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Everything posted by uitre159

  1. Hi! I don't know at all where to put this, because it is not a bug, nor a suggestion, ... So here it is! With the slaver, regarding the tainted blowout (jaillissement impur) of this card, in english it says "if the unit dies it will trigger an explosion". I have tested this out, it is true. But in french, as you can see (if you understand it) it says: "If the unit dies or is transformed, it will trigger an explosion". I couldn't understand it at all, because after some testing, there were nothing after a transformation (but it works well if the unit dies)! So I decided to look at the english version of this card in the forum's cardlist aaannnd... Mistranslation! So the adequate french version is: "Si l'unité meurt ou est transformée, elle provoque une explosion". I bought this card just for this... At least it knocks back small units. Another one with the hatecaster, another card bought for 15 BFP for nothing. It is the last sentence: "Futhermore, they will not be immune to paralyse after the effect wears off" (De plus, elles ne reçoivent aucune immunité contre la paralysie une fois rétablies). Yes they do! It is the gifted evaporation that does not immune, not the tainted one! The adequate french version is: "Elles sont ensuite immunisées contre la paralysie pendant 10 secondes". I want my BFPs back I found again another one, is there a way to report all of them without making a huuuuge post ?
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