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  1. Howdy! For those of you who are not aware, let me direct you to the Skylords Reborn Community YouTube channel. Despite our laziness in uploading, this channel has grown quite a lot! As a result, we are eligible for monetization. We were previously prohibited from profiting from our early access, but now that everyone can play the game, that rule is gone! Our plan is to begin monetizing (and posting) soon, but we're making some changes. I'll detail those changes in an upcoming video (along with an experiment I want to try), but here is a preview and call for content creators. Our main goal is to increase the size of our YouTube channel, and thus increase the visibility of this project. I've had great success in my personal channel, which I've recently been posting to, to see how much you guys are interested in BattleForge content even though you can now play for yourselves . I've had at least one person comment on my video, remarking that the game looked cool and he wanted to know how to play. Our changes: 1. We want to increase the number of videos on this channel. Ideally, we'll get to one video per day. And we'll try to stick to a regular upload schedule 2. We want to increase the number of "regular" creators on this channel. So comment below if you want to be a part of this--we'll hold some sort of review process to join the team. 3. We want to increase the number of "featured" creators on this channel. This is less of a commitment, and a good way to gain exposure. These videos can be stream highlights, etc. 4. We want to broaden the content of the channel. Most of our videos are PvP--we want this to be a representation of ALL of Battleforge, so we want to host gameplay of everything. 5. We want to fulfill more viewer requests--i.e. if you send us replays, we want to cast them. So for me personally, I'm going to try to post one video per week on the community channel, and more videos on my personal channel. We're looking for other creators to commit to a certain schedule, and we'll try to fill in the gaps with featured videos. Of course, we won't hit one video per day for a while, but I just want to put that out as our goal. We're still in the process of organizing our behind-the-scenes, so consider this post as an announcement and a place to express interest. We still need to figure out how we're going to organize voting, expenditures, and accepting creators, so these changes will probably not roll out for a few weeks. If you are interested in being a "regular" creator, however, you'll need to be consistent (we're trying to atone for our sins). That means that to be accepted, you'll need a certain number of banked videos. We'll decide on that number later, but if you're excited now, just start recording and saving them for the channel relaunch! So, what will we do with the money from monetization? Originally, I thought we'd directly donate to the devs, but some other members had better ideas. We really want to set up some kind of replay repository, and if the devs don't want to do that, then we can use this money to host it ourselves. We might have other things we can try doing (perhaps like some paid software to manage the channel, or advertising, or giveaways). We need to talk to the devs about the ethics of this, but we MAY be able to take the advertising money and offer irl rewards for tournaments. And of course, any leftover money will go straight to the devs. So while we may not directly donate money to the servers, NO ONE on the community channel will financially profit from monetization. All proceeds will go directly to support the game's revival in one way or another.
  2. Hey everyone, RadicalX here! Some of you may already know, that I try to provide as much Battleforge gameplay content as possible and since I'd like to know what you'd like to see I decided to make this thread here. So this is the stuff I wanted to upload on YouTube anyways: -> Some of my best PvP matches (either the closest or clean ones, depends) -> Recent streams with actual gameplay (PvP & maybe some PvE too) -> Replay Reviews from 2013-games (Analyzing either old top level PvP matches or some crazy games in general as long as I have enough replays) -> Random videos about some stuff like specific interactions, that are useful to know to spice up your gameplay (or something like "how to oneshot powerwells with an Easter Egg" ) -> Short deck building videos with short analysis about the 10 different factions Here's the last video I've uploaded recently: Generally speaking I'll try to make a channel with entertaining content, but also educational aspects for those, who want to play the game on a high level in PvP. So let's get to the actual point. What kind of content would you like to see? A specific PvE map (solo runs)? A specific PvP matchup or a special deck in action? Or maybe something like challenges (I think @Eirias made a thread about this once)? I'd appreciate every comment & idea on this!
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