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Posts posted by Shotty
The Opening Post is updated.
Remind me to comment later.
Well , compared to yours , my guide is nothing ;D
Frost by far is the most easiest to understand by any player. Due to the fact that majority of frost cards are very blunt when it comes to the card's abilities and such. It is also a very safe faction to play as due to the fact, that most frost cards are tanky.
While I can agree to this , I still personally would prefere all noobs to play nature a lttile bit , the healing just helps you understand how much a little HP differnce can make , which in my opinion is an essentiel skill to pick up in Pve.
But the last 2 awnsers rather feell like they belong in a chat , they are 1 Line , and dont really fit into this topic. (Saying that xxx is good tho , does nothing other then maybe lead players into a Strong deck , which they might not enjoy.) -
Stonekin > Nature > All
Please dont post Personal Bias in this Thread , as it doesnt benefit it.
I´d also like my guide to be added to the list , its a guide which might help new players which Orbs to use for PvE
Just like Porous said , any feedback is appreciated since that can only enhance the guide iteself since I´ll update it on a regular base. -
Another NOT to do. Don't put a lot of same cards for sale at AH for huge price.
Thats nothing you can say consdering BFR , if one person buys all the scavengers in tha auction house , there might be non in it for the next couple of days unless you buy it of that guy.
Buying a larger amount of that card can possibly make you a massive profit, presuming you were correct. If you weren't, you're stuck with 50 copies of Global Warming that no one wants. This makes the method very much of a risk-reward thing, where you put yourself at a great risk for the chance of making a large profit. I only recommend this method if you really know what you're doing.
This made me giggle a little. But sadly this guide will only proove its worthyness once we can test the tricks. Its good looking tho!
I agree with you, natuture didnt have such a steep lurning curve as other elements because of its cc and heals, the only difficulty with nature is managing energy, however i think this applies more to pvp rather than pve.
Yes , Mana Management is a much huger concern in PvP then PvE espacilly on lower levels of Pve it basicly isnt a concern.
I think playing Frost is probably the easiest if you're a beginner as they have normal towers and simple units. I find shadow the hardest faction to play as they have a lot of active abilities and towers that work a bit indifferent (I remember how I didn't understand shit at the beginning and just destroyed them all the time) and therefor not very easy to play. This is just my opinion on it and could and probably is wrong.
Nature is easier then frost in my opinion if you are a beginner , considering the ability to heal , and also having very strong T1 and T4 units from the beginning.
I agree on Shadow beeing the hardest tho because of it beeing so unique , but I didnt mention that in the opening post , because every player should make a picture for themselves on which kind of deck to play. I started out playing Shadow/Nature because I liked the akward synergys in the Standard Cards. -
i would argue that frost has the best synergy with its buildings. i think natures buildings root network is a better synergy but thats just my speculation.
While Nature has root networks , Ice has direct Synergy with buildings , beeing able to only use some spells on them or near them. Thats why I mentioned that.
I edited the opening Post , I tried to take in most of the feedback as good as I could. If anyone still feels like something is missing/explained bad , feel free to reply!
and witch of all the maps is curently under discusion? so i can answer properly since i cleared some 4 players solo on expert i might have a few hints
This "guide" if we wanna call it that , is about PvE in general , RPvE and Normal Maps. Thats why I recommended Forsaken over Nox, since Forsaken can go onto Walls if needed.
I´m actually quiet overwhelmed by the amount of replys this topic gets.
Because giving an awnser to every single one of you ; I´ll add all your suggestions in some way. -
For Frost/Blue Tier 1 I would say Master Archer and Frost Mages with home soil were a great combo.
Good Guide though to get more people into PvE
Thanks , I just tried to stay as Objective as possible. ( Even though I highly pref Red/Green in Pve)
Gonna add your suggestions later on when I can add some more stuff. -
Mine is definitely one of the best T1 cards that fire has access to. It's cheap, does nice damage, and knocks back small units.
Thanks , Like I said , I bet I missed some cards , its been that long since I was able to play the game.
Choosing your Faction for PvE is the most important thing in this game, Each Faction has a differnt playstyle and Differnt Advantages / Disadvantages in PvE or PvP.
This Topic will hopefully help you decide which Factionto play.
There are 4 basic Factions in the game .
Each of those Colors plays differnt then each other. There are also Factions which require orbs of two differnt basic Factions.
Twilight Cards use Fire and Nature.
Lost Cards use Frost and Shadow.
Stoneking Cards use Frost and Nature.
Bandit Cards use Fire and Purple.
Nature is probably the easiest thing to learn in PvE and I personally recommend Nature to every person who wants to start out with PvE.
Nature focuses on healing , crowd control abilitys and a little bit on indirect damage.
Healing cards are used for keeping your and maybe your teammates units healthy and can turn the battle in your favor.Examples for Healing cards would be:Shaman , Ray of Light and Surge of Light.
Crowd Controling cards are used to control the Enemy in someway or another. Rooting Enemys to the ground , or transforming Enemies into stuff that cant attack.. Examples for Crowd Controling cards would be: Dryad , Curse of Oink and Ensaring Roots.
Indirect Damage dealing cards dont follow the casual rules of "Deals extra damage against type X unit" but deal their regulare damage against all kinds of Enemies . Examples for cards like these would be : Spirit Hunter , Envenom , Windweaver.
Fire is fairly aggressive , obviously most of the cards support that idea. Other then that , Fire has some really unique units that help with the aggression.
"Unique" cards for Fire inclue: Global Warming (A Spell that melts Ice shields , isnt really good tho.) Sunderer, a Tier 1 Large unit. Fire Dancer , the unit with one of the biggest Attack Ranges in the Entire game. Disenchant , A spell which removes all buffs from an enemy , or debuffs of a Friendly unit. Earthshaker , a spell that focuses on taking down buildings.
Shadow cards focus on Sacrificing your own Units to get some sort of benefit, using corpses to benefit themselves, and some teleportation.
Some cards that work by sacraficing would be: Motivate , by sacraficing a unit using this card , all other units of the same card deal 50% more dmg. Forsaken have an ability which makes them deal more dmg for some time , but afterwards they die. Decomposer is a building which you can use to kill one of your own units , the benefit of this is that you get 30% of their Manacost into your Manapool , and the other 70% go back into the Voidenergy.
Some cards that benefig from corpses are: Embalmer´s Shrine , a building which you can activate to incraese the Value of corpses by 70%. Shadow Phoenix , a flying unit which suicides into the target , and revives it self if enough corpses are around. Necroblaster , a turret which attacks by absorbing corpses.
Some cards involving Teleportation would be: Portal Nexus , a building which can build a teleport station near one of your ground units, after the station is placed units can teleport between the nexus and the Station. Phase Tower , a turret which you can teleport to another location nearby. Nether Warp , a spell which creates a temporary one way Portal to a place within a certain Range.
Ice cards focus on using Ice Shields , Freezing enemies and Buildings(Every race has buildings , but Frost has more cards that Synergyize with them)
Some cards that use Ice Shields would be: Shield Building , which gives a temporary Ice Shield to a building. Avatar of Frost , which gives itself an Ice Shield every 15 second. Area Ice Shield , which gives up to 3 friendly units within the Area a temporary Ice Shield.
Some cards that involve Freezing/Frozen enemies would be: Cold Snap , which freezes up to 5 enemies for 15 seconds. Maelstrom , an aoe Dmg spell which also freezes enemies within its range after some time. Northland Drake , which has an Aoe ability which deals extra damage to frozen units.
Soome Cards that Involve Buildings would be: Wardens Sigil , a building which can give an Ice Shield to other buildings. Kobold Trick , a spell which repairs buildings. Construction hut , which makes every building in its range be build faster and cost less mana.
A Special card I wanna mention would be Juice Tank , a building which basicly makes energy wells within a certain range 40% more mana.
Red/Green Twilight.
Twilight ground units have the Abiltiy transforming into other Twilight units for which you meet the Orb requirements , some cards involving this would be: Twilight Air units: The units can grant any of your ground units the Twilight Curse , making them able to transform. Vileblood , a unit that if transformed releases a liquid , which either heals friendlys , or damages enemies depending on the affinity of the card.Mutating Frenzy , a unit which if transformed triggers a hex , which makes enemy units unable to be healed , and depending on the affinity of the card , makes the enemy units unable to be buffed or use their Abilitys
Green/Blue Stonekin
Stonekin units ALL take less damage , and some of them Benefit from having friendly units nearby , or benefit friendly units nearby. Some cards involving that would be: Grinder which regenerates HP depending on the amount of friendly units nearby. Earthkeeper , which has an ability that reduces the damage one of your units takes , and shares this damage between all Stonekin units nearby.
Blue/Purple Lost SoulsLost Units all have the Ability to ressurect themselves after death for some time. Other then that , most of them have the same advantages Shadow and Frost cards have in some way , for example : Lost Wanderer can create an Ice shield. Lost Reaver absorbs energy from Corpses and if enough is absorbed , it can temporarly summon some creatures.
Purple/Red Bandits.
Most bandit units have lifesteal , which adds a certain % of the damage they dealt back to their HP. Other then that , Bandits share alot of stuff with Fire and Shadow cards, for example: Warriors Death , a spell that buffs a unit , which makes it immune to most debuffs , depending on affinity makes it deal 50% dmg or take 50% less damage , but after the duration is over it dies. Tortugun , a unit that needs to eat your own units , and if it doesnt get fed , it will run amok and feat on units until it has eaten enough. Windhunter , a unit which can take buffs from Enemies , or debuffs from friendlys depending on affinity.Tiers
There are 4 Stages of the game , Tier 1 , Tier 2 , Tier 3 and Tier 4. The Tier you are in depends on the amount of Orbs you grabbed.
Depending on the current tier the Colors have Strenghts and Weaknesses
Here is a list with in my opinion good cards for the Tiers depending on the Colors.
Monocolored Factions
Fire T1
Probably Stongest Attacking force in T1 , Good aoe Dmg with Eruption , but defending isnt as easy as the other Factions Mine:It's cheap, does nice damage, and knocks back small units Sunderer a Tier 1 Melee LARGE unit.
Fire T2
Strongest Siege on T2 with Firedancers. Good Aoe with Lavafield
Fire T3
Juggernaut and Magma Hurler both are Very strong T3 Unites
Fire T4
Good Units in Form of Fire Worm and Fire Dragon , and a Long Range AOE building inform of a Magma Catcher.
Frost T1
Probably best Defnsive T1. Units are Very cheep compared to the other Factions.Frost Mage , a unit that knocks back small units. Home Soil which makes all units nearby a friendly building deal 40% more dmg , to use that offensivly you can use the card Ice barrier.
Frost T2
Aoe Freeze in form of Coldsnap, Good Flyer in form of War eagle . Awsome Tier Unit in Form of Lyrish Knight.
Frost T3
Access to Avatar of Frost , one of the Strongest T3 Units. Decent Flyers in form of the Northland Drake.
Frost T4
One of the Weaker T4s Stronger Units Include Dreadnought , BattleShips and Constructs.
Nature T1
Strong Archers in form of Windweavers which attack 2 targets at once. . Healing unit in form of Shamans. T1 Flying Unit in form of Manawing . Healing Spell. Dryad with Frost Affinity , since it reduces the damage taken from your units by 25%
Nature T2
Unit with awsome Ability : Deep One. AoE Crowd Control with Curse of Oink. Good Defense with Living towers. Burrower for Sieging. And a Building which decreases the Costs of your units : Breeding Grounds
Nature T3
A Strong Standalone unit in form of the Deepcoil Worm. Long Range Attacker with Razorleafs.Good Air with Swamp Drakes. And last but Certainly not least: Wheel of Gifts a Building which buffs all friendly units on the Map.
Nature T4
Green has alot of Scary big T4 Units : Grimvine , Collosus , Forest Elder and Giant Wyrm.
Shadow T1
Decomposer: A building in which you can Sacrifice a unit to gain 30% of its costs back , the rest of the costs go back into the Void Energy. Forsaken , probably one of the scarier tier 1 Archers because of their Ability , which will make them deal 2x Dmg , but they die afterwards.good T1 Turrets with LifestealTower and Phase Tower.
Shadow T2
Strongest Standalone T2 Unit in form of the Harvester.Shadow Phoenix: A Suicide unit , that revives itself if enough corpses are around.Darkelf Assasins: Archers which can immobilse themselves to deal more dmg.
Shadow T3
Stanael : a Unit which summons in more Units.Strong AoE with Soulshatter. Good Melee with Mutating Frenzy.Ashebone Pyromancer, A Unit that takes dmg every 2 seconds , but has 30% liifesteal.Utility in form of Fallen Skyelf.
Shadow T4
Overlord: A Healer which transfers its own life to allies , but gets Health from Corpses. Very Strong Unit in form of the Shadow Worm. And last but Certainly not least: Rifle Cultists, with an awsome ability.
Duo Colored Factions
Kepp in mind , that even in multicolored faction decks , you can play Cards which dont require 2 differnt Monuments. For example : Just because you play Twilight , that does not mean that you cant run Cards from Fire or Nature.
Fire/Nature Twilight
Twilight T1
Not existent , choose either Fire or Nature T1
Twilight T2
A Flying unit in form of Deathgliders which can either Knockback small units , or make units unable to go onto walls. Also acess to the combo Vileblood (red affinity) , letting the enemeys attack it , nearly let it die , cast Curse of Oink on enemies , transform Vileblood into a Slaver. Now Vilebloods ability triggers , dealing dmg and killing both your Slaver and some enemies , the slaver will also now explode dealing extra dmg.
Twilight T3
Good melee units in form of:Mutating Maniac and Twilight Creeper, Twilight Hags: Casters which can AoE stun Male units.
Twilight T4
Just like Nature , Scary big T4 Units : Abomination , Skycatcher and Nightshade Plant. Also an Aoe Spell in form of Twilight Pestilence , which A: Deals Dmg to enemys , B: Friendly Twilight Units get either healed , or take 50% less dmg.
Frost/Shadow Lost Souls
Lost T1
Choose either Frost or Shadow T1
Lost T2
With Lost Reaver , Lost Wanderer and Lost Shades definetly one of the Stronger T2.
Lost T3
Good defensive Long Range unit in form of Lost Vigil. And a Good tank in Lost Grigori who has a Taunt.
Lost T4
With Lost Dragon and Lost Spirit Ship definetly one of the Strongest T4 Flying units. Also a good Melee unit in form of Lost Warlord.
Fire/Shadow Bandits
Bandit T1
Choose either Fire or Shadow T1
Bandit T2
Good Debuffer/Decurser inform of the Windhunter. Overall decent T2 because all Bandit T2 units have Lifesteal.
Bandit T3
Good Air with the Corsair which can either Spawn Commandos or Banditos.A good Melee unit: Soulhunter.
Bandit T4
Amok: A Spell which makes every unit in the area attack the unit next to it , even friendlys. Bloodhorn , a melee unit that either can debuff itself , or double its own damage.
Frost/Nature Stonekin
Stonekin T1
Choose either Nature or Frost T1
Stonekin T2
Agressor: A Good ranged fighter. Crystal Fiend: A Flying Healer. Eathkeeper : A Unit that can Split the Damage between your units.
Stonekin T3
Rageflame , Aoe Unit that freezes enemies after attacking for 7 seconds. A good melee unit : Stone Warrior.
Stonekin T4
Grinder: Tanky unit with a single target Taunt which regenerates HP based on the amount of Friendly units nearby.
Things to consider while deckbuilding.(This is not "How to build a deck" , just some things to consider)First of all : What kind of PvE do you want to play ? rPvE (Randomly generated PvE maps) or regular PvE (Campaign maps)? I recommend everyone to playthrough the campaign atleast once.
rPvE is , playing randomly generated PvE maps either alone or with 1, 2 or 4 players.. Those randomly generated PvE maps can have multiple Enemy types for example Bandits and Stonekins.
Since you play on a randomly created enviroment , you cant really prepare for any rPvE maps.
I´d personally recommend the guide of fellow user "Treim" : http://forum.bfreborn.com/index.php?/topic/752-treims-battlegroundrpve-speedrun-guide/
He explains alot of stuff concerning rPvE which I couldnt even think about it.
Regular PvE (Campaign maps)
Reasons to play Campaign:
1.You can farm certain upgrade cards depending on the mission. If you go to this website: http://allcards.bfreborn.com/ , search for a card and hover over it you can see the maps name which you need to complete in order to get the upgrade. The upgrade´s level will depend on the difficulty you play on. Level 1 upgrades on the lowest , Level 2 on the medium , and Level 3 on the highest difficulty setting. Keep in mind tho , that you NEED to apply a Level 1 upgrade before you can apply a Level 2 upgrade. On the topic of Upgrades: If you upgrade a card to Level 1 you can also add charges to it if you own more Cards of the same type. Per level you can add 1 extra card to add charges.
2.The Story , while not the greatest , is definetly not a bad one , so "Stay a while and Listen".
3.The Campagin maps feature differnt sorts of fun (or annoying)gimmicks.
First of all , the most important thing about normal PvE maps is the following : In case you loose , you can adjust your deck and try the same map again but with another deck.
So there is no reason to feel bad just because you failed , it happens. For example:If you had problem killing a XL sized unit , a Twilight Dragon for example , you should consider getting some cards in your deck just to counter this one thing which gets you stuck. A single card change can make a map alot easier. An example for this would be : The map Crusade on the highest difficulty , once you reach the north , mobs will spawn after some time , there are spawns that only spawn air units , so dont feel ashamed taking an Anti Air turret just for this one place.
Things you also might wanna consider: Knowing what your teammates have in their deck can help you in making decisions. So dont feel scared to Ask for their decklist (there is a function when rightclicking the player). For example once one of my friends had a weak T2 but an awsome T3 (for that certain map), letting him take the first 2 Monuments made the map go much faster then it would have in case we both would have taken one monument.
Currently it might be the case that its to early for such a thread to exist , but better too soon then never.
Also , if I forgot some cards , a topic like this already exists(Couldnt find it in that case) your opinion on which cards to use is other then mine. Feel Free to respond. I bet I forgot a lot of Important stuff , but with your help , we can make this list something good.
I´m open for any sort of Criticism and will continue to improve on this topic.
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