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  1. DominikS liked a post in a topic by MephistoRoss in Card and upgrade collector tool   
    Since everybody will start in Battlefore Reborn with just the starting cards and 0 upgrades, it will probably be the easiest way to gain the majority of the upgrades by playing PvE maps. Therefore, I made a tool in excel to help collecting cards and their upgrades. The idea is that you can insert all the cards you have and the upgrades you want (optional with a priority) in the tool and it will tell you which maps you will need to play. I added card information like edition, faction, type, tier, rarety, counter, size, power, swift/flying and the lootlist so you can easily sort and filter. Note that I inserted all data manual, so please let me know if you find a mistake.
    Screenshot 1: First tab 'Cards'
    Here is how it works:
    The columns that you need to insert yourself on the tab 'Cards' are:
    -Own: the amount of that card that you own, all cards that are owned will automatically become bold text.
    -Upgrades wanted: the upgrades (U1, U2 and U3) that you want for each card, dont include upgrades that you already got. Please note that you need to use "U1" "U2" and "U3" as the tool only will detect it that way.
    -Priority: the priority of the upgrades that you want (this is optional), you can decide yourself what kind of scale you want to maintain, the tool will work as long as you only use numbers.
    -(Price): the price of the card in the AH (this is an optional column that is not used in the rest of the tool), you can decide yourself if and how you want to use this. For example you can insert the last price you bought the card for or you can keep it updated with the current price of the card or insert the average lowest buyout price.
    On the tab 'Upgrades wanted per map' it will show you the amount of card upgrades per map you filled in with U1 U2 U3 on the 'cards' tab. I made two views for this, on the top list I split up each difficulty and on the bottom list it has all maps/difficulties as a total (see screenshot 2). If you sort on priority, it will give you the total priority you assigned for all cards of which the upgrades are on that map. If you didnt use the priority column on the first tab, than you can sort it on the Upgrades so you get the maps with the most upgrades that you want. 
    I already marked all the starting cards as 'Owned' and I set some priorities as example (see screenshot 1). On the second tab you can see that Bad Harvest on standard has 10 upgrades of cards I marked with U1 in the 'Upgrades wanted' column on the first tab and those 10 upgrades have a total priority of 28 making it the highest priority. This means I should play Bad Harvest on standard first for getting the upgrades that I want. After earning the upgrades, I should of course remove the ones I got from the first tab so that the total priority is recalculated automatically. You should keep in mind that for using upgrade 2 or 3 you will need upgrade 1 of course, so I suggest you start with the standard maps.

    Screenshot 2: Second tab 'Upgrades wanted per map'
    I added some macros on the first tab (in the .xlsm file) to make searching for a card even easier and I added a couple buttons to clear the search, clear all filters and a default sorting method (by tier, faction, own) (see screenshot 1). But in case you dont want to use macros, I also added the normal .xlsx file (there is also a search option if you press the downward arrow for filtering). The file with macros has a minor bug though, when you filter on something the grey/white lines wont be alternately (different sortings works fine though). Normally I would assign the data as a table to fix this, but if I do that the macros will give errors because they reset the filters. Therefore I had to use conditional formatting based on even/odd row numbers. I will look into this later, but it is not a real problem though.
    If people find a tool like this usefull, it would be great if the Devs could make something in the distant future so you can easily extract the data of cards you own and upgrades you have from the website so you can just copy/paste it in this excel file (or even better if they could integrate this excel functions in the website).
    As a last note: the Amii edition upgrades are not possible to earn by playing PvE maps (you could only get them with tokens), it is uncertain if the Devs will change this. Also the following cards will need confirmation for U1: Twilight Creeper, Architect's Call, Northland Drake, Firesworn, Dying Breed, Cluster Explosion, Lost Converter, Revenant's Blessing, Lost Banestone, Lost Warlord, Sylvan Gate, Deathglider, Vileblood and Hatecaster. 
    Please let me know what you think about this tool and if you have ideas to improve it or if you have got any questions.
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