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Posts posted by Zwill

  1. @Kubik in the 2 weeks I've probably tried every other day to play and depending on how many times it freezes or crashes probably 20-30 times a day. so roughly 160-240 as a spitball estimate. 

    @fiki574 I don't think it would be anything else as battleforge is the only program I've been using the past few weeks that I don't normally use, I would imagine people with lower end systems don't use hibernate at night and shut it off instead which would fix the problem before it's noticeable. It took 2 weeks(of pretty zealous trying) before I noticed with 16GB so it so it would be 3.5 days of computer uptime for lower end users to notice, this is just speculation though.

    I just wanted to make sure someone noted it because I hadn't seen a post about it yet. It is probably very small but needing to relaunch the game so much right now is compounding the issue. my coding teacher also drilled into us about not leaking memory so I felt the need to let you know. 

    Keep up the great work :)

    @ATRmayo it's not running the game/launcher in the background that's the problem, it's idle system memory after the game has been closed and opened many times.


    • NAME: memory leak
    • SEVERITY: 3/2(could impact lower end systems)
    • LOCATION: physical memory
    • DESCRIPTION: after a few weeks of playing (mostly relogging and trying again or force closing when it freezes, which is fair right now) my systems idle physical memory has risen from 20% to 72% (16 GB). I hibernate my computer at night so this problem hasn't resolved it's self until I restarted today
    • ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I'm assuming destructors and general stability. just noticed it was happening and didn't see anyone post about it yet.
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