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Tam Hawkins

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Posts posted by Tam Hawkins

  1. Dude,

    if it were for the old Gameboy or the N64 then fine, these are not getting sold by the original creators anymore.

    But WiiU and 3DS games and Consoles (at least the 3ds) are still beeing sold (not sure about PS3). So saying that that is not a call to support piracy is pretty far fetched.

    I'm not 100% against piracy and I know some developer see it similiar (CD project red for example) but that is only (in my eyes) if you want a demo or to bridge the time until you can actually buy it. Saying these consoles/games are not on the market anymore and asking others to pirat them or put their games out to make it possible to pirate them is supporting piracy and has nothing to do with making sure these games stay relevant and playable. At least wait until they are really not sold anymore.

  2. One question:

    Does your Fan start spinning like crazy when that happens, because it could be that your GPU is simply overheating and shutting itself off.

    I had the same problem a while ago and even with cleaning out my PC, making sure that most dust is gone it still did not work. I needed to unmount my GPU and clean that one directly, afterwards it worked perfectly again.

  3. 4 hours ago, LittleLegend said:

    I have a blast playing Faeria ! It's a bit like Hearthstone, but with a boardbuilding aspect to it. Check it out, It's worth it and even similar to BF in some ways :)

    Faeria is pretty nice (especially for a free to play).

    Long time since I played last... wonder how it is now, probably time for a reinstall^^

  4. I find this Idea pretty good, as pvp sometimes intimidates people in the beginning, especially when a big time investment is involved.


    I have checked:

    1. 100% competitive, and designed by top PvP players

    2. All cards U3, for deck lvl 120

    As you said yourself these two are no-brainers if one supports your idea.


    4. Players get more than one free composed decks per cycle, or this composed deck is choosable each cycle

    I like the Idea of people beeing forced to get out of their comfort zone, so I don't think every deck should be avaiable and the decks one receives should be random to a degree. But some vriants are simply neither fun nor interesting for some people so having only one deck you don't like for let's say two weeks might suck all the pvp fun out of it. Because of that the number of decks should be above one, maybe two or three not much more, but that also depends how many decks there will be.


    8. Players may NOT rent composed decks:

    I think renting the decks would go against the "go out of your comfort zone" which I think is pretty important so I would like to avoid a solution where people can choose which deck they want with absolute freedom. As I said above two or three might be alright but if someone can just take the same deck over and over then you can just sell fully upgraded cards or even entire Decks, wouldn't make much of a difference.

    In addition, as this feature seems to be more for new players so having to play currency for getting this decks might be asking for a bit to much from them (you could make a mix of both though).


    10. Composed decks have slight variations, even with the same faction (i. e. there might be up to 100 different decks spread among 10 factions)

    I think this is pretty important, some variete even if it is just one or two cards each deck will make a confrontation more intense. If I already know every single action my oponent can take then I will have more option then him (as I know his deck already amd he doesn't know mine).

    This of course assumes that said decks are public which they will becomme at least one or two days after distribution.

    Wait.... 10 factions? I thought we had only 8 factions? (fire, nature, shadow, frost, twillight, Bandits, Stonekin and lost soul) Did I miss something?



    Some aditional points from me:

    1.I would like for this to be implemented a while afte rthe game launched, not right from the start. The reason for this is simply that in the beginning we all start with really weak decks so there is no need to have high level options to level the playing field. I also would rather start wiht low level cards as I like the flavor of seeing my cards become stronger.

    2.I actually don't think mentioning this is necessary but the internet teached me to be extra carefull^^.  I'm only in favour if that means we can still use our own decks and arn't forced to play with pre designed decks, that would be a big fun descalation otherwise.


  5. just black screen for me... (dam you twitch...)

    hope there will be a summary...



    To Be Honest guys, This is even better than news that Open Beta or Release is coming. For those who didnt catch it, EA Greenlighted the Project, The project will never get shutdown by EA.

    Holy... that IS great^^

  6. holy ForgeCow,

    you set the expectation anywhere but low you know that?


    I'm normally not watching streams at all but this one I will at least look into.

    One thing: do you already know how long it will be roughly? I'm asking because I have a daily data limit on my internet and streams can easily eat into that (especially if they are like 3 hours long).




  7. 2 hours ago, Drezrak said:

    There will be answers the next days, maybe today. But for now it is closed. Till 15.10. the community has to get out of the location and has to remove all their equipment.

    Hello Drezrak.

    If you could post here again after getting more information we (or at least I) would appreciate it.

    Good luck to you,



  8. Hello Drezrak,

    I see, I'm asking because they could have good or bad reasons to close it down and I couldn't find anything at all using google on that topic (just the homepage of the cafe and some other news articles that have notcing to do with it closing down).

    In that case I will sign the petition, hopefully they will at least tell you guys what this is about and hopefully refrain from closing it.




  9. Hey DefAnske,

    as a fellow student in germany I want to sign and help with your petition but I have a question first.

    On the side it says that the Cafe is threatened because of the "public construction authority" (rough translation of "Bauamt"). What are the reasons they give for closing down the cafe?

    Because in all honesty I cannot think of ANY reason for them to interfere into a small student lead cafe.


    Best Regards,


  10. Hello Everyone,

    I'm Tam from Germany (quite a lot people seem to come from germany judging from the last side in this thread)

    I have not played much BattleForge in the past.

    Only once when visiting the electronics store they had a machine set up running the game and I tried it out for a while. After playing I was determined to purchase the game but I found out fast that not only was it buy to play (which I find good in general) it also had real money purchases (the points) and both combined is an absolute disgusting business model... so I decided not to buy it in the end (with some regret as it seemed to be a really good game). Sadly I also didn't find out about the game going free to play after a while so I missed this chance to play it as well...

    Now that I have heard you are setting up a new game I'm pretty exited for trying it out.


    Best regards


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