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Posts posted by Spr09

  1. On 10/21/2018 at 5:43 AM, fiki574 said:

    Or, maybe, the effect is not to give any damage reduction, and that card description is wrong. Idk how it was in vanilla BF?

    I'm pretty sure it's supposed to since it's the blessed version of the card instead of regeneration on the crystal fiend, and like Nemoo said, that's on the wiki as the effect.

    I never used it in vanilla either so I can't say, but that reduction is definitely noticeable.

  2. Description: The blessed Crystal Fiend card ability "Use it well" says that it gives 20% damage reduction to affected units. The ability gives no damage reduction whatsoever, and is easily reproduceable in the forge with explosion.

    All other damage reductions work as far as I know, adamant skin and dryad reduction, as well as abilities, but this one only gives regeneration.

    Not sure how to number the severity of this bug, but it REALLY hurts my deck and explains why my units have been taking so much damage from enemies.

  3. No, the game just closes itself without any error or warning whatsoever. It's pretty much the same response as if you just hit alt+f4 to close the game down. The whole time I'm still connected to the server as well, and every time I've gotten a shutdown it's been right after I've interacted with the UI in the forge.

  4. So, it's not producing any error logs when I get the game closed out on me this way, but checking the logs, it seems that it might be a LUA command closing the game rather than a crash.

    The bug happens at random points in the game, and most often for me it's closing or switching windows in the forge. For example, if I switch from the news screen to the map screen, it might crash, or if I close out of the news or upgrade screen, it'll crash. There's no error logs, but there's logs of the LUA events, and here's the last one that was produced from my client:

    [INFO][Pathing]: Destroy Pathing Engine
    [INFO][UI (Lua)]: [00:06:55] OnWidgetDestroyed...ChatWindowController...
    [INFO][UI (Lua)]: [00:06:55] Close...ChatWindowController...
    [INFO][UI (Lua)]: [00:06:55] OnWidgetDestroyed...ChatWindowController...
    [INFO][UI (Lua)]: [00:06:55] Close...ChatWindowController...
    [INFO][UI (Lua)]: [00:06:55] SectionBrowser:DoExit...
    [INFO][UI (Lua)]: [00:06:55] EXIT GAME
    [INFO][PREGAME]: CharacterRemote deletion.
    [INFO][UI (Lua)]: [00:06:55] remove cooldowntimer

    My guess is that instead of something being coded to close the window, it was coded to exit the game. Here's my client's log when I entered the launcher and then closed out via alt+f4:

    [INFO][UI (Lua)]: [00:00:01] SectionBrowser:SwitchSection to Login
    [INFO][UI (Lua)]: [00:00:01] SectionBrowser.SwitchSection: Opening section 'Login'
    [INFO][UI (Lua)]: [00:00:01] ScreenFlow:Next(bf1/ui/dialogs/pregame/login/pg_login_view.xml)
    [INFO][UI (Lua)]: [00:00:01] DoTransition: bf1/ui/dialogs/pregame/login/pg_login_view.xml
    [INFO][UI (Lua)]: [00:00:01] OnNextView! #0
    [INFO][UI (Lua)]: [00:00:01] Creating view bf1/ui/dialogs/pregame/login/pg_login_view.xml
    [INFO][UI (Lua)]: [00:00:01] Created new task ReEnableLogin
    [INFO][UI (Lua)]: [00:00:01] PregameSection.Open
    [INFO][UI (Lua)]: [00:00:01] PregameSection.Open: Setting position on screen
    [INFO][UI (Lua)]: [00:00:10] remove cooldowntimer

    Here's the log as well if I go into the esc menu and exit via clicking the "exit game" button:

    [INFO][UI (Lua)]: [00:00:01] Show ActiveView
    [INFO][UI (Lua)]: [00:00:01] Created new task ActivityCheck
    [INFO][UI (Lua)]: [00:00:04] SectionBrowser:Exit...
    [INFO][UI (Lua)]: [00:00:04] EXIT GAME

    [INFO][UI (Lua)]: [00:00:04] SectionBrowser.Close

    Reproducing this bug is seemingly random for me, and I don't know which windows cause it the most. The ones I have had close on me are the map screen, the loading screen at the very beginning, the news screen while not on quests, and while moving cards from my collection to a deck in the forge.

  5. Severity: 4 (actually a fix)

    Location: user/documents/battleforge folder
    Repro, Description:
    So, after looking on the forums for a solution as to why the application wouldn't start from the launcher and finding the solution is to delete /user/documents/battleforge, which deletes my graphics settings, I found a better solution.

    It has something to do with one of two folders or a combination between the two:

    I've had a 100% success rate in getting my application to start by deleting these two folders and being able to keep my settings.

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