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  1. BackIntoGaming liked a post in a topic by Zyna in Merry Christmas and Balancing Changes   
    Merry Christmas everyone,

    We hope you all are having a jolly time. Christmas has also reached Nyn, and therefore we'd like to give all of you a little special present. Yesterday we added a new ingame achievement which will be active until 31.12.2020 and will allow you to earn Santa Claus as a card!

    Furthermore, we're quite satisfied with how well the release launch went. There have only been minor issues and hiccups, which all were fixed relatively quickly. However, with the increase in playerbase and player activity since release, we have to take extra measures to ensure we have healthy servers. One of those measures will be an automated weekly server maintenance. This means that from now on you can expect the servers to go down every Wednesday at 7:30AM CET for a brief moment (couple of minutes at maximum), after which you will be able to play again. There will a Discord and multiple ingame notifications when the servers go into maintenance. We hope you understand this measure.

    We are currently also working on a roadmap on what you can expect from future updates. One major topic on that roadmap will be balancing changes to cards.
    As some of you might have heard already, we've been working on some changes for the last couple of months. We believe the balance between factions has drastically improved, especially in regards to factions which start with nature and frost in PvP. Therefore, the first iteration of those changes will be released on the live server on the 01.01.2021. A detailed list of changes will be released within the upcoming week, but you can already view the current list of changes from the public test server on the community wiki.

    That's it for now. Enjoy your time in the forge! Best regards as always,

    Skyords Reborn Team.
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