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Posts posted by DarcReaver

  1. On 5/3/2019 at 12:16 PM, kouaid said:

    quant je lance le client du jeux ça me dit la connexion au serveur de jeux a échouer pourquoi ?


    Bonjour baguette.

  2. On 12/28/2018 at 8:41 PM, ImaginaryNumb3r said:

    Balancing is a delicate process which works in iterations. Wiping any progress in terms of balance all 3 months sounds like... madness?

    You end up with a balance behemoth that is dominated by players who are the first in finding the most potent and toxic combos.


    Right now you just play the most potent/toxic combos from the BF era when it was taken down... I don't see much of a difference.

    But wipes are bad because grinding takes so long in this game and is so vital. In Diablo you can play without having to grind for hundreds of hours

    To make this work with BF you'd need to increase rewards to make players able to reach their full deck within 4 weeks or so maximum. Better booster collection would help though (uncommon single card, common card boosters, etc.)

  3. On 11/23/2018 at 8:26 PM, SkyMarth said:

    9:40 on Soultree damn that's fast :o

    And here I thought my 11:04 run was good.

    I must know what cards you used for that sick run




    Is that result of using Amii Monument for the 5th orb win condition?

    I tried to clear the map as fast as possible (without the monument) with a shadow/fire/nature deck and ended up with 17:2X:xx and it seemed to me like I could finish it in  like 16 mins - but in no way in a shorter time because not enough power for that.

    Also how is it possible to take the power wells immediately? Whenever I try that the 2nd minion wave rushes them and ignores my archers on the walls... So I take them when the 2nd wave is engaged in combat already.

  4. 1 hour ago, wibryz said:

    Amii monument being T3 is where it should be. First, it takes up a precious slot in your deck, second, it does cost more upfront investment to get to T4 than actual T4, it doesn't entirely obsolete your T3, since you still need to be able to survive until you can pop it, and then survive the investment, it also doesn't provide you with additional energy supply like breaking through to your actual T4 would. The card requires quite some skill to use effectively, and a very good player to make it even remotely "gamebreaking" (except encounters with twilight and soultree, but who cares). The fact that there can be only 1 on a map prevents most abuse cases (and screws over decks that solely relied on AM).

    The card can be balanced further though, like slightly increasing the cost of picking an orb, or introducing an additional tradeoff, like 10% slower void power recycling as long as an the monument is in existence. Putting this card in T4 would render it trash instantly (except for maybe casting enlightenment -> amii monument and angrily holding out a middle finger to all those who advocated this solution).

    Fighting a twilight Dragon with t3 units is more challlenging than fighting it with a bloodhorn + regrowth. Or Jorne + Life Weaving. Rifle Cultists can annihilate whole creep camps with their grenade. Unholy hero triples regular units' damage etc.

    Even if t4 needs to be reached, in PvE you can easily use a defensive deck to protect your Amii Monument, and once you're t4 you can annihilate most camps without much of an issue. The only time this does not work is when you're against the clock, which is pretty rare.

  5. 1 hour ago, Eulogy said:

    Both Amii Monument and Enlightenment are lame cards and shouldn't be in the game to begin with. Both remove the incentive to play T3 cards and Enlightenment unfairly rewards you with the best cards only mono coloured decks should be able to play.

    Enlightment requires quite a lot of upfront power though and is very limited. I personally think the card is pretty cool, because it fits the nature theme very well and requires planning to use correctly.

    Monument is a whole other story though. Monument should be much cheaper and a t4 card, allowing more than 4 orb colors. I.e. pure shadow x4 + nature, or pure fire x4 + shadow etc. With a cheap cost this would make deck building more flexible.

    Dhrkaas likes this
  6. 13 hours ago, WolvenX said:

    Seriously!!!!   I don't think so.  They tried to kill it 10 years ago and now look where we are.   I've been playing this for approximately 1 month.   I have had a great time grinding and building my decks.  Now I have a deck which is 100 +.   People....we have to work to get what we want, this means grinding.   People who (even though they work in real life) have to grind to achieve, and if you do have a job it's going to take longer.  Well that's life!      Do you really want to get everything you need quickly just so you can beat people at PvP????    When this first came out years ago and I started playing PvP I got murdered for months until I could get a decent deck and also build my playing skills up.  When I finally started winning I felt like I really had achieved something.   Imagine if I didn't have to grind and get my cards and upgrades, where is the challenge in that?   

    So my advice.  Play with what you have, get cards and upgrades like everyone else, and stop whining!  Get better!  Then you will have really achieved something.  :bf:

    Guess what? Age of Mythology EE and Age of Empires DE both went this way, the community left after roughly 1 year is less than 10% of the original player base, with only a couple of hardcore gamers left. In AoM I could easily find quickmatches within a few seconds. Nowadays I can search for half an hour and still get no game.


    AoE DE unfortunately has no player tracking, but the amount of lobbies open during 20:00 GMT (when I use to play) was originally at ~ 30 lobbies.
    Right now you have 2-5. Your statement is nonsense.

    Most ppl will play some pvp matches, get stomped by players with more upgrades/OP meta cards and notice that their units/decks/upgrades are not enough. Some will try to get better/try out other decks etc. But over time most of then leave and play something else.

    If the meta and game itself is stale and not enhanced over time this allows players to abuse weaknesses in the game mechanics that are unintended by the devs (like bugs in Crusade map for example) and this alienates most new players. Nobody likes to loose to bug or engine abusing or OP/broken card combinations. There needs to be a clear path:

    1) time played <-> reward balance for 24/7 players and casual gamers : the rewards need to be big enough for players with limited time to enjoy the game and feel like they've achieved something. Also they need to be small enough that hardcore grinders do not get a huge lead over others just by being ingame all day. There are lots of ways to do that. For example quest stacking - someone who was not online for 3 days can play the 30min daily quest 2 times, giving him 2 boosters. This way he's only 1 booster behind someone who had spent 3 days ingame and grabbed the daily rewards.

    2) card balance : The game needs to feel "fair". That means that a newer player needs to have the feeling that he could have won the game if he had played better or had a more optimised deck. If he feels that he got stomped because his enemy had more card charges, an OP unit card or more upgrades this will lower the motivation to contiinue playing. And the more this happens the higher the chance becomes that he'll leave the game. Which is the worst that can happen.

    In general there are too many useless/niche cards, especially for rare/ultra rare. Opening boosters is crap when you get a rare/ultra rare card that you cannot use in your decks at all (because it's too weak or has a useless effect in general) and that isn't even worth something because nobody wants to buy or trade it. I personally think this is the most important issue that needs to be fixed for BF to be successful in the long run.

    3) Grinding mechanic for card upgrades: depending on the daily rewards allow card upgrades "faster", i.e. quest lines like "play 2 campaign missions and get a random fire card upgrade"

    4) booster/market system : more different options to get cards, different types of boosters for example (i.e. "small booster", or "buy a single uncommen card for 50 bfp" etc.)

    These are just some quick thoughts and in no way relate to a finished concept. But for sure you need to have short time and long time motivation for the game.


    Fimion likes this
  7. Of course, it's impossible to make all cards viable. I've stated that myself in my post.

    But it's pretty sure to say that for every meta card there is at least one other card with the same or a similar role and orb/tier requirement.

    If you focus on those first you'll already have like 60 additional cards that can be used, which is easily a lot.  

  8. On 9/11/2018 at 6:00 PM, Treim said:

    While i agree it shouldn't be to fast to gain cards and upgrades it should neither be to slow. The major issue i see is that PvP and to a degree speedruns are that balanced around fully upgraded and close to fully charges decks. Especially some decks require quite a few UR's to be playable at the highest level. Speedruns have similar issues to a lower degree as often only a handful of UR's need to be fully or close to fully charged on most maps. There is a lot of maps though and while some cards are played in multiple that is still quite the variety of cards in addition to "normal" decks.
    Same goes for PvP -i doubt most players are fine with playing only 1 deck (especially towards the top end of the ladder).

    Finding a balance is key between not making it to had but also allowing the competitive scene getting to the point where they are actually meaningful and playable in any way in a reasonable time.
    As we are still pre Beta there is a lot of time to figure this out for the dev team together with input from the community and as similar threads (for both directions) were made aplenty before the dev team knows about finding the right balance ;)

    This issue is actually caused by bad card balance.

    If you have opened a booster, got an ultra rare card, 2 rares and 5 commons, and all of those cards are completely useless, the booster was a waste of time. I've opened dozens of boosters since the open beta started and the amount of situational cards that can never be used in competitive games was insane. It's just lame to open a booster, get a rare card and that card won't be useable in any deck because it's crap and doesn't serve a purpose. 

    Once the core functions for this game are working there should be a collective about making certain cards viable alternatives to the most-used/required cards, esp. for pvp.
    In a second step the useless/niche cards should be revisited. Cards need to have a proper use. If they don't they shouldn't drop in boosters.

    If this is done the boosters automatically become a lot more "worth", simply because the cards themselves will be more useful. 

    etc. etc. if that is done with like 50 cards you'll notice that there will be much more incentive to get boosters and get more balanced AH prices for a variety of currently overpriced cards.

    This is not about nerfing "meta cards", it's more about buffing other cards to provide viable alternatives to them. Sure, you won't be able to make a card like "Wallbreaker" a useful t1 card for fire (unless you play 100% of the time on Lajesh) but there are dozens of cards that can become useful with some minor changes.


    Shadow t2 decks: usually M/M unit is Nightcrawler. Making Eliminator viable you get 2 card choices instead of 1 for this slot (so it's double the chance to have a useful Shadow M/M unit in a booster)
    Natur/Fire : making the Twilight units worth their power cost to make them alternatives to core units like Ghost spears etc.
    Frost: tweaking some useless spell cards, especially in t1, and the towers (maybe based on my suggestion in the other thread) : 

    And yes this should be done. Just because it's possible to play the game according to the old meta doesn't mean that there can't be improvements. And having multiple units that are equally useful in their role will do a lot.

    Phenomic even has done this themselves. They added units like Witchclaws as alternatives to the Dreadcharger, for example. 

    If this is not done the game community will die relatively fast, with only a couple nostalgics left over.

  9. I think the gold reward is too low. A card upgrade that costs 2000 gold or even more when purchased being transformed into 300-500g is just not much... Unless you're doing expert runs, but on the other hand those expert runs are a lot harder than an rpve 6-8 where you can get ~ 8k gold/hour without a need for a special deck.

  10. On 10/28/2018 at 6:37 PM, ImaginaryNumb3r said:

    Without upgrades you completely remove the necessity for rpve. Sure, some'll keep doing it because it can be fun. But in the long term it's just repetitive. I used to play rpve for fun in the original Battleforge, but somehow it's just not as rewarding as it used to be. I also can't spend my time as freely as I could in the past.

    I think the incentive should move towards playing different kinds of decks, where the main motivations are bonuses and unique rewards from achievements. However, for this to work more cards need to be viable so the meta doesn't resolve around some must-have cards.

    Upgrades should still be part of the game-loop. Still having upgrades would give you three possible motivations to do pvp/rpve/missions: for fun, reaching upgrades and working towards achievements. In general, upgrades are only required for higher-level play and don't affect casual players. Also, upgrades are not necessary for low-level play so it's not a problem having them either. The only part of the game that is affected by upgrades is pvp, but with premade decks this problem would mostly go away as well.

    If I remember correctly the "card upgrade" mechanic was included into the game by Phenomic to justify the large amount of common cards (and number of cards in general) in booster packs. This was mostly to satisfy the "collect cards" urge from players and to prevent thousands of unusable duplicate cards in player accounts. Since BF is f2p now it's a good question whether these grinding mechanics are necessary or not. I think removing those weird tokens was a step in the correct direction.

    When talking of rpve was included in the game to allow more grinding for upgrades since the token balance was weird and you ended up with lots of unusable tokens in pvp.

    So, yea, the sole purpose of rpve vanishes when upgrades are gone, because that's what rpve was created for. On the other hand if rpve gives some bfp depending on difficulty (And with a declining amount the more games are played consecutively) this would fix itself.

    The issue that I see is that the campaigns and missions are not that "great" to be played over and over again just for their storyline, especially not on the hard difficulties. So with removing upgrades you remove a vital reward mechanic for the pve part of this game. PVP would profit from this move though. Not having full upgrades is pretty limiting. Maybe it's an idea to put all cards at U3 per default but additional card purchases are necessary to increase the charges. This way it's still necessary to have multiple cards, but it's less unfair in pvp.

    The idea of having pvp rotational decks is cool aswell. Helps players with getting to know the game.

    The thing that bothers me the most is that many decks lack variation in terms of unit and spell usage. I mean even though the game has like 400 cards (or even more?) the amount of "viable" cards is relatively low. This makes many pvp decks pretty predictable. Even if you have many different splashes ranging from different starting orbs over pure/mixed decks the units themselves are the same and there are only a handfull of options that are truly viable - and that's the case from day 1. I still remember the day when they made War Eagles require pure frost. Before that the game was just centered around War Eagles. Other units like Night Crawlers or Assassins are present since ever. etc etc.

    Of course not all cards are designed or playable as pvp cards, but many could become viable with a couple tweaks. Having a stale meta for years is not good for the playerbase, because newer players are stomped by the experienced ones and leave in frustration. Some will learn, but this is only a small percentage.

  11. On 10/17/2018 at 4:43 AM, SunWu II. said:

    They labeled it as ,,arcane'' so i guess it was supposed to be that way. Wasn't there only one card that broke the arcane/spell rule (arcanes being usable without ground presence)? I don't remember wich it was.

    Well even if it's intended to be used anywhere on the map, I doubt that the "corpse recycling" is intended (re-use the corpses of the 'dead' skeletons over and over again). Like stated before the effect itself is fine, but the way it is is just annoying, lame, unfun. I can't imagine the card is meant to be used on the same area with the same corpses dying and raising again and again.

  12. Since there has been talk on Strikers:

    Why is the Looter ability considered overpowered? According to Discord the Formula is something like 0.20 x (power cost of unit) x (% or damage dealt). So if you kill a full health unit you get like 0.2 x 50 x 1.00 = 10 power. Considering you need like 20 seconds this is a power bonus of ~ 0,5 power/second, or 25% of a power well, or even less.

    With Strikers you can deal up to 50% of most M units, leading to 0.2 x 80 (for a swiftclaw) x 0.5 = 8 Power. For other units, like a Frost mage, it's 0.2 x 60 x 0.5 = 6 power (if you manage to not get knocked back at least).

    Overall I don't really consider these power bonuses so significant that they're broken or "op". You need 11 charge attacks to get back your investment cost of 90 power. If you take into consideration the void power after their death (90% back) you still need at least 2 charge attacks to gain power. For thugs it's similar, you either need to destroy 6x50 power units with a Thug to gain back its original cost or kill at least 1 unit to gain a power advantage. Since Thugs are S units and not swift this isn't that easy. And then you're still down ~ 50/80 power since Void restores slower.

    I do find Strikers useful and they're way more fun to use than Sunstriders. They fit the Aggression theme of Fire very well and their general performance is okay. Only thing that really bothers me is their high cost and the fact that they can be knocked back. This is especially annoying on units like Dreadchargers or Nomads. And that they can be killed by an Eruption upon spawn.

  13. 31 minutes ago, Navarr said:

    You have a lot of options to prevent your opponent from wasting power, if that's what you want to do. You can for example attack him so he needs to spend power on defending. 

    Ah fuck it, I'm giving up. It's just a waste of time to argue here. the card is perfectly fine, although it breaks the fact that Spells can only be cast nearby allied ground entities. But it's np since the card is weak anyways. It's always good to know it's better to have broken abilities and units available for usage if you need them! :kappa:

    I really hope your car sales dealer will advise you the same when you tell him to fix your car's broken engine. "dude where is the problem? Just start driving a Porsche instead, it's engine is way better. Why would you want to keep driving a Chrysler? It sucks anyways, has bad handling and looks ugly. Only thing that it behaves better on crashes,But no decent driver does crashes anyways so there's no point to keep it for that reason". Or "no dude, if your car is broken just use the bus instead, it's better anyways." I'd be eager to watch how that discussion would turn out. 

  14. 7 minutes ago, Navarr said:

    Undead Army isn't really worth the slot for the reasons already stated above. In a lot of matchups it will almost always be wasted power. Corpse Explosion would be a much better use of a deckslot if you can afford one in a pure shadow deck.

    Quit this "the card isn't worth a deckslot" nonsense. I already stated multiple times that it's not about the absolute stats strength of the card.

    It's about the fact that it can be recast without nearby allied entities/ground units.

    Leading to annoying, permanent skeletons throughout the game at one of your bases without any way to stop it from recasting because there is no recast requirement except for power. And you can't tell me it's not possible to get 100 power from void+ 5 or 6 powerwells to keep casting it after the 6th or 7th game minute.

    Just fix the card by not allowing a recast without a ground unit nearby and it's fine.

  15. Like I said before, the card effect itself is fine and you can handle it with CC, but that doesn't make the spell less lame from a gameplay mechanic. Bone recycling without any limit or counterplay is lame. The absolute strength of this card is secondary.

    Aside, I doubt that a single Enforce will destroy 3-4 S/M units with ~3.2-4k hp and 1.4k damage, within a 30sec time frame. And even a War eagle will not even kill 1 Skeleton with the screech, and maybe kill 1 skeleton squad during hte ability duration. Out of your other mentions only Forsaken and Ghostspears are proper counters. But even then. Ghost speards deal ~1.250 dmg against S units for 80 power. So a single ghost spear won't kill more than 1 skeleton warrior during its duration of 30 seconds. But this doesn't really matter that much because the issue is the recasting without requirements, not the strength of the Skeleton Warriors.


  16. 27 minutes ago, anonyme0273 said:

    I see you like CSGO, but no need to get salty here.

    IF you fight next to your monument and the opponent has enough Power to cast Undead Army then you probably have the means to reply instantly by having a sudden 100 extra Power. IF the fight has finished, then you probably still have some units at your base while all his units are dead. In the second case, there are still corpses, so just don't move your army away and be way. Not a big deal or anything complex. Does it make sense to you? Some kind of awareness and expecting the next move? If you keep up your garbage attitude I ain't gonna bother with this shit.

    I don't like CSGO at all, just applying the weird logic applied by other people than me in this thread.

    Furthermore I just asked a legit question how to move my buildings away to prevent undead army to affect my buildings. I'm not salty in the slightest.

    So, according to your answer I am doomed to wait for 20 seconds until the corpses disappear, while the enemy can use the time and attack another powerwell while I'm waiting for the bone recycling: round two. Even if this does not happen I waste time to apply counter pressure. And if I use my units away for a counter attack he can re-use the ability without another shadow unit nearby.

    And even then, how does a combination of, let's say 2 master archers (100 power) help against 4k skeleton hitpoints? Ofc you can use master archer + Frost mage, or 2 frost mages, but this is more power for you than for Shadow, on the other hand at least one Frost Mage will eventually die from the Skeleton M damage. Most units that are good at defending/have CC or knockback suck at attacking (i.e. Spirit Hunters, Defenders, Frost Mages, Firesworn, Dryads etc.), so counter attacks are hard to do with units like that, making your spent power useless to apply pressure.

    In the worst case I loose a Frost mage, the master archer and have to repair a well with a Kobold trick, which is 160 power in total. 1 free night crawler for shadow to go hunt another powerwell.

    Once again I'm questioning the game mechanic of summoning units out of nowhere next to an enemy base.
    If this is fine then why isn't it allowed for i.e. flying units to spawn ground units or use CC spells? It's essentially a similar context, so why do you keep arguing that undead army is intended and fine to be this way and not a bug or oversight by the dev team that wasn't fixed in the past?

  17. 1 minute ago, anonyme0273 said:

    It's not totally out of nowhere that these units spawn - as long as you are playing against a Shadow player you have to mind the corpses around the map, either for Corpse Explosions or Undead Army, or Shadow Phoenixes etc. It's not like a SHadow user can just spawm units around the map as they please. Also, dead bodies last ~20 seconds iirc, so in that timeframe just be careful, after that you can rest easy.

    So how exactly do you mind or avoid corpses next to your base momuments or power wells?
    I guess I just should move the monuments away from the corpses to avoid Undead Army to be cast, right?

  18. 25 minutes ago, SunWu II. said:

    I would go more in detail about why all our calculations so far aren't on point, for example: a undead army player would usualy motivate one of them, buffing the other three.

    But there's simply the fact that i've seen hundreds of pure shadow games of really, really good players. None of them used it and i think even them couldn't make regular use of it against a frost or nature splash.

    and alright we can do a proper calculation based on your assumptions:

    Shadow: Undead Army (100 power), motivate (25 power) for a +125% damage increase (-25% from 1 missing skeleton but the other 3 get +150%), roughly double damage
    Nature/Frost: Kobold Trick (50 power), Cold Snap (75 power) = 125 power. So same power, and will remove half the damage (15 second freeze).

    total damage on buildings: 600x 1,125 (50% of 2,25) = 675 damage on a well/monument. Since it'll be spread on multiple buiildings you need multiple kobolds to repair the building.

    In total = 2 Kobold Card charges + cold snap charge - 50 more power spent than Shadow and 3 card charges for 1. Which already is 50% of the next Army. Depending on your void level or void manipulation for Shadow you can also do a lot of stuff to keep casting it aswell if you need to.
    If there's CC involved I wouldn't apply motivate and save the 25 power though. Not worth it. Instead frost will have to repair/cc for more power than Shadow needs to summon the army.

    But completely independant of numbers. It's just a stupid and broken mechanic.

    It's just like you have a weapon in Counterstrike that can automatically aim for the head without the player need to aim - but deals lower damage than other guns with headshots. Nobody would argue that this is fine just because the AK 47 and M4 deal more damage with a headshot so pro's who hit with them will use them instead.

    If this seems to be impractical for pro Shadow players doesn't bother me at all tbh. If there are unhealthy game mechanics this allows for abuse. all other summoned units cannot play out cards next to them either. And that's for a good reason to prevent this.

  19. Sure, hurricane them or Coldsnap them - while doing that the Shadow can just send 2 night crawlers to another base and destroy a powerwell while the CC is on cooldown. And even then having to use Kobold Trick and Hurricane is 105 power while undead army costs 100. Not a big difference, but one player uses 2 card charges vs. one.

    For Cold Snap + Kobold it's 130 vs. 100 power. So non-nature disadvantage is even higher.

    The easiest fix to this is to not allow cards to be played next to the summoned Skeletons, just like any other card, i.e. Corsair summons or Harvester/Lost Reaver summons.
    If you can counter the spell by killing all "real" units around the summoned army the card effect is fine, but like this it's just retarded.

  20. 14 minutes ago, SunWu II. said:

    I don't know, it fits the shadow theme really well, i think. You got skeletons coming out of the earth surprisingly like in a zombie apocalypse...doesn't get more shadow than that. There's a little risk factor because the skeletons will definetly die, so you have to make use of them in a certain amount of time. I see it as a pve card, anyway, where it's useful and fun to use in my opinion. For example if your offense just failed you spawn the undead army as a shield before the enemy base overruns your own base. Or you keep ,,corpse presence'' to soak up for an arriving shadow phoenix...nothing OP in any way.

    You never used it, right?

    Right now it's like this:

    step 1) You create some corpses near a Power Well/monument
    step 2) you cast Undead Army
    step 3) the Skeleton Warriors deal damage to a structure, or summoned units. Practically immune to all direct damage except for CC
    step 4) the Skeleton Warriors die
    step 5) the Skeleton Warriors can be revived a 2nd time without allied entities nearby (That means: even if there is no other shadow unit is present they will still revive)
    step 6) the Skeletons die again
    step 7) the Skeletons can be revived a 3rd time, same as step 5)

    Step 4-7 can be redone until the card charges on Undead army are gone, because the skeletons last 30 secs and the card recharge is only 20 seconds. And usually 2 undead army casts are enough to destroy a monument + 2 powerwells. If CC is used this requires 3 repetitions. And using units to defend is not useful because Skeletons have 4k HP on Upgrade 3.

    Of course you can use a CC on them but a) this will cost you card charges and b) allows shadow to create a 2nd attack somewhere else where they don't have to fear CC. Frenzy Forsaken + nc + shadow mages, or a harvy that can't be oinked... etc If youdon't permantly CC them they will eventually destroy the affected base.

    So yes, this is a Problem. It's no risk at all. And it's abuseable in pvp. The issue isn't the effect of the Card (rise dead units) - that's fine. The issue is that this can be recast infinitely and independant of other nearby shadow units.
    This is like Shadow could keep re-summoning a phoenix with full hp/damage out of its own corpse when hitting a building instead of enemy units.

  21. 2 minutes ago, SunWu II. said:

    Hurricane, oink, coldsnap, knight of chaos...it's only annoying for pure fire, maybe bandits - but not really because nobody above midranks really plays it, definetly a wasted deckslot unless you know you encounter a deck without crowd control.

    Doesn't excuse a design issue of the card itself.

  22. Soo... why is it still possible to keep recasting the spell even without allied entities nearby?

    Making 4x Skeletons worth 200 power with 40% more effective health than a Harvester (660x1,5x4= 3.960, Level 3 harvester has 2800) for 30 seconds and 100 power is pretty broken. The issue isn't the spell itself but the fact that you can keep re-using it over and over again. It doesn't fit the "risk" element of Shadow because once cast it can be recast regardless becuase the skeleton corpses leave enough to keep using it. AoE and CC help, but the skeletons last 20 seconds, and due to their massive health there are no t2 damage spells capable of killing them, even a Wildfire requires them to stand in the flames for like 10 seconds and you can't hit them all. Same with Lava field, which can't deal more than 2640 damage, so you need at least 240 power to kill the skeletons. for that price the spell can be recast a 2nd time. Overall the spell is abuse and has no counterplay.

    Should be one of the first cards to be fixed.

  23. I'm pretty sure that those numbers and texts are from text files and put over the 2d art. No developer with half a brain cell would create 2d art with texts inside that are prone to changing ... Plus it would make text translation a lot harder. Imagine you need to create a custom 2d art for each different language ... lol

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