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Posts posted by DonProm

  1. Very good points there. :)

    Still, I'll keep the point of a community poll up, since you never know. I actually want an admin to look at this post and tell me, or this community, what they think they would want to do. This is actually my main goal with this thread.

    polls for suggestions are totally fine in my opinion, but they shouldn't be decisive if the change WILL actually happen.

    Even if 90% want a specific change per poll, admins and group of skilled player should do final decision.

  2. yea think so too, maybe the devs should decide or maybe the community who is best for this job ::D

    You played fire/frost didnt you? ::D

    I played fire/frost, fire/fire, fire/nature, fire/shadow, frost/frost, frost/fire, frost/nature, shadow/nature competetively. All other decks for fun :)

  3. I dont think the rank should matter who is allowed to discuss. 

    Rather the best players (maybe who can easily reach top 5 with any deck) should be allowed to discuss. 

    For example: 

    Player A can only play pure frost (I dont call any names) but can play pure frost pretty well and reach rank 1.

    Player B can play any deck and reach top 10 with all decks at least once. 

    I think player B should be allowed to discuss about changes even if he has never reached rank 1. He is able to understand whats op and wont try to get the best result for his deck cause he is able to play all decks. 

    Bad english but I hope u can understand my poing :D

    I agree with that, but you need something to objectively measure who is "good enough" and things like "he can be top wiht any deck" is far away from that. Maybe some noteworthy results in touranments should also count.

    Oh and relying on your argumentation you are out for the job cause fire only qq

  4. So, it seems that some very nice people have come together to make something we have all wished didn't turn its back on us and desert us: Battleforge.

    EA, the worst company to ever produce games simply abandoned their best game. Now that we have that shining ray of hope that is Battlefore Reborn, we will have to come to terms with a problem that was so very apparent in the old Battleforge, and that was balancing.

    There have been many ideas of how we wanted to balance the cards in a fashion that would improve the game, but most, if not all, of these ideas were either ignored or were not even noticed in the first place. Near the end of Battleforge's lifespan, the balancing patches themselves took several months to arrive, and even then they were mostly dissatisfactory, or even game breaking (I'm looking at you, Voidstorm). It was a real mess, and I truly hope that this time around, it will be better.

    So here's a list of things we can implement that would run along the lines of balancing the game:

    -Separating card effects between pvp and pve (and perhaps even rpve)

    -having a community poll for which cards to change, how to change them, and which ones to prioritize

    -general discussion between the admins and a few elected players from playerbase (as a first step before any serious balancing), or even as a method to balance cards in general aka. "The Council of the Elite"

    -this one may be the obvious one but, just let the admins do all the balancing (which I seriously doubt would happen)

    This list can be expanded, but I can't really think of any more. I'll add more to this list if any more ideas are posted below.

    So yeah, I know that we are all excited for this new revamp of our favorite game, and I would appreciate if you post your opinion about balancing and stuff. See you guys ingame soon (hopefully :D).

    Letting the community decide what kind of "balances" should be done is actually the worst thing that could happen, because its the broad average mass who in general has no idea of the games details.

    Yust remember all the noobs crying for changes in the old bf forums?

    99% retarded posts cause they lost last game against card xy.

    People who are included in serious balance discussions should be like top 1% ranked in pvp, or dependend on the size of the player base top 0.1%.

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