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I'm curious about what nationalities form our community. Where are you from? I'm from the Netherlands. Results: Total amount of players in the results: 590 Different nationalities: 66 To check if someone is in this list or to easily see the results from a specific country, click Ctrl + F and write the word(s) in the window that pops up (top right corner). The scrollbar will have yellow stripes if it detects what you wrote. Germany: 157 ( @Groping , @Aryze , @CyberReXxX , @Treim , @Kamina , @Waldmonk , @manafarbe , @Keksbendiger , @TheReborn , @dog0815 , @wa2magge , @WotdeFack , @BoltMague , @xHighTech , @Mithrandir , @HeroPat , @Upcrafter , @Cyruel , @Focus Me I'm Famous , @Japanda , @Marco3104 , @Taker , @Perendi , @ImperatorSK , @TulDuru , @cean , @lFrostAvatar , @GreenSapphire , @susG , @Adita , @BroSam96 , @Chibiterasu , @Shock_Viper , @Rondine , @Urgonar , @Sungar , @Estaor , @KlingiPvp , @Mechcash , @Kiliangg , @rafide , @Hirath , @Dex2 , @LetsEinfallslos002 , @Amergo , @Gimel , @Carcosa , @Tiberium , @EraizeR , @RadicalX , @Nachtalb , @Alphatoast , @ZexionVII , @XxAndroidx , @Anonymos , @derzarbor , @Jolares , @HolyFreak , @Pennywise , @twofist , @Twinson , @Cryoclasm , @timotamun , @Takumi , @Lohle , @Trico , @Wortex1998 , @Relakor212 , @GadaiGER , @ElementG , @Hollwie , @Inpulse , @Sanctum , @Drezrak , @Hirath, @icebear1 , @Jumpman , @Phoenix , @kainor83 , @Micro , @Hamatori-chan , @RenNagasaki, @Lindor, @kingade, @Maximen111, @Delok , @ManGa , @Yinpoukeen , @Yoshii92 , @PhaloX , @KoboldK , @Tytraso , @KonaiLP , @Riviute , @Fyrez , @Complex , @Lumix , @Wolfsreiter , @RealDekka , @Maze , @Wondestarc , @Shotty , @cuteLordCat , @chargeR , @Fifaman1001 , @Seemkill , @Einarson , @Darkblaster , @Disapatcher, @Phoenix313 , @Kosmodan , @Blackbreeze , @Kaliber84 , @Twinson , @Swordsworn , @Coristo, @Freystep , @DukeEvil , @Funnymaker , @Keskonrix , @Volin , @Headbanger , @ZombieSchnitzel , @Howdini , @HiyaMC , @Astamith , @Portanova , @Palmolive , @Kraenk , @BloodyHell , @darkwolf147, @Dyona , @Doom-Lord, @Quatzel, @Gornjak , @Lexxx , @Deesce , @Tortawrer , @Tjey , @Salyra , @Indifer , @Alucard , @Nachtalb, @Bogenmnnchen , @Froehli , @Nizaro , @saltona , @Sydria , @AppletotheD , @FoxGold , @Protan , @DOoFiT , @Eierschneider , @Terrorwave12@Virus, @AtzenEngel, @Doggymon, @Eyvn) The Netherlands: 43 ( @Ladadoos , @MarbSlonk , @MrXLink , @Tommy , @martijndrenth , @Blank , @ikke2902 , @Gijs , @Battleforge , @Xitech , @Dhrkaas , @MephistoRoss , @henkiediedeloe , @dreadcore , @SweetPotato , @Eddio , @Lord NullPointer , @FaKamis , @Thug Life , @wobbieo , @Chimerae , @DarkWarriorNL , @Naradien , @MrOwnz12 , @GroenKapje , @MrBoa , @shadowxxs77 , @TheDare , @japoo , @SilenceKiller99 , @ThaaLegend , @Kessler , @mafiofreak , @Denhaag , @Marcio785 , @Wesownzz , @Foksnor , @Mitch , @Sp0re_FreAk , @MR_CHAOS , @Opa , @Emile , @Banaan2001) Poland: 34 ( @Coach , @Aazrl , @Dreadcharger, @SpookiNate , @Florek , @olekkrol, @Kamporx , @Alcatrass , @Raishinshi, @Circadia , @wojter322 , @DreamsXX2PL , @ampreos , @krysstekPL , @NorQuel , @olekkrol , @Smok , @LunoroPL , @GarettZriwin , @Dallarian , @Kahetabi , @koleczki123 , @Endrahill , @Sensei , @LeJa , @Woody , @Murhaaja, @malekitr , @Souzest , @Czizii , @gniewny , @Rastaman0101 , @Elixia , @Badacz95) France: 23 ( @Alendorf, @InsaneHawk , @roy_raider , @MasterGear , @FRMIMo , @Dylanbou28 , @deadsoul68 , @Stromgald , @GiveItNow , @SkyOx , @phosphorbeta444 , @alex33399 , @Batdouls , @Pandeell , @sylvix95, @Sabre , @HypeNoiZ , @Hutgin , @Rezendark , @Nywa , @Malorkem , @Akira21 , @Kinri) Belgium: 21 ( @TheGodKiller , @TheSInEater, @ibotje , @bramkriek , @BheadR , @stefai , @LordRaptoros , @RJay , @Dodotron , @FooFaFie , @Thornadus , @Reinard , @LeetPawner , @MetalForgeLord , @Defqon , @Instigator, @EonBen , @bramkriek , @Eowyn Cloud , @Neox , @valdese) United States: 22 ( @KyleSull , @Eirias , @FarRock , @ndclub , @PhoebusRevenio , @samsin99 , @Zenofton , @XxHARVESTERxX , @forger , @Dralic , @Darian DelFord , @shademan , @Loptous , @forger2 , @Haruka , @Itennu , @Draknoron , @YourGrandad , @Sglaz , @gameorckiller , @Tinery, @BashDaInsane) England: 18 ( @Destoyerfros , @Kiwi , @MarcoReus11 , @SZTB , @Zer0duck30 , @ashros , @Ilsyde, @Frosty2011 , @ChakaHYPE , @Theprior , @TomyWomy , @sherunfree , @TheBaggyMan1878 , @ThomasMann , @MeatyChi , @Scourge , @Phoenix1664 , @Xeapor) Czech Republic: 17 ( @WatcherOfSky , @Oops , @Czechmate23 , @anonyme0273 , @Dawn , @Lokačik , @emil0 , @TheImplicator , @Vincenzoo , @pajasin , @Juicex , @Dzodin , @jaktichu , @PooRJoghurT , @Wormas , @MuckCZE , @Largos) Canada: 15 ( @Tamashii , @Pigslord , @Dexirian , @moustikus75 , @Sykole , @Grifenix , @Aragorn , @HomieGoHome, @DawsonTheFish , @Schwarzkyr , @Ezmoneysniper , @Harvester Life , @Wigglezz , @CapnCrunch , @Un1cornPower) Austria: 16 ( @DeChris , @Fimion , @Mental Omega , @Darkroy , @Kevinator , @Selensija , @Docendo_Discimus , @Helix , @Valaraukar , @PrivateHorny , @bergerb , @MeisterRihno , @Stroyer , @Shadow-Lord , @NedDeppat, @naomiku) Portugal: 15 ( @JoseAlmeida , @Shadows , @Anzu , @Obento, @fodasseman , @FreeMind , @Brane , @Dmytros, @Zizico2 , @Dazkarieh , @ChakaHYPE , @Puto Estupido , @nandym , @Tofu , @luisvaladas134) Switzerland: 14 ( @Abaddon , @Kekomi , @StarDucksCoffee aka PKcool , @Failspawn , @Machutan , @Necro Harvester , @Tisont , @Asraiel , @DerNewYork , @silvden , @Daaron , @ryolo4ever , @Aegis1020 , @steezy) Russia: 14 ( @Fatalis , @Mefesto , @Megusful , @NoTaSound , @Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) , @5MERTN1K , @BooBZ , @Esspartacus , @mcreadyfly , @Pupsik , @HellBeatMan, @Mefesto , @Masche00 , @Kligan) Sweden: 13 ( @veryhasted , @xsimon113 , @VoidTiger , @Seimpai , @blue , @Divine_Urf , @soulhealz , @Egard3 , @Emilio , @Zeentch , @Hallon83 , @pontasu , @MammasSkatt) Lithuania: 13 ( @Aironas , @Lukas , @TavoRechtsanwalt , @CerealLord , @kestas3 , @TomSz91 , @Nox , @G4M3R1S , @Strek0za , @donciusb1 , @Akylov , @lost thing5) Denmark: 11 ( @DragonOfTime , @Cetex , @beijingguy , @PlainVenom , @Hjoartendk , @Archmystic, @gizzmo , @Danito , @Yah-Kob , @GoBBLeS , @Noxgene) Croatia: 12 ( @fiki574 , @Crosego , @Mathow , @Risk , @salomex , @Xilian , @sven , @Strider , @FartBox , @Ficohaker , @Medo , @yoki21) Brazil: 12 ( @TrutaDruida , @Renanpulga , @Corinthians , @Roguzf , @fShark , @Lider , @Firown , @TheNilonGG , @alexandre9874 , @guicamarotto , @7ick , @lucas1995) Israel: 9 ( @DieToPlay , @Kroos, @talamiri , @EranShoval , @Luxiory , @GolDy , @Yotamic , @soulgain, @Fleischerrr ) Spain: 8 ( @shademan , @kestas3 , @element , @Akula , @Shalade , @Gheist , @MrSugus , @lhardy) Ukraine: 7 ( @OverlorD , @Nick , @Vladik0007 , @BigStripedCat , @Orkz , @Vovano , @mostlybad ) Greece: 7 ( @DragonCat , @TheGeekProject , @Boorinio , @RayG , @Simigr , @BionicReaper , @BFlove123) Hungary: 7 ( @Demiron , @dealen, @Azta , @P3tfacepol , @Bkingn , @wyrmy92 , @Beni123) Norway: 7 ( @damos1212 , @Fire Worm , @Bermo , @Luidimax , @Karl Jakobis , @KeyB, @Natiac) Iran: 6 ( @S4 N , @Greymane , @Khodas , @Arathorn , @sadegh , @Arsham) Australia: 5 ( @CrypticWizrd , @SparksOfFire , @Azzarocks , @Demonic55331 , @youto000 ) Italy: 5 ( @IceKin , @Magicrikus , @Veleno , @ferevus , @BloodArden) Serbia: 5 ( @tomasin , @Sylar , @Andrievski , @Aleksay , @Piromanijak) Romania: 4 ( @Machiavelli , @razvan , @Mitrix , @toncy ) Estonia: 4 ( @Nighthawk , @tsoods , @Taavi85 , @mudavunts) Slovenia: 4 ( @Donkey , @xXMPGodXx , @Lukaznid , @FreakGlista) Slovakia: 4 ( @Snowy273 , @kenny852 , @Lolovcek , @DarkSidersI) Finland: 3 ( @Deadlypain96 , @Lidde , @Loppastoffa) Luxembourg: 3 ( @Timotheus , @valarium , @Acedrink) Vietnam: 2 ( @Ultrakool , @MrNguyen ) Moldova: 2 ( @PaqpuK , @aodpi ) China: 2 ( @FromAfar , @Menchrese ) Japan: 2 ( @kojiji , @Akiyamachandesu ) Argentina: 2 ( @Francolocarp , @Totylcf ) Bulgaria: 2 ( @Fotti , @imanewb13) Latvia: 2 ( @Timatijs , @Skecets ) Philippines: 2 ( @Jeikob , @FeaR) Georgia: 1 ( @UBiLAVA) Albania: 1 ( @Nightguard ) Macedonia: 1 ( @NeutralJM ) Bahrain: 1 ( @Devilo ) Wales: 1 ( @Stevenl150298 ) India: 1 ( @arun792 ) Malaysia: 1 ( @Royaliate ) Somalia: 1 ( @PandaZabujca ) South Africa: 1 ( @Coldking ) Perú: 1 ( @Valriel ) Chile: 1 ( @Vixelius ) Thailand: 1 ( @KhongtheFork ) Kosova: 1 ( @Lionheart ) Iraq: 1 ( @FlyingSheep ) Egypt: 1 ( @himasami ) United Arab Emirates: 1 ( @ZoroSpy ) Republic of Korea: 1 ( @scanTpede ) Ireland: 1 ( @Kraenk) Mexico: 1 ( @adesate ) Turkey: 1 ( @IntegraWZ ) Costa Rica: 1 ( @CosmosRaven ) Palestine: 1 ( @HISSI) Saudi Arabia: 1 ( @Badr ) Sultanate of Oman: 1 ( @blackboy77 ) Bosnia: 1 ( @Babonja ) Check HighTech's What did you play ? thread.
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