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  1. CrispyChicken liked a post in a topic by Maze in Skylords Marketplace Journal (SMJ)   
    I decided to implement a few additional feature that were suggested, and were on my list in some way anyway, so I just went ahead and coded them up. But keep in mind that they are only in a preliminary state and layout changes are highly probable. It was surprisingly fast to code with 2 long evening sessions. xD
    Anyway, the features are:
    - add cards to a favorites list that is stored locally in your browser
    - filter the cards on the main page with your lists or a List Code
    - copy the List Code of the currently filtered cards
    - set the favorites list with a List Code so you don't need to click on the favorite button for every card
    - copy the current favorites List Code so you can store it in a textfile or somewhere else in case you want to switch browsers or devices
    - calculate the total amount of gold to upgrade a list/all cards and how much bfp it would cost to complete your collection with some additional adjustable settings (filtering is done with a List Code)
    You are now probably wondering what a List Code is, it's simply a string of SMJ ids that are joined together.
    Example: "A1A2A3A4A5A6A7" is a list of all the newest cards (the order doesn't matter). The List doesn't have a maximum size, so go crazy with it. xD
    You can also place as many commas or spaces in the string if that helps you with readabiliy, but they are removed when stored in the localStorage, it also removes duplicate ids and sorts the ids for better readability when you copy it again.
    I set it up to allow the addition of other personal lists in the future, but I haven't coded that yet. Nonetheless, you should be able to adjust the value of the "lists" key in your localStorage to manually add another list and use it on the main page. 🙂
    I haven't tested every little detail yet, so please tell me if you notice any weird behavior/have problems with the usability and have a better suggestion.
    On a side note, I also fixed a few bugs (Mini Booster values were wrong, Card Auction Details didn't change when the card changed) and added some tooltips here and there.
    Next I really have to fix the prices, since the Long Term and Notables data haven't updated for a few days and the I should finally migrate the old data from before the patch 🙈
  2. CrispyChicken liked a post in a topic by Maze in Skylords Marketplace Journal (SMJ)   
    these might also interest you then: 🙂
    https://smj.cards/api/buyouts (current buyouts by card)
    https://smj.cards/api/details   (current details by auction)
    the full data from the details api will be used by the reinstation of the deals page once it's done, but currently it is only used by the current auctions at the bottom of each card page 🙂
    lol, didn't notice that, but yeah sucks to be nox trooper xD Luckily there is at least no card with 500 as the id, xD
    I should be able to change that, but I don't think that many people look for nox trooper by it's official id either way. xD
  3. CrispyChicken liked a post in a topic by Maze in Skylords Marketplace Journal (SMJ)   
    New Website is now available, check out the main post for all the juicy details. Enjoy! 😉
    (I just hope my server is able to handle all of you. xD)
  4. CrispyChicken liked a post in a topic by Maze in Skylords Marketplace Journal (SMJ)   
    Hey, I am working on the new version of the website and since it is pretty close to being viable I will finish it up and won't update the old site anymore. I hope to release the new version by new year 🤞.
  5. CrispyChicken liked a post in a topic by Maze in Skylords Marketplace Journal (SMJ)   
    The site is updating again and the bot has a lot of new features. 😉
  6. Maze liked a post in a topic by CrispyChicken in Skylords Marketplace Journal (SMJ)   
    no cards/table shown in view "cards -> display as table"
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