Hey so a friend of mine got me into the game and learned me the basics and helped me out with my deck.
and now i've made my own deck and would like to know what you guys think about it and what i should change.
It's a full fire deck ( minus 2 legends )
T1 : Nomads Green , Mine , Fire , Sunstriders
T2 : Ravage , scythe fiends , Rallying banner , enforcer , skyfire drake , firedancer
T3 : Juggernaut , Amii monument , Mo , spitfire
T4 : Batariel Red , Batariel Purple , Moloch , Fireworm , fire dragon , cluster explosion , magma fiend
i place down 1-3 Nomads and place a mine to bait out enemy troops and i repeat this until i find my second orb.
when i get my second orb i make an army mostly out of enforcers , fire dancers , skyfire drake and get my third orb.
when i get my third orb i wait until i can rush amii monument and get my fourth orb easily and proceed to clear all camps with my T4 units and provide them with enough tankiness from my T3 units and to easily clear out enemy camps with spitfire?