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Posts posted by Yakamaru

  1. 1 hour ago, BionicReaper said:

    That sounds better, but I was thinking about being in prison until they die. Anyway, I just had a wrong idea of your viewpoint.

    I have to apologize if I seemed a bit.. Snarky in my earlier post. I forgot that some people may not be good at explaining their opinion properly the first time around, and calling myself an intellectual, I am ashamed. Good thing that's clearing up.

    How would you personally deal with a terrorist, if I may ask? Lets say a terrorist kills 5-10 people in a shopping mall with a small bomb. He run across you, and you had the chance to take him/her out. Would you take them out, or how would you try and deal with him? If the latter, how would you deal with them?

    It may sound like a bit of petty justice, but personally, I would kill him. He's already made the lives of at least 10 other people a living hell, having lost loved ones and friends. And as a terrorist, should be dealt with accordingly. If the terrorist were to escape, they would just do the same shit over again.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Secvndvs said:

    Gonna risk myself on this, but who cares i can make a new account if anything happends. I'm not being disrespectfull anyway.

    Im a fascist. One that read the Fascist Manifesto of Mussolini and Gentile, not a Hollywood fascist.

    More of a traditionalist fascist than a futurist one. I respect the futurist idea of fascism, but the futurist fanatic ones are just degenerates that end forgetting the basics of the Fascist Manifesto.

    Oh, cool. An actual fascist. Been wanting to actually talking with one for a while, and hear about their ideology and political views.

    Do you think you could go into a bit more detail? What you believe in? What you don't believe in? What you oppose? What you stand for?

  3. 36 minutes ago, veryhasted said:

    Haha, yeah :P Correct, they are currently 2:nd( https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinionsmätningar_inför_riksdagsvalet_i_Sverige_2018 ). I hope they can come to some kind of agreement with another party. I do believe that they will increase further later this year and hopefully even more until 2018.

    Ooo, nice. SD's really catching up to the SocialRats, I mean Socialdemocrats. :P

    Yeah, lets cross our fingers for SD. 

    34 minutes ago, BionicReaper said:

    @Yakamaru I was just replying to that guy on religious side. Also I feel like you should take into consideration all of my perspective. From that idea also comes "Do not kill" because you infringe on that person's right on doing whtever he wants. Truly I think sending them to prison might be the wrong option as you said, but I would like to avoid killing someone unless there really is no other way to prevent affecting the rest of the population.

    I do take it into consideration. I just disagree with it, mate, as I've seen first-hand what these asswits are doing in prison, radicalizing inmates. Two good friends of mine died in the Orlando shooting, and another one in Nice, France, last year. I have a bit of a grudge against Islam, as they took 3 good friends away from me.

    Some people you just can't negotiate with, and if they had the chance, would kill you without remorse. They would kill as many as possible if they were given the chance. Sending them to prison for life is not an option. The Islamic world, or rather, a lot of imams, have openly called for the death of western culture, and that anyone that doesn't throw themselves under Islamic rule(dhimmi), will be purged and/or enslaved. ISIS and other terror cells, all Islamic in nature, have openly called for a "Holy War" with the western world. This is a war, not some random criminal who have been radicalized.

    Erdogan of Turkey's a prime example. Using "refugees" as a weapon. Should read up on some of his quotes. Makes you wanna vomit.

    And unless Islam and Muslims are in fact dealt with, these terrorist attacks are only going to escalate more and more until we are seeing one a day in Europe. We are already seeing several day across the planet. Statistics all over, with some few variations in them, show time and time again that a lot of Muslims either don't condemn the actions of ISIS/Hamas, etc, hate the west despite living there, homosexuality should be criminalized, etc.


    ^ These numbers are popping up all over the place, time and time again.

    Some cultures you just can't get along with. 1400 years of hostility towards anyone and anything they don't like is proof of this.

    Killing someone who is an extremely dangerous individual is doing the rest of the population a favor. It's a form of self-defense where you take the initiative.

  4. 19 minutes ago, veryhasted said:

    Yeah, shit has really been going south the last years, however I think that things will turn in the upcoming years (Been noticing that the flow has started to change a little bit). The government have been doing immigration completely wrong, hell even I would do it atleast x100 times better. I have high hopes for SD (Sverige demokraterna, whom are the opposition party) in the election 2018, the change is needed. I love Angry Foreigner's videos. 

    Waaaaait. What is this? Someone who's a fan of the Sweden Democrats too? Holy crap! Yeah, SD really needs to kick off. Last time I heard they were like 2nd in the polls? They are kicking ass over here, despite the government being full SJW feminists.

    Angry Foreigner's awesome. I've watched a lot of his videos.

    18 minutes ago, BionicReaper said:

    If I understood that right, I think that's a little bit of twisted justice. So basically your logic is that anyone that goes against the system should be violently shutdown? Against your system to say. I believe that's basically oppressive, denying the person's freedom. It's saying you have autority over all and that if you don't obey, you get erased. I believe putting them in prison is right though, because if they have killed people or disturbed the daily lives of citizens, it will be to prevent the incident from happening again.

    Terrorists, per definition, are going against not only the laws in the country, but also the population. They can't be negotiated with, and sure as hell won't step down. The IRA(and are the exception to this rule) were terrorists, but they at the very least knew when they went too far. They were terrorists because they believed they had no other choice, and were also only politically motivated. These Islamic terrorists are religiously and politically motivated. They WANT to die, taking us, the kufars, with them. They are not afraid of death, so I say give it to them. Kicking them out of your country and don't let them back in also works.

    Sending them to prison I personally find retarded. You give them a chance to convince other inmates to follow your same radical views. No, prison is not the answer. Deportation and a perma-ban on their visa is the answer.

    The London terrorist 2 days ago were in fact radicalized in prison, where a lot of radicalization is in fact happening. Sending them to prison is basically just creating more radicals.

    18 minutes ago, BionicReaper said:

    Snip snip.

    This is also not a religious thread, mate, no offense. If you want to talk about religion that badly, I'd recommend you create a new thread.

    18 minutes ago, BionicReaper said:

    Basically my ideology is that there should be one rule: "Everyone can do whatever they want"

    Do whatever you want as long as you follow the laws of the land and respect the culture, people and country you live in. Pretty simple thing to live by, but a good one.

  5. 22 minutes ago, Eddio said:

    Only 8 if he gets re-elected :P He might do good we just have to wait and see and hope he turns out to be a good president. :)

    With how the Left, those who don't like him, and how the MSM acts and behaves, which frankly can be considered utterly childish and insulting to human intellectual honesty, him delivering on his promises and giving America hope again, trolling the everliving FUCK out of the MSM(MSNBC's Maddow and Trump's tax returns is one such awesome troll. Looking back at all of this shit, I am really starting to think that his IQ is at least 130, if not higher, going by how he intentionally is being vague on some things. I think he leaked his own tax returns just troll the media), not being politically correct and being a businessman who creates actual, tangible results, I'd say he's almost guaranteed 8 years.

    I say almost, as he might end up being not what I expected of him in these first 4 years of his Presidency.

    But yes, I agree. If or when he does stupid shit, I will not ignore it. I will openly criticize him and his actions. Him as a POTUS have a looooot of potential, especially considering his background and personal experience and knowledge.

    For now, he's doing what he promised: Put America and Americans first. His actions and promises thus far at least, are in sync.

    But gotta give him just a little credit for trolling the everliving fuck out of the media, no? :D

    22 minutes ago, Eddio said:

    That is really relative to what you find important in a country.

    Just saying :P 

    Indeed. My response to that would be rights, liberties, freedoms, equality. No other country on the planet have anything like the First Amendment, let alone the Second Amendment. America have 27 Amendments. Several more are actually being suggested, to give Americans the means to truly control their own life and immediate surroundings.

    Our societies and countries here in the west were in fact heading towards a racially and sexuality blind society. We were heading towards a much truer society based on equality, where who and what you were did not matter, with a few exceptions. Then identity politics happened, and everyone is grouped into all kinds of crap, and it's dividing us even more than Adolf Hitler ever managed to. Sexuality, gender, race, religion, past experiences, traumas, opinions, views, political views, +++. Now, I am not against labels in general. They are extremely useful. But we have WAY too many of them. If we are to be approaching true equality, identity politics needs to go.


    When you are to give you arguments, I am a firm believer that the moment you go and insult, throw ad hominems and/or do name-calling, your arguments, no matter how reasonable and/or good, are to be thrown out the window. Not because of intellectual dishonesty, but by how you act. You can convince a person much better, or the very least, let them understand your viewpoint, by being friendly, concise on your arguments, and giving good sources. In short, it's a matter of respect. And whether you're there just to argue, or listen and learn.

  6. 3 hours ago, anonyme0273 said:

    Leaning towards the right wing, as I dislike sitting and talking, when action could be done. Had I lived in America during the presidental elections, I would have voted for Donald Trump as the lesser evil.

    The thing is, Donald Trump is NOT evil. At worst, he's only going to be able to do very little during his 8 years of Presidency. At BEST, he can really turn America into what America once was: The best country on the planet, with the second not even being able to keep up. He has already delivered on 5 of his promises, as according to his campaign and what he campaigned for. If it weren't for both Democrats AND Republicans being utter assholes and deluded, in the Senate, Congress and other places, shit would'be been done real fuckin' quick, I can tell you.

    3 hours ago, veryhasted said:

    I'm kind of right-wing, agree with the points anonyme has said. However, I do live in Sweden so being right-wing here is left-wing in the US.. ^^

    Sweden from all the statistics, evidence and all the other crap coming out of it(Angry Foreigner is on point on all of this), I would say is looking very dire, unfortunately. Sweden's a great country and a god damn awesome neighbor for us directly in the West. Although we throw shit at each other daily, we get along just fine as far as countries are concerned.

    3 hours ago, anonyme0273 said:

    There can't be a right without a left, so don't get triggered now. This is all just my brief opinion, not going in depth at all, and I am willing to discuss anything with anyone who talks in reason and logic.

    For every action there is an equal and opposite REaction. The Left does stupid shit, the Right responds. The Right does stupid shit, the Left responds.

    All this nationalism, patriotism, anti-globalism and just sheer non-political correctness rise and the rise in populism is a direct reaction to the Left's moronic policies, words and actions. Or rather, lack there of, to be honest.

    im more center to the left but diffrent country diffrent governement. its for me that everyone has the same right but at the moment most of the worlds habitants doesnt have them thats includes the right to live where they want. country are for me only lines that some peoples draw on a map if i walk to germany or an other country i dont see those lines. and for exapmle the air we breath doesnt belong to countrys 

    And it's fine having those views, mate. Unfortunately, we do not have the luxury to be a globalized population. Not yet, anyway. Until we ALL actually get along, we can't become a global community.

    One problem is the idea of "multiculturalism". The idea itself is fine. However, if you import people whose cultures, values, social norms, freedoms, opinions, etc, are sometimes vastly different, sometimes opposite, you're going to have deal with it in some way. However, throwing your ethics, morals, opinions, ideologies and principles out the window is NOT the answer. *cough*Angela Merkel and the EU*cough*

    Things such as freedoms, liberties, rights, freedom of speech, etc, are things western cultures and countries are based and founded upon. These are things you just can't find a middle-ground on, as they are founding principles which leads to individual freedom and rights. The individual is the focus of our society.

  7. What are your political affiliations and/or views, ideology, if you have any?

    Personally I am a Centrist. A mix of Liberal, Conservative, Collectivist and Authoritarian, though I prefer the term Liberal Conservative if we HAVE to put me on the spectrum. All sides on the spectrum have good and bad ideas, which is why I ended up basically in the middle.

    Quite frankly I've been thinking about buying and/or reading Mein Kampf and shit by Karl Marx, just so get a notion of where the bastards come from in terms of views and ideology.


    Follow the forum Rules: No insulting, personal attacks based upon personal beliefs/opinions/ideologies, no degrading language. This thread follows the rules, as it does not say you cannot talk about politics.

  8. 4 hours ago, Phoenix313 said:

    What is this A-N-I-M-E everyone is talking about, I dont get it, please explain.

    Anime can be many things. Entertainment, educational, full of humor and satire, historical, you name it.

    Depends on the series.

  9. Ah, here we go. Anime thread, found!


    Some of my favorites:
    CLANNAD + S2


    Kowarekake no Orgel


    Parasyte - the maxim

    Black Lagoon

    Black Bullet

    Gundam Wing

    Macross Frontier

    Psycho-Pass + S2



    I've seen almost 500 series/OVA's/OAD's/movies so far. These are only some of my favorites.

  10. Last year?

    C&C Generals: Zero Hour

    Guild Wars 2


    Age of Empires II/III


    Diablo II: Lord of Destruction


    Killing Floor 2


    Civ V

    Titan Quest: Immortal Throne

    War for the Overworld

    Ragnarok Online



    Can't be assed to list'em all up. Too lazy.

  11. I've been playing RTS games since I was 6 years old. Once I got my own computer back in 2004 I could play RTS games often. And often were they played. Very often. C&C Generals: Zero Hour, Urban Assault, Total Annihilation, C&C Red Alert, C&C Red Alert 2, KKND2:Krossfire and Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne especially.


    Once SR hits Open Beta I am going to use all my skills and experience from my 13 years of gaming into play. Gonna be fun!

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