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Posts posted by Fabry

  1. I think understand your points of view.

    48 minutes ago, Rankerz said:

    This is not an issue for someone who knows multiple languages to just switch, but can be even more frustrating for some younger player knowing only 1 language

    The sad thing is, there are still lots of young german people, even lots of teenagers and adults, that dont seem to understand english well enough to be able to make conversations with it. I think i will just try to make them (the german playerbase) aware of the problem and will have to see whats comes of it.

    Maybe they can understand it better if someone explained it in their language.

    But i still think that a chat filter, to filter for language would be usefull.

    Danol likes this
  2. Quote

    1.1. Language
    Speak English only on the Forums and Discord Server. You can speak any language in-game. 

    Today i got told that i should refrain from speaking german (my mother tongue) in the in-game chat becouse some players would put me on their ignore list. That would make many key assets of the game (asking questions, trading, in-game lobby chat for coordinations, etc.) with said players impossible.

    I have to be honest, altough i find that topic interesting (and kinda understandable), i find that suggestion very harmfull for the all in all playability and community of this game.

    I myself preffer to speak english ingame becouse the english speaking playerbase is simply bigger in size. But, if people, who i speak the same language with (that maybe, dont speak good enough english to ask a question in english) ask a question in german, i will be answering them in full (in german).
    Becouse if anyone, may it be english or german or wathever, needs help with something they shall receive it. That is what a healthy community is all about.

    And the best part is: We cant do anything about the ever growing german playerbase. Two big YouTubers recently made Videos about this game. Plus! This game was and is still the favourite game of many german gamers.

    If there really are players out there that cant stand hearing (or reading) other people conversing in other languages than english, then, to be honest, maybe i dont want to trade/talk/play with them.

    I would love to hear everybodies opinion on this.

    (sry for any typos. german guy with an engish major but still german)


    I thought about language specific chats but i just cant stand the idea of dividing people per language (or race or color etc.). And trust me, I, as a german, know what im talking about ;) (PLEASE take this sentence as a joke. This is the internet.. So i think i should clarify that the last sentence was wrote with humour in mind).


    Meruemon likes this
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