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Randomized Decks


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Having played the game for so many years, you always default to the most optimal and best cards you have at your disposal, this can trivialize the game's difficulty especially if you're adept at RTS games. Sure, you can deliberately choose "worse" cards, but it lacks external incentive, sometimes personal achievements aren't enough of a reason to challenge yourself.

My suggestion is a "randomized deck" option for all missions in the world map, have a set of units, buildings and spells for each tier and some consideration to the orb colors and factions, like not having Batariel and Forest Elder in the same deck, unless you have something like enlightenment in the pool, also include at least some form of anti-air / melee / ranged. To incentivize using a randomized deck, you could have extra rewards for players using randomized decks as it challenges players to try new strategies and cards that they never would've used before. It would also be interesting if you could have cards you do not own in the deck so that beginners would be able to try new cards. The cards you don't own would be unupgraded, while the ones you own, would reflect their respective upgrade levels, so that there wouldn't be a power imbalanced if you got a really good card, but unupgraded, it would be far weaker.

This would give players a reason to use the 80% of cards in the game that go unused every day.

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