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Posts posted by WatcherOfSky

  1. [quote='MephistoRoss' pid='8402' dateline='1437457523']
    hehe, expansions like this are for far away in the future, if they even will ever see the light at all, but it still could be fun to discuss it I guess.

    It would be cool to see XXL creatures who can trample XL units for example.
    Maybe with a unit count of 50 or something, so they cant be abused too much.

    This will probably change PvE a lot though, depending on the strength/cost(power) of course.

    Ooh, I like the XXL idea, that would be very fun to play around with. :D Buff spells op. xD

  2. So I was thinking about a possible tier 5, but what it could possibly hold something that is more epic than what is already in tier 4. I came across a possible solution, which is for it being some almighty god card that is pure colored (so they cannot be splashed in decks other than the specific color it represents). So each faction would have their own (5 shadow, 2fire/2nature/1empty colored, etc).

    I'm not too sure what kinds of spells could be included, if any at all, but towers can be included, but idk what can be more epic than worldbreaker gun. Though they can just be the pure embodiment that faction represents, like mega healing and cc for green, super risky stuff for black, super dmg for red, and pure defensive abilities for blue, and then perhaps some that are multicolored.. I know this sort of sounds like a lame idea, and I'm not even sure if it CAN be implemented into the game, but it sounds interesting to have an even more epic creature for the factions. 

    And yes, I know this probably would never get played in pvp, and adding a 5th orb to maps does sound hard, not to mention other interactions with cards already in the game. 

    Just state your opinion.

  3. [quote='ladadoos' pid='8356' dateline='1437436250']
    I have asked around to assure that what I'm going to say isn't false.
    The damage on a card is the damage that it does in 20 seconds (DPTS). Doing basic math, if your Floating Lifetree does 109 dmg in 5 secs, it would do around 436 dmg in 20 seconds. That would mean that it should be DMG: 436 LIFE: 1050. The only thing that could change this, is if the atack did splash dmg. I'm guessing your tower does have splash dmg, but I don't see how it's DMG would reach over 2k.
    Did you just put a random number as his dmg ?

    I noticed that too, and I am aware it is the dmg in 20 seconds. xD I calculated the dmg of lifetree atatcked once every second, which is probably better.

    I know the cards aren't completely balance, but they are more for the concept rather than the balance.

  4. [quote='ladadoos' pid='8346' dateline='1437435005']
    Great job! Perhaps the power of the mine is a bit too low though. The second card, "Twilight Unite", is a pretty interesting one. However, the Twilight Hulk is in my opinion the best.
    A little bit off-topic: I don't understand why some creatures weren't able to be acquired in card form. Two examples are: Twilight Hulk and Bandit Sniper.

    Does anyone have a logical reason as to why these weren't added?

    The links actually messed up and you ended up missing the actual second card. >.

  5. I made some cards, IDK if they are any good, but I like them:

    [url=http://www.bfcardcreator.com?task=quicklink&cid=9508]Floating Lifetree[/url]

    [url=http://www.bfcardcreator.com?task=quicklink&cid=8930]Twilight Unite[/url]

    [url=http://www.bfcardcreator.com?task=quicklink&cid=8929]Twilight Hulk[/url]

    [url=http://www.bfcardcreator.com?task=quicklink&cid=8931]Bandit Mine[/url]

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