1-2 lost warlord for tanking. Regarding the card costs. His stats are way superior to overlord that why it costs more.

    I agree on revenants doom not being the best ability, however the point about that ability is having voidless units. You can hold them alive for a pretty decent amount of time with help of revenants blessing and netherwarp. I used a revenants rPVE deck, that one was entirely build around keeping revenants alive. I managed to have my army alive for about 5-6 minutes, that was generally enough to clear a lvl 9 rPVE t4 stage. Also the ability effecit

    Ability costs doesnt matter anyways as pretty much any 'good' PVE deck is around void manipulation anyways, so those costs arent an issue( effectively costing you 11 power). Do not forget that lost warlord is a XL counter which is much more useful in PVE than the L counter of overlord.

    T4 cards arent relevant in PVP anyways so its pretty much nonsense comparing overlord and lost warlord in that regard.

    Tbh i think that both cards are pretty good. While overlord is a card that is much more flexible and can be played in a lot of different decks, lost warlord is limited to 2-3 strategies however is superior to overlord in those decks.

    Overall just a great card in my opinion

    you forgot to mention how badass an army of their revenants look, especially surrounded by ethereal storm and revenants blessing.

  15. the stats are pretty good for T2

    What ? The stats would be okay if it was swift, ranged and armored, but it's slow, melee and vulnerable (compare it to knight of chaos or maulers stats). It's one of the weakest T2 units really. One where you could easily buff the transformation ability without having to worry that the card would become OP.

  16. You know a thought just occurred to me.  While this will not solve the whole problem it will help a bit.


    Merely remove the Fast Construction from Rallying banner.  This way Fire will have to take a well and or monument on that cliff.  Currently they drop a 50 power rapid construction RB and there is really no way to stop it from being built.  I think this one little change will make a world of difference in a lot of ways.  Anyways just the thoughts of an old man :>

    Woulnd't pure fire players get a too strong nerf on their standard attack on open field ? And the cliffing could still be done relatively effectively with dazed units wich can't be reached anyway, so in the end 50 power saved (no rallying banner) at cost of a dazed/delayed cliff attack ?

    Edit: Muh poor bandits, too :(

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