[13:57:53] main(): Initializing Launcher
[13:57:53] main(): Game started
[13:57:53] main(): Game ready
[13:57:53] Proxy::Run(): Listening for local connection
[13:57:59] SecureServerSocket::AcceptConnection(): Connection from 16777343:4294967294
[13:57:59] Proxy::Run(): Received local connection
[13:58:00] Proxy::HandlePacket(): Connecting to server: Borderline
[13:58:00] Borderline: Started listening
[13:58:00] Borderline: KeepAlive Request
[13:58:00] Borderline: Packet forwarded to the server
[13:58:00] Borderline: Server assign sessin ID 712922268
[13:58:01] Borderline: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:01] Borderline: Packet forwarded to the server
[13:58:01] Borderline: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:01] Proxy::HandlePacket(): Connecting to server: PreGame
[13:58:01] PreGame: Started listening
[13:58:01] PreGame: KeepAlive Request
[13:58:01] PreGame: Packet forwarded to the server
[13:58:02] PreGame: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:02] PreGame: Packet forwarded to the server
[13:58:02] PreGame: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:02] PreGame: Packet forwarded to the server
[13:58:03] PreGame: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:03] PreGame: Packet forwarded to the server
[13:58:03] PreGame: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:03] PreGame: Packet forwarded to the server
[13:58:03] PreGame: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:04] Proxy::HandlePacket(): Connecting to server: Matchmaking
[13:58:04] Matchmaking: Started listening
[13:58:04] Matchmaking: KeepAlive Request
[13:58:04] Matchmaking: Packet forwarded to the server
[13:58:05] Matchmaking: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:05] Proxy::HandlePacket(): Connecting to server: World
[13:58:05] World: Started listening
[13:58:05] World: KeepAlive Request
[13:58:05] World: Packet forwarded to the server
[13:58:05] World: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:05] World: Packet forwarded to the server
[13:58:06] World: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:06] Proxy::HandlePacket(): Connecting to server: Chat
[13:58:06] Chat: Started listening
[13:58:06] Chat: KeepAlive Request
[13:58:06] Chat: Packet forwarded to the server
[13:58:07] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:07] Chat: Packet forwarded to the server
[13:58:07] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:07] Chat: Packet forwarded to the server
[13:58:07] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:07] Chat: Packet forwarded to the server
[13:58:08] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:08] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:08] Chat: Packet forwarded to the server
[13:58:08] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:08] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:08] World: Packet forwarded to the server
[13:58:08] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:08] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:09] World: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:09] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:11] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:13] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:13] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:14] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:14] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:15] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:15] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:15] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:16] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:17] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:19] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:19] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:20] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:22] PreGame: Packet forwarded to the server
[13:58:23] PreGame: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:23] PreGame: Packet forwarded to the server
[13:58:23] PreGame: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:24] Proxy::HandlePacket(): Connecting to server: Shop
[13:58:24] Shop: Started listening
[13:58:24] Shop: KeepAlive Request
[13:58:24] World: Custom command forwarded to the server
[13:58:24] World: Packet forwarded to the server
[13:58:24] World: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:25] Shop: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:25] Shop: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:26] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:28] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:29] Borderline: KeepAlive Request
[13:58:29] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:31] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:32] Matchmaking: KeepAlive Request
[13:58:33] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:33] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:33] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:36] Chat: KeepAlive Request
[13:58:37] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:37] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:38] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:39] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:40] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:40] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:40] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:40] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:41] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:43] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:44] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:46] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:46] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:48] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:49] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:51] PreGame: KeepAlive Request
[13:58:52] Shop: KeepAlive Request
[13:58:52] World: KeepAlive Request
[13:58:53] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:54] Borderline: Packet forwarded to the server
[13:58:54] Borderline: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:55] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:55] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:56] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:57] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:58] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:58] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:58:58] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:00] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:01] Matchmaking: KeepAlive Request
[13:59:02] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:02] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:02] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:03] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:03] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:03] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:04] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:04] Chat: KeepAlive Request
[13:59:06] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:06] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:06] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:07] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:08] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:09] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:10] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:10] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:10] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:10] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:11] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:13] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:14] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:15] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:17] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:18] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:19] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:19] PreGame: KeepAlive Request
[13:59:20] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:20] Shop: KeepAlive Request
[13:59:20] World: KeepAlive Request
[13:59:22] Borderline: KeepAlive Request
[13:59:23] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:24] Borderline: Packet forwarded to the server
[13:59:24] Borderline: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:24] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:25] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:29] Matchmaking: KeepAlive Request
[13:59:29] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:31] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
[13:59:32] Chat: KeepAlive Request
[13:59:32] Chat: Passed a packet to the game
@Kiwi this is what my launcher.log said after logging into the game and clicking map,store, etc. until it closed the app completely and took me back to desktop. Any help would be appreciated
I don't know why the line is there sorry....