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Posts posted by Bratzmeister

  1. @Bratzmeister I really like your idea of promoting maps that are rarely played. It both enables game content to be played more frequently that wouldn't be otherwise and at the same time gives an incentive to play more multiplayer. The rewards you suggested are too big though. IMO it should be 50-100BFP depending on the difficulty and time needed. Everything with 200BFP and more is already half a booster for playing one or two maps which is too much. Also if there is a reward it should be only achievable once per week preventing grinding on a map.
    But I see a big problem with the suggestion though. It is strictly PvE and everyone who doesn't like that is being treated unfair because he doesn't get those juicy BFP. If this is implemented it should be to complete either "win x difficulty on 12-player map y" or "play x PvP matches on map y"(or something similar). So both PvE players and PvP players are able to do the challenge and receive the reward but you don't get more if you do both.

    I like your comments about the too big reward and yes it shouldn't be BFP that's right. Maybe some other reward like "after killing a boss in the map there will 2 cards drop instead of one" (double chance of obtaining the upgrade you look for). And yes IF the reward was BFP it should be only once in the week (as I said a quest). 

    Anyways I have to disagree with you in the point that there should be a "pvp version" of this. Because first of all, PVP-Players need upgrades too and they don't like rPVE at all. So this actually benefits them (if you cut the BFP reward, you are right this shouldn't be implemented as i suggested before, because then people just play it for BFP and the PVP-Players would miss out on a lot of BFP or being forced to play PVE (once a week tho)). Secondly a "PVP-version" wouldnt be good because this is all about promoting rarely played (mostly 12player) Maps, so that people are able to obtain rewards by playing PVE-Missions (the fastest way) instead of having to grind rPVE for weeks.

    I hope this clarified my intentions a bit. Please reply if you have further questions or something is not clear.

  2. Oh, before EA thought of ways to milk the game then :P

    It was very p2w and not enjoyable back then too after they started releasing new card packs they were more expensive than normal boosters and almost every card was OP and they did not get nerfed for 2 month or something (you got kicked from lobbies even on normal difficulty if you didn't bring card x and pvp was not enjoyable at all ,that's when I quit). Even though the game was Pay2Play It was not possible to earn BFP without buying them or AH trading. I didn't have much money at this time and I just did not want to spend anymore so I quit. If the game didn't get abused this hard by the publisher it would have been one of the most successful rts (and tcg, since those were not present at this time). 

    Anyways lets stay on topic :)

  3. I think you will be happy to know that tokens will almost for sure be removed from the game, and that Gold will be the new currency used to upgrade. Furthermore, upgrades will most likely not be destroyed when you remove them from cards. To re-apply them, you will need to pay Gold. 

    Ah nice, I think it was this way in the very beginning when I played too (before tokens). But my memory might trick me since it was like 5 years before.

  4. Yes I think so too. I read a lot in the forums here and people were complaining about having to grind rPVE for ages to get upgrades.

    Pardon the pun, but...back in my days, when I was playing Battleforge...we didn't grind rPVE (this was just a new gamemode and another lame excuse of EA for not bringing new PVE-content, tokens didn't even exist) for upgrades! We had to play the PVE Missions on advanced and expert difficulty. So yeah it was hard to find a team to play 12p advanced or expert, even 4p was very rare (atleast on expert). Actually it didn't happen (4p rarely did, 12p not at all), so I was stuck at U2 with some cards. IMO instead of introducing tokens EA should have gone this path and promote existing maps. Anyways introducing PVP-tokens probably was a good move. 

    Disclaimer: I never played with Token-System so maybe I misunderstood something.

  5. The purpose of the map of the week was to challenge each other's skill levels by beating it as quick as you possibly could. Not to grind the exact same thing over and over again. There probably were some players who did that regardless though...

    Maybe I have been missing something (tbh I only played Battleforge in it's first year and quit shortly after the first Card Pack (the one with swiftclaw) after the Renegade Expansion was released).

    What I proposed is not related to something existant before. By "Map of the Day" I proposed a system (see my previous posts) which helps to make unpopular maps "popular". So that people are able to earn rewards of them which they otherwise would not (because of lack of interest, empty lobbies in 12player maps etc.).

    Maybe it would be possible to make a "Weekly Quest" (big reward) which is the same for everyone. Which you can complete and get a reward. Then you could complete it in other map difficulties (optional) and earn extra rewards.

    Main objective:

    • "Succeed in <insert 12player map here> 0/2 on any difficulty setting"  -> Reward: 500 BFP 

    optional objectives:

    • "Succeed in <insert 12player map here> on "advanced" difficulty 0/1" -> Reward: 100 BFP
    • "Succeed in <insert 12player map here> on "expert" difficulty 0/1" -> Reward: 200 BFP
    • "Succeed in <insert 12player map here> with a maximum of 8 players on any difficulty" -> Reward: 200 BFP
  6. Map of the Day would be hard to make I think, would make the map be very repetitive as the same maps would need to come back or we would hardly have enough maps.

    Yes that is what it is supposed to be. So that maps which are not often played (especially on higher difficulties), those are mostly 12p maps, will be played. Anyways no one is forcing you to play the "Map of the Day". The rewards should be very little so that you won't feel like "I have to play map of the day because I would potentially miss out on a booster or two if I don't play Map of the Day all day long. 

  7. Hello Skylords,

    when i was playing Battleforge long long time ago, i could play some maps(often the big 12player maps) not very often (to less players at the same time were interested in it).

    I dont know where to post it, but is there a plan to get some rewards, if u play these rarely played maps? (like the reward-system in wow, if u get some rewards for playing as tank or healer)

    I think it will be hard, to compare this with the daily system.


    Best regards,

    Nico aka Lohle

    I think this is very important.

    I'd suggest to make a "Map of the Day" or "Map of the Week" which 75% is a 12 player map and 25% a 4 player map. Those give some extra reward (very small amount of BFP or extra Gold or Tokens). This way everyone can get their 12 player map upgrades and doesn't need to farm tokens in rpve (which is very boring).

    First off, the amount of people who play solely solo PvP is so small it's niche. You can't account for them in this case as they account for such a small part of the userbase. With that said, there's a clear distinction to be made between a MP daily and a normal daily. The way you put it makes it sound like all PvE dailies say "Beat 1 map". From what I've understood, there will be quests in the style of "Beat map X". This is where having a generic multiplayer quest such as "Beat a map with X players in you party"  is a good thing. If everyone has different dailies, then they can't play together in a feasible amount of time. This way you can even do dailies by way of rPvE. For solo players (who I firmly believe are in the minority)m rerolling would then yield you with a generic solo quest ("Beat solo map X" or just simply "Beat map X").

    Rerolling is not as redundant as you make it out to be.

    Not sure if this thread is about Quest design, but as a generic quest I thought we are talking of something in the like of:

    1. Use X Spells on enemy units.

    2. Kill X enemy units.

    3. Deal X damage.

    4. Spawn units with worth a total of X Energy.


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