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  1. hey everytime i try to open the game it gives me 1 update and its done and i press play it gives me error msg and closes. i was playing this morning and game crashed and since then i cant open it. i tried restarting my laptop and same thing.
  2. Hey i am having a similar problem. i download the game on my laptop it updated everything that needs to be done so that i can play but when i hit the play button this error pops up. i attached a photo of it please let me know what i need to do.
  3. my game doesnt respond after i finish the map whenever i it finishs and i try to click on close the screen freezes. what should i do ?
  4. i tried again same thing keeps giving different msg like access denied or cant find the file specified and after that it delete the updater by it self.
  5. mine keeps giving different error msg and then delete the updater as is the unzipped/extracted update version. it was working perfectly yesterday
  6. rorito97


    hey can you help, my game resolution is bad i cant see the bottom clear i can only see the top bit of the cards and cant change deck. thank you!
  7. hey man, when i download battleforge it doesnt show up as urs, it only shows up as one icon, if u have look at my first picture the orange icon. is there is a reason why i am only getting this and could this be the reason why i cant run the updater? thanks man!
  8. yea it still not working, same issue i dont know why this is happening
  9. hey man thanks for the help i tried what u told me and used the link u sent but still not working, i deleted everything and trying to re-download them and hopefully it works really wanna play this game!
  10. yea thats what i did and this keep showing up. help please !
  11. hey iam trying to run the updater but it keeps saying "please place all files from the archive into your battle forge folder" and i have the updater in the BF folder is there any other files other than the updater need to have in the BF folder? thanks!
  12. yea same is happening to me, maybe we need to wait till the game is 100% working for it to launch
  13. i tried to download it from both links but when it reach the end it just stop, is something i am missing here? also is the open beta any day between the the 19 and the 25 or it will be opened on the 19 which is today. thanks
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