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Watcher (1/34)



  1. I'm aware debuff is set to 10 sec and is meant to reapply once to provide 20 sec teleport immunity, Issue is that when a unit moves over to the teleport area the bug refreshes itself for another 20 sec. (so you can end up with nether warp duration +20 sec no teleport). If you place another nether warp from a diffrent affinity below the unit to chain teleports a moment too soon, your second cast is wasted, beacuse the buff will refresh itself and the durantion of the new teleport will run out before new instance of 20 sec debuff passes. Severly limits use of double nether warp (two affinity) in decks and some other cool shenanigans in mp.
  2. Using burrow ritual green affinity on units crashes the game every time, even though red affinity doesn't. I've tested with tunnel exit structure, sylvan gate and deepcoil worm burrow set as exit, all result in crash; however, if you miss all units with the spell cast the spell resolves normally (even though there is nothing to be teleported) and the game does not crash (so it only crashes because of the telepotration itself, not because of casting the card or visual effects that follow) Tested in forge only.
  3. delete please, moved thread to bug reports, mb
  4. NAME: All time rankings bug DESCRIPTION: All time rankings don't take into account current month if you were not on last month rankings. So if player X had a time of 10 mins last month and this month his time was 9 mins, it's gonna show in all time properly - but if a player Y had a time of 8 mins this month and no times recorded last month, it won't show up in 'all time' at all. REPRODUCIBILITY: n/a SCREENSHOT/VIDEO: n/a LOG: n/a ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Should show up as... all time. so It should show the best results a player had this month even though he didn't have any records month before. Check 1 player bg for easy reference.
  5. NAME: amii booster desc. typo DESCRIPTION: :"strenght" istead of "strength" in the amii booster description in the store page. REPRODUCIBILITY: always SCREENSHOT/VIDEO: attached LOG: n/a ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: n/a
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