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  1. NotYetReady liked a post in a topic by fiki574 in Important: Open Beta Status Announcement   
    So you're bothered by the whole communication we're having with you as a community? That's the impression I got from your statement, just as the hype part you got from mine. Weekly dev posts are not enough? Discord or forums' private messages anytime as well? Streams also?
    Out of everything you can and could have quoted, you're still tied to those two words "no time", which, as me and you said, have different time frame in everyone's point of view.
  2. NotYetReady liked a post in a topic by fiki574 in [Important] Open Beta Delayed   
    "I've been in the shoes of those developers, working so hard to revive our favorite game." - Proof or didn't happen
    "I actually don't believe that those devs are able to pull this stuff. So young and lacking experience..." - Young yes, lacking experience? No. I'm 8 years in programming business so argument invalid.
    "I predict that nothing will be playable, except the forge in the next 2 years." - How so when there were so much testers playing and streaming stuff from old server?
    I'd like to see you reverse engineer a game completely, then code a server counterpart for it, then make an application that can edit game files you didn't have a clue about how they work. Oh, and make it all in timespan of 2.5 years. The amount of work I've put into this is immense, I won't tolerate anyone bashing my 2.5 years work.
    As @Ultrakool said and this may sound arrogant, if there wasn't for me you'd still be stuck with dev updates regarding old C# server, let alone have a new version rewrite at the point it is currently. If I snap, quit and don't come back, you won't be able to play this game until 2020 so be grateful. Point me to a project or game studio that has weekly updates as we have and is involved with their community as we are. That's what I thought, you can't, so be sure you collectively don't mess up whole staff<>players relationship.
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