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Lord Trajic

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  1. Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Lord Trajic in Root Network - Attack Boost [BUG]   
    NAME: From attacking squads in the root network only 1 gets the attack bonus.
    The description of the root network ability clearly states that all entities in the root network support each other. However, if units in the root network are attacking - they no longer contribute to the "support each other" part of the mechanic. Also, if 1 unit (like Sylvan Gate) is supporting 5 other units, only 1 will have their attack boosted.
    Buff Suppression while attacking:
    Spawn 6 units of the same kind (treespirit is the best for test) at one side of the wall in forge - and spawn 1 unit of that same kind on the opposite (so their network don't reach). Root them all at once. All will attack at the same speed regardless of whether they are supporting each other or not.
    Only 1 unit supported:
    Spawn 6 units of the same kind (treespirit is the best for test) and support them with a unit that won't attack (like sylvan gate, or one unit that is out of range for attacking). From all the units in the network, only 1 will benefit from boosted attack.
    LOG: - none -
    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Some players in the chat falsely claimed this is not a bug - which brings me to believe this has been around for a very long time. Since these players only stated "it's not a bug" but failed to provide any evidence, data, or proof - I rejected their claims as "opinions based on previous functionality".
    After further testing and help from other players in the community - we have come to a conclusion that the word choice on the card suggests a completely different functionality from the one we currently have. There is no mention about units not being able to attack in order to support other units, and there is no mention about only 1 unit being supported in the entire network.

    Based on the description:
    "Up to 3[-6] entities connected to the root network support each other enabling more powerful attacks."
    - entities should all benefit from the root network. There is no indication that would suggest that out of 6 units only 1 should be allowed to attack faster.
    The whole point of root network should be to create a network that gets stronger the bigger it is, not to build 6 buildings to buff 1 unit. If I am wrong about this - please correct me here - but the choice of words in the card description suggests so.

    For the whole time I was thinking why treespirits feel so weak compared to other T1 units, or why my root network of 20 living towers feels like it doesn't work at all. After testing, these are the reasons I have figured out thanks to the help of the community (shoutout to Vysnia).
    If the functionality is correct and as intended - the choice of words on the cards is definitely not.
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