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Posts posted by Teclis

  1. Hey guys, I have really been looking foreward to this for at least a year, so a month more or less will not make a difference. Especially not considering the reasoning!
    So good luck to the test-takers, eat enough :-D and I'll see you ingame, when you guys decide to release. Take your time! We all understand you!

    Thank you for your wonderful effort!

  2. On 27.3.2017 at 8:20 PM, Cocofang said:

    If they actively lock content/functionality behind a paywall or want reoccurring payments, I would be fucking out.

    Forcing grinds onto people to manipulate them into coughing up money was basically what the original BF did and it was tedious as hell. If they absolutely want to have microtransactions in this reboot, the most ethical way to go about it would be cosmetics that you can ALSO unlock by playing (albeit associated with a lot of playtime because they are in no way essential). For example the Harvester had a promo version that was fully upgraded and had a different skin. You could sell these different skins (without the upgraded part) that you could attach to the respective card.

    The problem is that BF was built from the ground up to support a payment model that is based on collectible trading cards. Get randomized stuff from boosters (mostly just trash) or buy it directly from the AH. Either way, you needed BFP.

    What I would love to see is that you start with a basic set of cards, maybe even the ones you got from the original BF. Then, after you finish a certain map you have the choice between one predetermined card of your choosing or a randomized (maybe map-specific) booster. That would retain the "collectible trading cards" feeling without contaminating it with a sleazy crash grab. Or something like that.


    Basically, what would maybe even incentivize me to pay a couple bucks is, if I could see that they don't actively impede people in order to get them to pay money. No forced grinds or restrictions. A 100% leveled playing field between paying and non-paying players. But without something that inspires my honest support, I really don't feel like paying for something again that I already had.

    I generally like the Idea, but this complete ignorance t how the world works is not ok.

    Just think on what you are saying there, everyone has to invest the same amount of TIME, to achieve the same thing, right? (same skill level as a prerequisite) Sounds fair?

    Well, it is not, since not everyone has the same amount of time at their disposal, which is not fair either. The world is not a fair place and havin the possibility to trade some money, for a quicker progress in order to keep up with your friends is not a bad thing.

    But I generally agree, that there has to be an additional reward system which gives cards. Boosters would be a lot better IMO, since they incentivize replayability. But also a "bost" system like the old bf, with more-gold, exp, etc. would definately be a good thing for many people.

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