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Posts posted by InsaneHawk

  1. Hello Skylords !

    I'm here today to tell you that we will be streaming this Saturday at 3 PM CEST
    (Check the countdown here : http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?iso=20160910T15&p0=195&msg=BattleForgeReborn+Stream&font=cursive&csz=1)


    Stream will be there as usual : http://www.twitch.tv/battleforgereborn

    So what's going to be in this stream ?

    - We'll talk about a lot of stuff concerning the project.
    - We'll give you updated informations about the current development of the game.
    - We'll answer your questions as usual.
    - More....

    So be sure to be present this Saturday at 3 PM CEST !

    Thank you skylords as usual ! And I'll see you, in the stream !


  2. Hello guys !

    Today we have a great news ! We recruited few days ago a new developer @Inwutsch ! 
    Thanks to him, hopefully we'll fix the problem we encounter since a long time, entering in-game !
    We'll give you more update soon about the progress, and what's going on ! Be sure to check out our dev platform

    Skylords Reborn Staff.

  3. 1 minute ago, Kaliber84 said:

    Great to hear about the cracked clients.

    But I honestly wouldn't want to play when PvP is enabled (already voted). IMO forcing people to accept PvP is just way worse than forcing people to not PvP.
    Is it possible to do a big non-PvP zone around the spawn if PvP gets enabled? That way one is at least able to relax while being in town.

    That's why we don't activate it for now ^^ We're thinking about it, and we'll give an update on that as soon as we're 100% sure about the solution around this problem.

  4. We'll allow cracked version from today at 9 PM CEST ! :) We'll need to restart the server, and after that, you'll be able to login with a cracked version.
    We are not going to activate for now PVP in the survival world, we need to think about that a bit and consequences before doing anything.

    Thank you ! :)

  5. 7 minutes ago, veryhasted said:

    Using Towny instead of GreifPrevention would allow for a better community to run within the server as people would actually be living together instead of scattered around the world.

    We're under Bukkit, and version 1.9, I'm not that sure that this plugin exist 

    13 minutes ago, Ladadoos said:

    @InsaneHawk What does PVP exactly consist of? Killing the enemy and stealing only the items they had in their inventory ? Only killing them ?

    PVP consist in just killing other players and get the stuff they had basicly (in their current inventory)

  6. 1 minute ago, BionicReaper said:



    Edit: Btw hello dere @InsaneHawk

    Ahah hello there ! :)

    Well we're under 1.9 because most of the plugins are under this version. Also changing a version on minecraft is something really easy and fast with the actual launcher. :D

  7. 6 minutes ago, japoo said:

    Is pvp/raiding allowed? >:)

    PVP isn't allowed, for PVP players we're actually working on another type of world that should let you fight agaisnt each other :)
    If people want it activated in majority in the survival world, we can enable it

    By the way, the Day/Night system is temporary fixed, we'll need to rework it a bit.

  8. 4 hours ago, LetsEinfallslos002 said:

    I guess...Night/Day in Survival is deactivated? played a while and every time was day.. I hate that sunlight. I want to see the dark side of the server ;)

    No it's not normaly ! :o I'll check that

    As we said, it should be a 1.9 version (Just 1.9, not 1.9.1 or whatever, 1.9)
    You client shouldn't be modded. If there's a lot of cracked version that wanna play, just let me know, I'll able it

  9. 56 minutes ago, Nerevar said:

    Unfortunatelly I'm stil at university when the stream's going to start but I hope it'll be long enough so I can see something afterwards at least. Any estimated lenght?

    Replay going to be on Youtube, I suppose? Wanna make sure I don't miss a single minute ... damn :hype: ^^'

    Replay will be on Twitch & Youtube for sure. I don't have any idea about the lenght :x

  10. 16 minutes ago, sylvix95 said:

    An important question, since i cannot watch the stream this saturday, is this stream will be the only way to earn an access to the Closed Beta Test ?

    You'll get informations on how you'll be able to win your access ! We'll make a topic after the stream that will recap what we said. You'll also be able to watch the stream in replay. :)

  11. Hello Skylords !

    I'm here today to tell you that we will be streaming this Saturday at 3 PM CEST
    (Check the countdown here : http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/to?iso=20160611T15&p0=195&font=cursive&csz=1)


    Stream will be there as usual : http://www.twitch.tv/battleforgereborn

    So what's going to be in this stream ?

    - First of all, we're going to close the trailer contest during the stream, so that means that we have our winner !
    You'll discover our OFFICIAL TRAILER at the very early of the stream, so be sure to be there !
    - Then we'll move on some news, about the dev as usual, the recruitment, and what's up in general with the project.
    - After that we'll do an announcement regarding a possibility for everyone to earn his Closed Beta Test access ! Be sure to be there !
    - And finally, we'll finish this stream with a FAQ with you, as usual, you'll be able to ask your questions and we'll answer them.

    So be sure to be present this Saturday at 3 PM CEST, hope you will like what we've prepared so far for this stream !

    Thank you skylords as usual ! And I'll see you, in the stream !


  12. Hello Skylords !

    I'm proud today to introduce our new voice server, that will be on Discord ! (and not on teamspeak anymore, as for now).
    Some of you may ask, what is discord ? Well, here's the 'little' description then ;)

    Discord is a character from my little poney... uhm wait, that's wasn't what I wanted to say, let me start over.

    Discord Description

    Discord is a free voice over IP software that let you, talk, write, with people on a server. It's working as teamspeak or skype, but in a better way.
    You can join a discord server directly in a browser, but you can also download the free desktop app or phone one, to join your servers.
    You'll have to create an account to save the servers where you were invited, and all your settings if you wish to.

    Remember that this software is 100% (even for creating servers) and will always be.

    Why choosing Discord and not other softwares ? I'll let you check this image, It'll explain you everything needed ;)


    How to join our discord server ?

    Well, it's going to be really easy, you can download the discord desktop app here : https://discordapp.com/apps
    Then once you downloaded it, and installed it, you can click on 'Join a server' and put this URL ? : https://discord.gg/0y3WGMGXhd5q2lXA

    It should look like this :

    59e8c5bfc0.jpg a2beea1b55.png

    And that's it ! Enjoy your stay on Discord ! and don't hesitate visit this page to learn more about the software and how it's working -> https://support.discordapp.com/hc

    For more information, you can check out @Kiwi's guide to Discord over here: 


  13. 3 hours ago, Paulson79 said:

    its not about hype

    I was asked for contact via skype and after few attempts... 0 feedback

    You can imagine, that it doesnt feel right... So if they concider my offer, it would be good to at least recieve a message: we are busy right now, we will contact you soon

    But so far I have no message in my box, so that's, what makes me doubt

    Besides this project with non-profit company will require some adjustments from me and my fiance... and these adjustments cant be done just in one day

    Hello Paulson,
    I remember that you added me on skype few days after my messages, I was currently really busy, that's why you didn't get any answers, that's mostly the case for everyone, even on my projects beside this one.
    I'll try to catch you as soon as possible on skype, so we'll be able to talk about that !

    Sorry for the late response.


  14. I didn't say that as an official statement @Treim, not at all. This was an average date of our hope of getting something working related to game mostly (so it means CBT right after, not any kind of release)
    Development takes a lot a time and we can't really guess until we can at least enter the game, since we'll may encounter many troubles & problems, that's really hard to guess.

    So here's the official statement

    1. We don't have any release date for CBT yet
    2. We don't have any release date for the full game yet
    3. We hope that in the upcoming months, we'll be able to enter in-game at least ('upcoming month' doesn't mean 1 or 2 months)
    4. Until we have a company (cf. Recruitment) we won't start the full game. (for safety reasons)


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