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Posts posted by InsaneHawk

  1. 36 minutes ago, Valaraukar said:

    Well the only rough idea of progress I get from that percentage display is that it will take at least 10 years to finish the game. I just wanna say that a progress bar should fill if there is any progress done, cause if it doesn't fill the entire percentage display is pretty useless...

    Empty your cache if it didn't change :)

  2. Hello Skylords ! :)

    We are proud and happy to announce that Bolrader has been approved to be the newest addition to the Skylords Reborn Team!
    He's going to be one of our developer ! and also be
    REALLY helpful in the reverse engineering process.
    As you may know, we don't have much time to develop, since we're all students, and this guy actually
    HAS the time we're missing to help us a lot, and since he knows very well reverse engineering, that is going to be really helpful, and we're going to make a lot more progress, and we hope, faster.


    Welcome Bolrader in our Team ! :D

  3. If you want to apply to be an official developer for BF-Reborn, as you may know you have to apply here : http://forum.bfreborn.com/index.php?/forum/52-development/
    For this, we're searching mostly people with a very advanced level in server emulation & reverse engineering. (We're coding everything in C# by the way)

    BUT ! for the new dev plateform (located here : http://bfreborn.com:1337/ ) keep in mind that, if you're selected for this you won't be a BF-Reborn Developer, that's not the same thing.
    (To be selected, just send a message to a staff member with your application)
    On this site you'll find some files (LUA files, CFF etc.. it really depends of the need) and you'll be able to reverse them or try to understand them to help us in our job.
    So you'll need to have a good general knowledge for that.

    Hope it helped you a bit ! :)

  4. There are lots of speculations about huge christmas gift (closed beta) But if I'm correct InsaneHawk said that the game will be done by June 2016. But hey, don't take my word for good :D That's only how I remember, I might be mistaken.

    We don't have any date to give, since we don't know how much time it will take to code games.
    The only thing we're pretty sure, is that in June 2016, the server we'll be done (It means that it can be done much time before)

    Wait and see ! :) We'll give you informations as soon as possible about the actual progress.


    And as usual, thank you guys for all the support, without a community like you, this projet won't exists.. :D Love you guys <3

  5. Hello Skylords !

    We're going to be on live at 3PM (CET) on our twitch channel

    We're doing this stream to answer your questions, and give you some details, informations about our actual progress and the project itself !

    We're not going to invite more people on Technical Alpha, and you'll know why watching this stream !

    I'll see you at 3PM !

    Skylords Reborn Administrator.

    Facebook topic : https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1684160591829041&id=1631379693773798

  6. Hello guys !

    Just here today to say that we're looking for someone that actually have the HD Textures on the latest client.


    1. How can I know If I have the latest client and even the HD Textures ?

    Well, if you kept your client, follow theses steps:

    1. Open your client folder
    2. Open the file inside, called "settings.ini"
    3. Check the "clVersion" of your setting.ini, it must be like this : clVersion=409634
    4. Check the "high" of your setting.ini, it must be : high=1


    2. How can I send you my files if I have the latest client with HD ?

    Well, you can just upload your client on a website like MEGA : https://mega.co.nz/ and send me in PM the link when uploaded.


    Thank you very much !



  7. Greetings skylords !

    We're going to be on stream Sunday 27/09/2015 at 2PM (CEST) on our twitch channel, you'll be able to find it here : http://www.twitch.tv/battleforgereborn
    I'll be with MrXLink on this stream, and we're going to talk about :

    - Upcoming Alpha, some informations that testers should know.
    - Alpha Players List.
    - News about development.
    - Community Content Show-off
    - And we're going to asnwer all your questions as usual, on the twitch chat.


    Be sure to be there !


    Skylords Reborn Team.

  8. Hello Skylords !

    Over 1.000 members on the forum ! That's just amazing guys ! You're awesome <3
    Thanks you so much for the support, we didn't expect so much people, that's just insane :D

    So in this theard, we're going to introduce ourselves, to let you know us more ;)

    Let's start !

    My name is Quentin, I'm a french, I am 22 years old, living in France. I'm still a student, in computer science, and I'm a passionate of programing since 12 yo. I made a lot of projects and stuff before BattleForge Reborn (Privates, Softwares, etc..) I'm also the administator of the French Community of World Of Warcraft Emulation (http://wow-emu.fr) beside this project.
    I mainly use C# language because I really like this one :P I also like others, but not as much as C#.

    I love Manga/Anime, and all kind of music (except "rap" :D), and I'm also a player, as you :D I don't know why but sometimes when you're an admin of a project, people forget that you are also a gamer, so yes I am ! -- I'm playing a lot of games, such as Hearthstone, WoW, CS:GO, HotS, Osu!, S4L etc... (I can't quote all my games ><)

    For me, BattleForge was one of my first strategy game, and actually, my favourite. I was playing since 2009 and I bought the cd-box loooooooong time ago :D
    So when we started this project with @Blank, I was really happy and excited about it (And I'm still ! :D) and I really hope that you guys also are HYPPPPPPPED for this, because it's going to be real ! :P

    Hope now you guys know much more about myself
    Now ... Why not checking others, next to me ?

    See you soon, in the forge !

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