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Everything posted by Jericho

  1. For me the Bootersimulation dont work :/ (https://dev.skylords.eu/views/booster.html) And this is what I get when I flip all: any suggestions?
  2. Glad to see that the list is still growing =)
  3. hehe with people together everything is better @ all feel free to ask and join
  4. well Ark is not released jet. it is still somekind of beta. I have now nearly 600h playtime and i must say when you have a good hardwaresetup the grafic is reall good! (I will post a picture at the end) One of my friends described the game as "Sims for boys" and i guess he is right. All in all it is a nice dinoTaming-Survival-building-exporing-game.
  5. Hey Skyloards and -ladies, For all of us who are playing ARK, while waiting for BFR: I run an "ARK: Survival Evolved" server. Everyone who wants to join, pls pm me I will send you the IP-address and name. MAP: Valhalla , 5xTaming, 3x XP, 3x Loot and some small mods. Best, Jericho
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