NAME: Transforming a unit into a Mutating Maniac does not cost any energy
DESCRIPTION: Transforming any unit with the Twilight Transformation ability into a Mutating Maniac does not cost any energy. And it doesn't just not use up the energy, it also doesn't check whether you have enough energy to use the ability to transform into a Mutating Maniac. It is a valid transformation target, even while at almost 0 energy.
REPRODUCIBILITY: Happens 100% of the time. I didn't check with all units, but most of them (even non-Twilight units, by giving them the Transformation ability using Deathglider's Ability) and only transformed them into Mutating Maniacs with Fire Affinity, as i don't own the other one atm.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: This is quite an old bug, that I reported way back on the official BattleForge forums. Seems like it never got fixed.